ReLife Player

Chapter 52


«My team is going to win today!»

Euna declared as she packed her lunch.

«Yeah, my sister’s team will win.»

Eunha replied dryly, yawning.

Euna’s declaration of war was nothing new, as she’d been saying it ever since the school’s athletic schedule was set and they were split into different teams.

«That’s not nice.»

«Why? What did I do wrong?»

His drowsiness vanished. Eunha was surprised at what Euna said as he was packing the side dishes in the lunchbox.

If Euna gets mad, it’s a big deal. Remembering the days when they couldn’t even talk for a few days, Eunha didn’t hesitate to console her.

«Just answer properly from now on.»

«Sorry, sis. I won’t do it again. Okay?»

«You’re not even listening to me now…»

«When did I ever ignore you, sis?»

He was sure he had never ignored her.

She was too special to him.

It was unfair that she didn’t recognize that.

It was unfair, but he didn’t say so.

Euna was her eternal reward.

Before his regression, he had rebelled against the Fairy Godmother, but he couldn’t do anything against Euna.

«You’ve been answering halfheartedly lately.»

«…Sorry. I won’t do it again.»



«Mwah.» (kiss)

Euna flipped her hair back and pouted her cheeks.

It meant «if you did wrong, show it through your actions.»

«Ow! Ouw!»

There was no way Eunae would miss this scene. She had been awake since early in the morning and clung to the chair he was sitting in.

«Eunae, too?»

Euna took off the vinyl gloves from one hand. She got off the chair and hugged her little sister who asked for a hug.

«Nana. Nana.»

Euna poked her sister’s face with her small hand, and then she suddenly pushed her cheek forward.

«Ouch~ How cute~!»

Both her younger brother and sister were lovely.

Euna gave a smooch even though her sister didn’t offer her cheek.

Feeling happy, Euna chuckled.

«Ohhh. So over the top.»

Eunha was the next person Eunae asked for a kiss.

Eunae clung to him, her hands flailing about, trying to catch him.

He wanted to hug her as much as she did, but his hands were greasy, so he only gave her a kiss.

«Eunae, did you sleep well?»


They were siblings who got along well since the morning.

Their father smiled contentedly as he watched the children kissing each other.

He also wanted to greet his daughters in the morning.

«Oh, I have to go to school now.»

Recently, Euna avoided kissing her father.

She turned her gaze away and ran into her room without looking back.


Eunae always followed her example. As she avoided the kiss, Eunae also turned her head this way and that.

«Ugh, Euna and Eunae….»

I heard that raising a daughter is useless.

The father, who remembered the story he heard at a recent company dinner, shed tears.

His gruff face became even uglier.

«You’re also unbelievable.»

«…My wife is the best.»

If it weren’t for my mother taking pity on him, he might have sulked all day.

«Well, Eunha has to go to school.»

«Oh, right.»

«Mommy and Daddy will be there in a little while.»

«Yeah, okay.»

Eunha handed his mother the lunchbox he’d packed, which was mostly meat and fries. Jumping out of his chair, he grabbed his bag and left the house with Euna.

The meeting point was the schoolyard. The playground was filled with children wearing blue and white caps from the early morning hours.


Finding the tag of 1st grade 4th class was also a hassle.

Luckily, he spotted Eunhyuk jumping up and down and waving.

«Noona, that must be our class. I’ll go first.»

«Yeah! See you later for lunch. I’ll go to your class.»

«Okay. Don’t get hurt.»

«You too, Eunha!»

Euna was on the blue team and Eunha was on the white team. Wearing different colored hats, they exchanged a quick greeting and parted ways.

«Captain, I’ll show you the results of today’s training!»

«Don’t collapse for no reason.»

It hasn’t even started yet.

Eunhyuk was already motivated.

He looked around and saw that all the kids in class 4 were doing the same. The kids in the white hats were looking intense.

What? This is going to be hard….

Eunha clicked his tongue.

He had intended to pass the time, but it didn’t seem like he could do it with this attitude.

«The teacher said that if we get first place, she’ll take us out to dinner and buy jajangmyeon»(1)

This was the reason for the children’s motivation.

Miss Yoo Ji-na had agreed to buy jajangmyeon if the kids won and beat the begging for something.

Minji, who was playing with the girls, shrugged and pointed to Miss Ji-na.

«My, my money…. No, it’ll be fine.»

