Reincarnated One Last Time

Chapter 71: The Fourth Tier.

Chapter 71: The Fourth Tier.


There are many Desert bandits in the red sand desert; the reason none of the powerful tribes destroyed them is that the bandits only target outsiders, and each year they will pay tribute to the powerful tribe according to the territory.


However, there are rules and limits that they must follow. If the attack is too frequent, the outside merchants' caravan will stop coming to trade with the native tribes.


Today, a man and a horned bear attacked Ravager's bandit lair, located on the rocky hill. At first, the bandits are confident they will kill them. However, over time, at the tunnel entrance, most of them had been massacred, and the survivors had been put in prison.


The weird thing is that the bandit lair doesn’t have captives or slaves. According to the bandits, they had sold them to the nearby tribes.


A few hours later, inside one of the prison cells, the bandit is tied up into a chair and his head is engulfed in a water ball, suffocating him. After a few minutes, Levi controls the water ball to float above the bandit's head.


"Coughs! Coughs! Coughs! Why, I already answered all your questions!"


"The answer you give is different from your comrade; that means one of you lies."


"I am telling the truth!"


This vicious man had been torturing them. If the chief is here, the man in front of him will have a painful death. The bandit leader is out robbing a caravan that is transporting mana herbs and plants for alchemy.


"Fine." After saying that, Levi makes the water ball scatter. The bandit sighs in relief, but soon his eyes are wide. Levi cut off his head, and blood spurted from the neck.


Levi walks near the headless corpse and condemns the bandit to death.


"It looks like I don’t need the bandits anymore." After that, there is a scream in the prison, where all the bandits are burned to death. Several minutes later, Levi came from the prison chamber like nothing had happened.


Levi walks through a tunnel, heading to the bandit treasure chamber. Inside there are many goods, gold, and mana stones. The only problem is that his spatial storage spell doesn’t have enough space. Unless he breakthroughs into a fourth-tier mage,


Levi, after contemplating, decided to make some preparations.


He takes the monster and human zombies out of spatial storage to guard the tunnel entrance. However, the zombies are weak; even apprentices can defeat them if they work together.


"Guard the entrance; I am going to meditate," Levi growled.


"Cook me meat," Ben growled.




Levi walks around the bandit lair and finds a suitable chamber to set up the mana-gathering formation.


"Let begin." The magic formation activates, and the mana in the air becomes denser. Next, a small vortex appears above Levi's head and absorbs the surrounding mana like a starving whale. This time there is a pile of mana stones in the center of the mana-gathering formation.


Levi's mana energy in his mind continues to increase. He is already a peak third-tier mage; once he advances to fourth-tier mage, his mana reserve will be greater than that of several peak adept-rank mages.


However, for the next breakthrough, he required more mana than this world-master-rank mage.




A few days later, a group of people riding a horse are heading to Ravager's bandit lair.


“Why do we need to sell the slaves and captives?" Said the young bandit.


"It was the chief order." The bald bandit said


"You think I don’t know you are fond of the outside woman?" Another bandit teased me.


"Shut up!"


"It’s good to be young." The bald bandit laughs.


"Do you think the chief will return with the new captives?"


"I don’t know; we already reached our quota. If we attack another outside caravan, I am afraid we will get a warning."


"What do we need to be afraid of? The tribes will ignore it like usual as long as we pay the tribute on time."


"He is right."


"Stop!" The bandit at the front shouted.


"Vice leader, what happens?"


"There is an undead at the entrance." The vice leader is an adept warrior, has a sharp eye, and can see a group of zombies guarding the entrance.


"Does a necromancer or mummy lord attack the base?"


"The mummy lord will not leave its tomb or temple; it must be those cursed necromancers." The vice leader is calm. He fought with necromancers before they were weak in close combat. From what he saw, there was no high-ranking undead among the zombies.


"What should we do?"


"The undead are weak; as long as we can kill the necromancer, everything will be settled."


"Should we wait for the chief?"


"No, with our number, we can kill the necromancer." The vice leader never thought that the Ravagers bandit leader was dead. Because they had fought with a stronger foe before and managed to escape and assassinate the enemy.


