Reincarnated into Two Bodies

Chapter 9: Consolation Pie

I opened my door and poked my head out, only to find Leila standing right beside me, motionless like a statue. The moment she realized I was there, life seemingly returned to her body.

She turned her head and asked, “What is it, Lady Carine?”

“Ah, Leila. Didn’t realize you were there… Why are you here?”

“I am standing by in case you ring your bell, My Lady.”

Right, the bell. I was supposed to ring that whenever I needed anything from Leila. Whether it be refreshments or room service, among other things. I didn’t remember using it that often in the past though.

“Right… about that. Leila, could you escort me to the library? I want to read something to pass the time.”

“Forgive me, Lady Carine. But Lady Reina ordered for you to rest before your private tutoring. She wants you to be in your best condition for you to focus.”

“Wait, I can’t even read a book?”

“Forgive me, Lady Carine. However, if you would like, I could bring you some tea and snacks to help pass the time.”

“No, that’s alright. Thank you, Leila.”

“My pleasure. But if I may, please don’t hesitate to ring the bell, I will attend to any and all of your requests, My Lady.”

I nodded and retreated to my room.

I sat on the side of my amazingly comfy bed, swinging my legs around in boredom.

Shoot. I really want to read the books.

Of course, I could just wait until after the private tutoring, but I was a bit impatient. Maybe it was a side effect of being a teenager again? Who knows?

Besides, after the private tutoring, I was supposed to have a dancing lesson shortly after. I wouldn’t have the time at all!

The break between the etiquette lesson and the private tutoring was my only chance to read a substantial amount of books.

I took a seat near the balcony door and began thinking up a few plans, ways to get me to the library or at least get the books.

I struck my palm as I thought of the greatest idea ever. I could fold my blankets and dresses into a rope, using it to climb out of the balcony and head to the library—Nah, just joking. I’m not a princess.

Well, okay, maybe slightly a princess, but still.

I brainstormed a few more rational ideas and then I remembered, my eyes.

It was sharp, responsive, and quick to notice movement. With only my vision, I could probably sneak into the library without being seen just by paying close attention to my surroundings.

It was worth a try, but there was still Leila to take care of. Couldn’t exactly sneak out with her right at my door. Thankfully, I managed to think of a way to have her leave my side for a bit.

I walked to my bedside table and picked up the bell placed neatly on the corner. With a swift motion, I rang it.

“What is it, Lady Carine?” Leila said behind the door. Her reaction was almost instant, as if she was anticipating it at every moment.

“Leila, I need some refreshments.”

“Of course, My Lady. What would you like? I’ll have the chefs prepare them for you immediately.”

Chefs?! Right, forgot I had them.

If Leila only gave an order to the chefs, I wouldn’t have enough time to sneak out since she’d probably return to guard my door and have the chefs deliver the dessert themselves.

There was only one solution to this problem. I cleared my throat and made my request clear.

"Actually, Leila, if it’s not too much trouble, might I ask that you make them yourself?"


Did she not hear me correctly?

“I want to try your handmade desserts, only if that is alright, of course.”

Things went silent beyond the door. I could still see Leila’s shadow below the door, unflinching.

Growing concerned, I hesitantly asked, “L-Leila? Are you alright?”

“No, I’m fine… I-I shall prepare the desserts right away.”

It was my first time hearing Leila stutter. She usually talks in the most monotone voice one could have, almost robotic. I was slightly worried I might have said something wrong.

“Is there anything in particular that you want, My Lady?” Leila returned to her usual tone.

“Ah, right. How about…”

Quick, what’s a dessert I can ask for that will take long enough to make? It has to be reasonable too, so no wedding cakes.

I got it!

“I need something warm yet filling for this kind of weather. Might I request an apple pie?”

“Very well, apple pie it is. It will take quite some time to make, however. Would you be willing to wait?”

“No, no, take your time. I want you to put in your A-game on this.”


Ehem!!” I cleared my throat abruptly. “I mean, I want you to make me the best apple pie you could, Leila.”

Once again, silence seeped out from beyond the door. Leila seemed to be thinking things through for some reason.

“Lady Carine, it would be my pleasure to prove my baking skills to you. I shall leave your side now and return with the finest apple pie you’ve ever tasted.”

Damn, she was taking this seriously.

“Y-yes, Leila. I look forward to it.”

I watched as Leila’s shadow left my door and I heard her walking down the hallway. After letting time pass for a couple of seconds, I opened the door and poked my head out.

No Leila in sight.

I did a victory air punch inside my mind as my biggest obstacle was gone.

Now, the sneaking part.

The only knowledge I had about sneaking was past experiences with stealth games like Met*l Ge*r S*lid or T*nchu. No real-life experience whatsoever from all three memories.

I truly only had my eyes to rely on. Things were about to get rough.

Hallways were clear, no maids or butlers were in sight. I stepped out of my room and put on my house slippers. They were made of leather but the inside was completely soft, almost fuzzy.

I slowly closed the door behind me and tiptoed toward the stairs, ready to hide in the nearest corner the moment I spotted any movement.

My room was on the third floor, a spacious place mainly because it was where the servant quarters were located, along with special guest rooms for visiting family members.

Leila’s room was right next to mine, but the other servants had their rooms situated on the other end of the hall. The stairs were placed at opposite ends of each wing, so I didn’t have to worry about waking anyone up. Though I doubt they were still in their rooms considering it was early noon.