Miss Ji-na sighed as she opened her wallet, desperately hoping that she wouldn’t have to spend a fortune.

The sports day started with a boring speech from the principal.

The children were divided into blue and white teams, and some of them dozed off.

Usually, when you doze off while standing, you lose your center and fall.

But unlike the others, Eunha slept without stirring.

«…Did you come to school to sleep?»

Min-ji gave him a sarcastic remark.

She couldn’t understand why he always dozed off when he came to school.

How nice to sleep when you can.

There was a time, not long after he graduated from the academy, when he had to kill a monster without sleep for three days.

Since then, he’s been able to sleep in any environment. He’s even mastered the art of detecting life in his sleep.

«You think I’m happy?»

«What? Why are you touching my head? You’re messing up my hair!»

Finally, the principal’s speech was over.

Stretching out, he stroked her hair no matter what she said.

Even though she was angry at him for touching her hair, she didn’t tell him not to.

When Eunhyuk tried to hitch a ride with Minji because he was bored, she noticed him like a ghost and rolled her eyes. «What’s wrong with you? Really.» She grumbled and left.

«…Why is she only like that to me?»

«She’s like that to me too.»

Eunhyuk shrugged his gloomy shoulders and waved his hand in the air.

Eunha patted him on the back.

«You know she has a bad personality. You understand.»

«Yeah, you’re right. She does have a bad personality.»

«I can hear you.»

She only had good ears for times like this.

Minji, who was talking to the girls, glared at them.

You’re the one with the nasty personality.

Eunha grumbled to himself. He didn’t feel like fighting this morning, so he kept his mouth shut.

«Ah, my turn. Bye, captain!»

Just then, an announcement came that the 100-meter run was about to begin.

Fixing his white cap, Eunhyuk hurried to the center of the field.

«I’ll show you the results of my training!»

When deciding which events to participate in, Eunhyuk insisted on running the 100 meters.

He wanted to win the 100 meter dash to show his growth.


Gunpowder exploded with a bang.

The kids who were in a ready position rushed out in unison.

Eunhyuk was the one who took the lead.

This was nothing!

He didn’t even need to use mana.

He easily took first place with the physical strength he had developed through training.

It looked like he was going to win the championship.

If only he hadn’t made a mistake in the final.


What an idiot.

The 100 meter dash between grades.

Once again, Eunhyuk was running for first place against kids with higher grades.

The problem was that he couldn’t rely on his physical abilities alone to win against the bigger kids.

So he tried to boost his physical performance by manifesting his internal mana.

However, he misjudged his pace and ran out of mana before he reached the goal.

«Wao, the sky is spinning….»

«Hey, Eunhyuk, get it together!»

Eunhyuk collapsed with the goal in sight.

Meanwhile, other kids overtook him and entered the goal area.

Miis Yoo ji-na was surprised to see him collapse after being picked off.

Running to the field, she had to carry him out with another teacher.

«I knew he’d do that.»

I shouldn’t praise him for doing well.

He was just a troublemaker.

He vowed to change his personality sooner rather than later so that he could see things calmly.

«Eunha, I got first place!»

The girls’ 100-meter race was over.

After winning the race, Euna didn’t go back to her class but hugged him tightly.

«First place! First place!»

«That’s my sister.»

I knew Euna would win first place. Even if she sometimes acted out of character, she wasn’t as stupid as Eunhyeok.

What a genius my sister is.

It didn’t matter if she was on the blue team.

He was more than happy for her to win than anyone else.

«Hehe, see you later. Don’t get hurt.»

«You too. Don’t push yourself too hard.»

They clapped and went back to their teams.

Seo-na took second place in the inter-grade run.

«Euna, she’s so fast….»

Seona pouted her lips.

She didn’t care what people thought of her, and she did her best as a child, but she was still upset that she couldn’t catch up to Euna.

Yeah, that’s my sister.

«You were thinking about Euna unnie right now.»

«No, I was thinking about lunch today.»

«You’re lying. Tell me the truth. Who were you rooting for?»

Seo-na narrowed her eyes with a sly look on her face.

She pinned him down to answer while perking up her pointy ears.


(1) jajangmyeon

E/N: I’m sorry for not updating as usual…I caught up with some personal circumstances so I hope you guys understand. Tomorrow’s schedule will be as regular or some changes will be made depending on the situation.

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