Remnants anomaly

Greed before need

Ozpin was right as the mysterious recorder of leon's lessons somehow set up the scroll away from the students to record the class. this meant it was impossible to use the order the students were called to figure out the identity of the person recording these lessons. ozpin was even starting to think that this person was psychic with how they always seem to know when their identity was at risk and prepare for it before hand. it was fine at first when leon was an untested teacher but as leon got more and more into cutting edge ideas and techniques it had become a problem.

Ozpin didn't mind the other academies copying leons lessons since it would only make better hunters but the most recent lesson changed that. leon had introduced familiars in this latest lesson and every other kingdom as well as the rising faunus nation of menagerie went into an uproar. something brand new had appeared and not like in a technological sense either as there was not a single thing on this planet similar. each nation wanted leon to share his unknown language of power for various reasons and were pressuring ozpin to make him.

'It's funny they think i can command that man to do anything he doesn't want to do.' he thought while looking at the ever growing pile of paperwork on his desk. most of it was petitions to make familiars publicly accessible but those were flat out denied instantly. a good portion of them were sanctions against leon for "denying a valuable resource to humanity" , these were trickier to handle. ozpin didn't need to worry about them mostly because it wasn't illegal to not share your own knowledge just because it could help humanity. ozpin knew that this knowledge could also doom humanity in the wrong hands though.

There were moves being made by the world counsel to force leon to share his knowledge but ozpin explained why it wouldn't work which sent them back to the drawing board. none of the council members even considered the idea of dropping their attempts to get that knowledge not that ozpin could blame them. as someone who had seen and lived first hand what humanity could build with a freely usable power he knew the potential the language held. on the same hand however his ex-wife salem also knew this as well and if this knowledge spread past leon it may eventually reach her hands.

Salem unlike ozpin's thoughts wasn't worried about this new language at all since she had a fairly good understanding of leon's personality after seeing his lessons as well as interactions with grim. if leon said he was taking this knowledge with him to the grave it would take a literal act of god to stop him from doing exactly that. capturing or blackmailing leon were both fools errands since he was extremely powerful and unnoticed by most had even basically taken over vale with his underground organization as well as his legitimate business.

As far as salem was concerned leon was the ruler in the shadows while ozpin was at most a figure head. the only issue she had is that she knew ozpin was perfectly happy not being in control if it meant peace for humanity. it was a conflicting feeling for her as on one hand she was happy to see leon as a ruler but on the other hand she was bitter about how much ozpin had changed since his first life. she held no attachment to ozpin after clashing with him so much over the years but she still remembered the love they once shared.

Leon himself had been dealing with a stupid amount of paperwork as he got hate mail as well as petitions for him to publicize his infernal script. unlike ozpin however leon had assistants to help him sort through the paperwork for the actually important stuff. the sanctions threatening him with legal action for example had leon pulling on his vast web of connections to threaten back. as a ruler on the underworld leon had plenty of dirty laundry he could air about all the leaders of the other kingdoms.

The threats against the titan corporation were even more laughable since he would just wipe out all of the tech and info there if they tried to take it over. then he would start up charging for his products until they begged for forgiveness. if he had any competitors for his products this wouldn't work but his ideas were so futuristic that they left all other companies product on the ground while they were on the moon. this meant if he up charged his products to ridiculous degrees people could only grit their teeth and pay that price. this might bring him a lot of hatred but leon simply didn't care as he would point towards the people in charge and say "they forced me to do this , blame them" and watch as public opinion rips them apart.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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