Remnants anomaly

Drastic measures

Outside of the few times they knocked boots leon and glenda maintained absolutely professional when they met in beacon. to the point that besides ozpin who glenda had told about the arrangement no one else even knew there was anything going on. ozpin didn't care because "you are both responsible individuals" as he had said. it was pretty clear how much the other staff members trusted ozpin for glenda to openly ask his permission on something so private. leon also didn't need to worry about getting glenda pregnant since she insisted on him using protection while she was on birth control and even took a morning after pill.

Time moved on and leon started to feel the dreaded level creep as he found it harder and harder to raise his stats even with his gravity suit. it was so bad that leon could even move around easily despite his body being subject to five times remnants gravity. he was of course still weighed down by this gravity. if his semblance didn't constantly strengthen his organs that were stressed from the gravity on them he might have died from this training. the fact that each point in a stat was 1.25 times stronger than the previous level was starting to rear up.

To put it simply at level two each point had the effect of 1.25 points from level one and at level three 1.25 points of level two and so on. this was the reason that the gap between the level only grew as someone with falna leveled up. at level four it was possible to beat someone at level five with great enough effort but at level five this no longer applied. those at level six were simply out of reach for a normal level five unless they had just leveled up.

While it was true that each point gained was worth more at higher levels it also made them a pain in the ass to get. each day leon was not busy with his companies or glenda's exhaustive sex drive he was practically killing himself training all day with the grim in the nearby forest. it had come to his attention however that the white fang and a professional thief named roman torchwick had been heisting obscene amounts of dust from all over the kingdom. the only reason leon learned of it was because torchwick had stepped on leons toes with one of his heist.

Leon's information gathering teams had gotten pictures of torchwick and all of the people that seemed to be working with him. this included what appeared to be three teens around the age of the first years. the biggest problem however was the huge plan diagram located in one of the pictures that hinted at a large scale attack on vale and beacon during the vytal festival. leon brought all of this information to ozpins attention since it wasn't just his stuff at risk anymore but a kingdom spanning issue.

If beacon and the capital of vale were to fall it would spell disaster on a global scale and leon knew he would also get dragged into it if that happened. ozpin looked through the information with a frown before looking at leon seriously. "how solid is this information?" he asked all business. "i personally triple checked it all , it's legit." leon had no sign of a smile on his face just dead seriousness. "if you give me two weeks i think i can squash those involved but i won't lie to you , it's gonna get bloody." leon said honestly.

"Granted , but promise me you'll keep the collateral to a minimum." ozpin said with a resolved look. "i'll try but they are never gathered in one place so it will be hard." leon said with a cold expression. ozpin nodded "i understand , report any complications to me and i'll see what i can do , god speed leon." he said before leon left the office and beacon for vale. leon made it to the devil's den at dusk and all of the people there tensed up at his presence that screamed blood and death. they could feel it , death was coming to vale and they would be right in the center of it.

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