"Take out your weapon, and if you see our comrade kill them, they must have become undead." The vice leader and others rush through the tunnel with their horses.


The vise bandit leader chops off the zombie's head with ease, and since he is on the horse, the undead can’t attack him. However, the number of undead is higher than expected. Levi doesn’t convert all of the corpses into death points. Since the bandit is mostly of apprentice rank, it can only give him a few death points.


A wolf-type undead leaped at the bandit’s rider on top of the horses, and the rider fell from the horses. The other bandits quickly helped and killed the undead wolf. The monster and human zombies launch their attacks at the intruders.


The vise bandit leader slashes and stabs the undead; unless you cut off or smash the undead's head and limbs, they will never stop moving.


"Be careful; there is more than expected!" The vise bandit leader is still calm, and soon they arrive at the large chamber and come down from their horses. Several tunnels are connected to the different underground paths.


"We will split up if you find the necromancer retreat and sound the alarm!" The vice leader's bandit order


After a while, the young bandit returns to the main chamber and tells the other bandit that he has found the necromancer.


"Where is he?"


"There are several undead guarding the leader chamber, and one of the undead is a brown-haired bear with three horns." The bandit thought that the necromancer would only have undead followers.


"Good, get ready; I will deal with the horned bear."


When they arrive at the door leading to the bandit leader's chamber, they stop and see the undead.


"Follow the plan." The vice leader sprinted toward the horned bear, but when he got closer, he noticed that there was no rotting sign on the horned bear's body like on the undead.


The horn bear gazes at the man that comes toward him and slashes using his claw.


The scimitar and claw clash; however, the impact causes the vice leader bandit to be thrown away like a ball. Before his body hits the wall, he adjusts his body to make sure his feet hit the wall first while gathering mana at his legs to lessen the impact.


The apprentice-rank bandits easily kill the zombies; the only one left is the horned bear.


"Surround the monster." The vise bandit leader infused his scimitar with mana; from his observation, a normal attack would not harm the horned bear.


Before he can attack, the door of the chamber opens, and a brunette-haired man with an average face comes out.


"You must be the necromancer; how dare you attack us!"


The man, without saying anything, raised both hands, and two magic circles appeared and multiple fire arrows came out.


"Watch out, he is a mage!" The vise bandit leader dodges and cuts down the incoming fire arrows.


Nevertheless, it was too late; the fire arrow pierced through their bodies and burned them. Only a few of them managed to dodge the spell.


"Damn it." The vice bandit leader ignores the horned bear and goes straight to attack the mage.


The man aims his hand at him. When the vice bandit leader prepares to cut down the fire arrow,


However, nothing comes at him; instead, a void portal appears, and a chain of fire enters the portal.


The vice bandit leader doesn’t know what is going on, but suddenly behind him, a portal appears and a chain of fire wraps around his body. "AHHHHH!" Using his mana to protect his body, he manages to free himself. But some parts of his body are burned by the fire chain, including his clothes.


Levi analyzes the new fuse spell, Void Fire Chain. Although he doesn’t dare to use blink and teleport spells. He tried to fuse the space and fire elements into spells. Even if the void portal is unstable, it will only sever the fire chain, not his body.


"Who are you?" The vice bandit leader has never seen that type of spell before, and because of that, he is wary and afraid.


Without answering, Levi keeps launching the Void fire chain until the vice bandit leader is burned to death. How can someone escape from an attack that can appear from anywhere?


Just as Levi suspected, there are a few times when the portal becomes unstable and cuts off the fire chain. Imagining it was his body made Levi's body shiver.


The bandits' attack cannot even hurt the horned bear's hide. They try to flee but get killed by the monster.


After that, their corpses disappear and turn to dust.


Levi had already broken into the fourth-tier mage class, and his spatial storage had grown in size. With that, he stores all the bandit's treasures and goods.


"Let’s go. Time to leave." Levi growls, and Ben follows him. In the main chamber, he steals the bandit horse and kills the rest of the horses for food. Outside the bandit's lair, the weather is hot; nevertheless, both of them feel nothing and leave the place.


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