Remnants anomaly

Future plans

Regrowing his wings and tail was a short affair that leon completed while eating his sandwich with genesis's help. regrowing the tail was especially difficult as leon needed to sever the base of his spine where the thing was attached originally. still despite the trouble it took to have it back leon was happy being whole again. once he was returned to his peak state "good as new" as it were leon updated his falna to see the changes that had happened since his last update before the battle. the results weren't surprising at all.

Name: vermilion drake

Race: Faunus(horned ape/tailed bat)







Developmental skills: lancer , scyther , artillerist

Magics: Mangekyou Sharingan(Left: kami no keshin , Right: Rakurai) , semblance(vampire) , hell fire , Infernal script

Skills: Devil's due , Infernal script

Leon knew that unlocking the mangekyou would cause his stats to jump a bit so him going from the top of A rank to the start of S rank in his stats wasn't that strange. the fact his endurance had jumped so greatly though to the top of the middle of S rank bothered him however as he knew exactly why it did so.

His body had been thoroughly exhausted after getting struck with the wyverns tail and needing to regrow his torso an organs hastily. even worse was the huge concussion he suffered as his head impacted the ground that may have been fatal had just a smidge of lifeforce having been used to preserve the brains functionality. all in all leon came uncomfortably close to death and it showed on his status. the only reason leon had even woken up after the four days rather than months or years later was because genesis had sent small burst of life force from his kills during that time through his connection to leon.

Neither genesis or leon realized this however as it was a hidden trait of their bond in particular much like how yang now seemed to always know where her targets weak points were or how ruby was practically immune to the cold. all familiar bonds had similar things , however actually being able to see what they are is an entirely different matter. in normal cases this hidden trait was useless for leon however in this case it was very useful.

Leon walked over to qrow in the living room and plopped down next to him with a content sigh. "despite all my resources i still haven't found a more comfortable couch." leon said with and chuckle. "nah there plenty of more comfortable couches out there , this one's just got sentimental is all." qrow said before sipping from his flask. "maybe you are right." leon admits while staring at the ceiling. "so what are you and the others going to do now?" he asked curiously. "probably hang around here for a couple weeks before heading towards mistral to meet up with a friend , you?" qrow said calmly.

"Kick ass and take care of my businesses , so the usual i suppose." leon said honestly. qrow sat up and looked at leon seriously "you don't have the crazy idea of taking on the wyvern again right?" he asked seriously. leon chuckled " do i seem that reckless to you?" he asked jokingly. "yep" qrow answered without any hesitation. leon grabbed his chest where his heart was "oof , you wound me deeply sir!" he says in mock outrage. leon grew serious after that however "all jokes aside i think i'll be avoiding that particular beastie until i "level up" as it were." he said honestly.

Qrow relaxed after hearing that " you barely survived the last run in with that thing and I'd hate to see you die over something as foolish as pride." he said honestly. leon just chuckled "don't get all sappy on me now old man i'm not so easily put down you know , besides i'm pretty sure ruby would never forgive me if i up and died so pathetically." leon said with a smirk. "yeah that girl's got her mothers fire in her alright , a little too much sometimes." qrow said with a small frown.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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