I crept along the hall, passing Leila’s room and a few empty guest rooms. As soon as I reached the top of the staircase, I crouched down and strained my ears to listen for any sounds downstairs.

I could hear several maids talking over one another, but they were faint. I couldn’t tell if they were far or just really, really quiet. Couldn’t do much about it. My hearing as Carine was human at best. At least my vision could cover for that.

“Here goes…”

With my breath held, I tiptoed down the stairs, plastering myself against the walls and ready to bolt back up at the slightest sign of movement. Thankfully, my house slippers were covering up my step noises quite well due to how plush it was.

I managed to get to the second floor unseen. This floor mostly has guest rooms and entertainment areas, and judging from the occasional muffled laughter, the mansions’ staff were relaxing nearby, quite a lot of them actually.

Fortunately, the stairs to the ground floor were right next to me. I practically flew down them, moving as fast as possible before anyone on that floor could notice me.

And there I was, on the ground floor. It was bustling with activity, with maids and butlers darting between rooms, arranging flowers, dusting windows, and delivering trays of refreshments.

I ducked behind a nearby pillar, away from the servants. I glanced around, noting the quickest path to the library. It was just a hallway away, but of course, the place was always teeming with life.

I had to time my movements carefully, making sure no one spotted me as I snuck past the busy staff. The first two floors were a breeze, practically a ghost town, but now it was time to really put my vision to the test!

I was about to take my first step onto an exciting sneaking montage when I noticed a shadow behind me. A shadow that definitely wasn’t there before.

My body went cold. The sense of dread and fear gripped me.

Who was it? When did they get behind me? I didn’t see anyone pass by.

I slowly turned around, my neck reluctant to move. Then, I saw it, the figure of terror who could sneak through my godlike eyes.


“Lady Carine?”

Yep, it was none other than Leila.

“L-Leila! Good to see you! How’s the apple pie?” I said, my voice almost quivering in shock.

“Lady Carine, it is by Lady Reina’s orders that you are to stay in your room.”

She wasn’t going to play along, huh?

“W-well, I… wanted to stretch my legs a bit.”

It was a poor excuse, but I was cornered here, what else could I say? Unsurprisingly, it didn’t work. Leila continued to stare at me, her face emotionless as ever. It was… disturbing, to say the least. I gave up under that pressure.

“Hah…” I let out a sigh. “Okay, I admit, I just wanted to go to the library.”

Leila's expression remained unchanged, her empty stare boring into me. I knew she wouldn't budge easily, but I had to try. Maybe I could appeal to her softer side, if she had one at least.

"Please, Leila, I truly only wish to read. I’m not planning to cause trouble or abandon my tutoring. Just a few minutes in the library, that is all I ask."

"Lady Carine, it is not my place to disobey Lady Reina's orders."

I clasped my hands together, practically begging. "I promise I'll be quick! Just a single book and I’ll return to my room immediately. Or perhaps I could bring some back into my room instead?"

Leila sighed, closing her eyes gently. Then, with a dramatic flourish, she pressed her hand on her chest.

“So… the only reason you wanted my apple pie was to sneak away to the library?” Her voice quivered.

Wait, what?

“I thought you truly wished to taste my baking, like the times when you were young, but now I see it was merely a ruse.”

My eyes widened in panic.

"N-no! That’s not true at all! I really do want to try your apple pie, I swear!"

Leila’s shoulders slumped as she continued her award-worthy performance.

“It breaks my heart to think that you would use me so, Lady Carine. I thought our bond was stronger than that.”

Tears slid down Leila’s cheeks. She wiped her eyes with a handkerchief she pulled out of nowhere.

I was officially in panic mode now. The last thing I needed was a heartbroken maid on my conscience.

"Leila, please! I didn’t mean to use you for such a thing! I really do appreciate everything you do for me!"

She sighed deeply, casting a mournful glance towards the floor.

“I suppose I must inform Lady Reina of this. She should know how desperate you are to escape your studies, even if it means breaking the heart of your loyal maid.”

Aaaaaaaaaaa!!! If Mother knows, I’m dead!!

“No! Don’t do that!” I practically shouted, yet still holding the regal tone. “Please, Leila. Forgive me. I’ll go back to my room right now. Just… please don’t tell Mother.”

Leila looked up, her eyes glistening. “Very well, Lady Carine. I will keep this between us, but you must promise me something.”

“Y-yes? What is it?”

“Promise me you will not attempt to leave your room again until your next lesson.”

I nodded fervently. “O-of course! I promise!”

“Very well, then I shall return to attend to the apple pie. Please, return to your room and wait for me, Lady Carine.”

There I was, sitting in my room like a grounded child with a steaming, fresh-out-the-oven apple pie in hand. Leila returned to standing guard outside my door.

When I looked back at when she caught me, I realized something.

Damn… I got played.

I was in a panic so I couldn’t tell right there and then, but after analyzing it calmly, I was sure. Those tears, those were crocodile tears. Her eyes weren’t puffing up or had any sign of redding at all.

Leila was probably out there chuckling to herself.

Actually, could she even chuckle?

Ah well, at least I got an apple pie out of the whole ordeal, but it felt like more of a consolation prize than anything.



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