Remnants anomaly


Lightning was a very accurate element in that the attacks with it can precisely strike any spot you may be able to see. but to balance this out it was also very easy to ruin it's advantage by simply covering the users vision. leon knew this and wasted no time at all creating a thin what wide area of hellflame that he surrounded him and winter both before drop kicking her into the lake below. if looks could kill leon would have been struck down from the glare winter shot him after resurfacing.

"You seem to have forgotten what i said about how these fights are supposed to go and while i've been very forgiving that doesn't mean i will just let you continue to fight incorrectly." leon said seriously. winter got much more serious after that as she started to use more than one element to attack him such as water to distract him while lightning sought to zap him. it wasn't the way she was supposed to fight against him but it still pushed his reaction speed a little bit. to "thank" her for that he upped his own attacks to the point winter was constantly running in order to avoid them.

Leon stopped her with a a bit of water magic that grabbed her long enough for the flames to wash over her harmlessly. winter was confused why she was unharmed until the flames vanished a a disappointed leon was standing right in front of her. "clearly you aren't listening to me so i think we're done here. this whole exercise was a complete waste of both of our times." he said with a very irritated expression before blasting off into the sky and then into the far distance beyond the horizon.

Leon had expected a challenge like when he fought with cinder who at the very least seemed to understand how to use her power a little bit even if she was hesitant to take hits. leon didn't hold that against her though since for anyone who was not borderline immortal like him risking your life to do pointless extra damage to your opponent was a bad trade off from every angle. winter was different however as she knew from the get go that her life wasn't in danger and yet she still refused to go all out.

Leon knew immediately after giving her a warning that she simply wasn't worth the effort of trying to spar against. caution and precision was far too ingrained in her combat style to make any spar with her more than a futile and pointless game of cat and mouse. so he left in a terrible mood because his ticket to faster improvement was just a failure and he refused to commit to a doomed venture. the local grim population was quickly left with a massive hole in it as leon vented his frustration on them. he even ignored an obstacles in his way like trees by just barreling through them leaving a clear and angry path of destruction in his wake.

Genesis dropped ironwood and winter back off at vale but since he could feel leon irritation through their connection he was not exactly gentle when he did so. "i don't understand why he was so angry." winter said in exasperation after they landed in vale. ironwood sighed "even after you were warned by him you still fell back into your normal combat style without any hesitation. it's pretty clear that as you are now you were just a waste of his time to spar with." ironwood said seriously.

"This isn't yours or anyone else's fault since until now there was simply no way to know how a maiden was supposed to fight and prepare them for the role before hand. as it stands right now you have nearly no hope of reaching your full potential as a maiden since your own combat style is diametrically opposed to the one he says is the best at your level." ironwood said before walking of to find something to do to occupy his time. winter fell deep into thought after listening to him and with a sigh she could only admit that this was all true.


my patrons can read an extra two chapters ahead along with using the site as a way to directly contact myself rather than needing to hope i respond to your comments.


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