Reincarnated One Last Time

Chapter 59: The Black Market.

Chapter 59: The Black Market.


At night, Jason is happy laying on the soft bed. Ever since he meets Master Levi, his life is not bad, and he has enough food to eat except when it is too late and the others eat all the food. He can’t wait to see his family.


In the other room, Levi was absorbing the surrounding mana. He had asked Ember about the dark magic and necromancy book, but she also couldn’t help him.


Nonetheless, Ember suggested Levi go to the black market. Since her family used other merchants as proxies to do illegal trading like slaves. They knew about the existence of the black market. The only reason they don’t control the black market is because the one in charge is someone more powerful than Gryphon Merchant.




The next morning, on the outskirts of the city, Levi wore a white mask and entered a village alone while the others stayed at the mansion. He decided to go to the secret black market that Ember told him about. If anything happens, as long as the opponent is not of master rank, he is confident enough to survive and flee.


The people here don’t show any reaction to seeing Levi wearing a mask because other people are doing the same. It's strange why the authorities don’t touch this place.


Levi soon stops walking because he notices someone following him; it was Ember, who disguised herself as a man and wore a half-face mask.


"Why do you come?"


"You need a guide." Ember grins, and behind her is a masked, middle-aged butler. "Don’t worry about him; he is my butler." She pointed at the butler.


"Who is hiding in the corner?" Levi can see a masked maid hiding behind the building.


"That is also my guard, don’t worry."


"What about behind the tree?" Levi notices a muscular masked man hiding not far from them, but the man's size is bigger than the tree trunk.


"My guard, he used to work in the spy unit."


Levi can only sigh inwardly.


A group of warriors guarded the large mine entrance. After a brief check, they are all allowed to enter. They are other masked people who walk in groups or alone inside the tunnel.


The tunnel is bright thanks to the mana light devices on the wall. The owner or leader of the black market must be rich because the magical device is expensive in the market and requires mana stones to operate.


Although they had invented electricity in this world, they required a dam and a large river to generate electricity. Without it, oil lamps and mana lights are still used in most kingdoms.


"In the past, someone tried to steal the mana light device but got caught," Ember said.


"What happens to the man?" Levi asked.


"Get tortured to death; his corpse is being hung at the entrance as a warning."


Levi thought if he wanted to steal the mana light, no one could catch him because he could hide it inside spatial storage. Even if he is stripped naked, no one can find it.


After a long walk, they finally see the end of the tunnel. Coming out, they can see an underground town. On the ceiling, there is a large orb of mana light that acts like a sun.


"At night they will switch off the mana light to save energy, and be careful; although there is a rule here, some people ignore it." Ember had come here before with her uncle. The first time he comes here and sees the artificial sun, she is surprised because the amount of mana stone and the cost to create it will be exorbitant.


"What happens if I kill someone here?"


"They don’t care unless it's the people that belong to the black market."


"What is the name of this place?"


"Mole town."


"What?" Levi thought the name of the underground town would be something cool.


"I also don’t know why they named it Mole Town," Ember asked the same question when she arrived here.


Upon entering the town, there are many guards and even a mage guarding the town. The town is lively, with many people and hawkers selling fake or defective goods. If you can find one good item, you are considered lucky.


Levi begins to explore the shops.




Thomas, the butler, had served the Gryphon merchant for a long time; before this, he was a mercenary and in debt. One day, a no-name merchant comes and offers him a job. Since then, he has followed the founder of Gryphon Merchant. When he was ordered to retire, he refused and became Miss Ember butler.


However, Ember is not like a normal young lady from a rich family. She is like her brothers, who like to take risks and go on adventures. Well, the founder also had the same characteristic.


After Miss Ember had been grounded, everything calmed down, but Miss Ember brought her friend. From his observation and experience, all of them are dangerous except for the boy. He doesn’t trust them. Because of that, he decided to follow Miss Ember today.




Levi walked around and found the magic books related to dark magic and necromancy, but they were fake or had a flaw that could cause serious problems later. The quality of the merchandise here is worse and questionable. However, according to Ember, most of the profit on the black market comes not from the shops but from the auction houses.


"We are lucky the auction house is open today," Ember said.


Soon they arrive at the largest building in Mole Town. Ember shows a gold badge belonging to the auction house, and they are given a private room to bid. Although Gryphon merchants can’t control the black market, they still have money and are welcome anywhere. They are considered VIPs by all auction houses on the continent.


"You can raise the sign if you want to bid." Ember only comes here to watch.


"Good morning, everyone. We will auction off many rare items and slaves today. Without wasting time, let’s start the auction!" A handsome auctioneer with blonde hair reveals the item.


"This magic sword had been forged by a top dwarf blacksmith, and the owner is a peak, adept warrior. The price starts at ten gold coins; the increment needs to be twenty gold coins." The first item that comes out is a magic sword. Many people start to bid, but Levi is not interested.


"The magic sword can not only become sharper when imbued with mana, but it can also launch an aura blade!"


The price kept increasing until a woman wearing a black veil shouted. "I bid 300 gold coins; please stop bidding; the magic sword belongs to my father!"


There is silence, but soon they continue to bid. This is why this place is called a black market auction house; most items from illegal sources can be sold here without consequence. However, only in the auction house; once the buyer leaves, it is not the Black market's responsibility.


In the end, the veiled woman failed to get the magic sword. Instead of becoming angry, she sits down and talks to the woman beside her.


The auction continues, and many magical and unknown items come out. However, from what the black market appraiser found out, the unknown item is an ancient magic device. There are only several people who are willing to bid on ancient magic devices; they must be collectors.


"Today we have a special product, Lemia." Inside a cage, there is a creature with the upper body of a beautiful woman who only wears skimpy clothes and the lower body of a snake.


Many people start to bid.


Levi just observes the scene, and after that, other male and female slaves are being auctioned.


"This is the last slave we got today a high elf!" Inside the cage there is a beautiful young woman with white hair and a pointy ear; the price starts at 100 gold coins."


This time, no one raised their hand to bid. They are not stupid; anyone who buys elf slaves will not die a peaceful death.


The auctioneer tries to sell the elf, but the people keep quiet. Their guardian or companion stops them from buying the high elf.


"I bid for 100 gold coins!" A young man raises his hand proudly. However, his guardian's face was pale.


"100 gold coins does anyone want to bid higher? 1 2 3 sold!"


"The next item is a fire magic book from..."


Several magic books come out, but none of them are what Levi wants. With his basic and advanced magic element manuals, he doesn’t need anything related to the five basic elements.


"This is the last item, the rare space element magic book; the bid price starts at 100 gold coins!"


Levi raises his hand. Although he already had a space element spell, he wants to compare it with this world spell. Perhaps he can use other space spells without reaching the level of a fifth-tier mage.


In the end, Levi wins the bid. Some of the people snicker or laugh because they know the magic book is useless if you don’t have a space element affinity.


After Levi gets the magic book, he and the rest leave the black market.


Outside the black market, the young man is excited and can’t wait to go home and have fun with his new elf slave.


Without noticing it, many shadows are following the young men's group.


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