Chapter 142: Elder Fairy.
( Yuuki's POV )
Yuuki: There's no need to be formal, we're going to see a lot of each other from now on.
Leo: you're right, I'm sure we'll be good friends in no time.
Yumina: It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Leo.
Leo: the pleasure is mine, let me introduce these two.
One of the girls who accompanied Leo was a fox girl, with long blonde hair tied in a ponytail and green eyes and the other was a tall and muscular woman with long blonde hair, with one red eye and the other green and she had black horns that looked like a tiara on her head, I wondered if she also has mystical eyes.
Leo: These two are my retainers and my closest friends, Yukikaze and Barghest.
Barghest: ...nice to meet you.
Yukikaze: Don't worry once she warms up to you, you will see how sweet she is.
Leo: By the way, you haven't told us yet, how do we look?
Yuuki: Of course you three are quite beautiful, in fact, you would let me take a photo.
Leo: a photo?
I took the opportunity to show the people of Mismide how the phone worked and I took a lot of photos of the guests, especially the girls, a lot of photos of the girls.
We continued talking and enjoying the food until I had to take a sit because the fight earlier had left me more tired than I thought, I closed my eyes and let my mind wander until a strange sound reached my ears.
I turned my head and I saw a teddy bear looking at me or at least its face pointing in my direction, I got up and the bear immediately turned around and started walking away making a cute squeaking sound with every step it took, My curiosity forced me to follow it.
The little one guided me to a part of the palace where I could no longer hear the sounds of the party and it pointed to a random room telling me to come in, I was not going to return after coming here and when I entered the room I found a short girl, with short silver hair in pigtails, She was wearing a blue dress and transparent wings were growing out of her back.
???: Well, Paula, it's strange that you bring me a guest, who are you, young man?
Yuuki: me, I am Yuuki Kurokawa.
???: oh the dragonslayer, pleasure to meet you, I am Leen, an elder fairy and she is Paula, although she may not seem like it, I am older than you.
A strange thing to say to someone you just met, but I guess because of her height she doesn't want to be mistaken for a little girl.
Yuuki: Yes I can see that.
Upon hearing my comment a vein appeared on Leen the fairy's forehead but she kept her calm expression.
Leen: and what do you mean by that?
Yuuki: Don't take this the wrong way, it's just that I know some girls who are more than centuries old but they don't look it and you have the same vibes as them.
Leen: Seriously, how old are these other girls out of curiosity?
Yuuki: never asked and I'm sure I will never ask in my life, I only know who is older than whom, I am pretty sure that you are younger than them.
Hilda, Ana, Ema, and Eu, in that order.
Leen: that's pretty interesting.
Yuuki: Speaking of interesting, what kind of magic did you use to create this little girl?
The stuffed animal Paula was standing on Leen's lap and I used gravity control to pull her towards me, while she was floating she waved her arms and legs as if she was scared of falling, like she was conscious but I squeezed her and I could feel that she was an unremarkable teddy bear.
Yuuki: There is nothing inside her that let her walk under her own power and she is so alive that she seems like an advanced AI.
Leen: I don't know what AI is but Paula is the result of my neutral magic [program].
What an interesting name for a magic.
Yuuki: please tell me more.
Leen: Gladly, [program] lets me insert a simple command and activation condition to an inanimate object.
Yuuki: I see, interesting, very interesting, my head is filling with ideas.
( Leen's POV )
After giving a small explanation of my neutral magic to Yuuki, he took out a pile of papers, materials, and some objects unknown to me from nowhere, He became completely immersed in drawing up some blueprints, some things I didn't understand what they were but what I did understand was that he was creating weapons.
He wasn't paying attention to me but occasionally I would make a suggestion and he would immediately write it down, Then he focused on other more complex blueprints that it was clear he had been working on for a long time.
Then he suddenly couldn't continue and fell into a deep sleep, he must have been more tired than he looked, With him sleeping on a pile of blueprints I didn't know what to do with him and at that moment the princess came into my room.
Leen: Hello princess, what is the reason for your visit?
Leo: Hello Leen-san, I'm here for him.
The princess walked towards Yuuki and she smiled at him as she watched him sleep before she carried him over her shoulder and turned around but I called her before she left.
Leen: Wait princess, tell me what is your relationship with that young man?
Leo: um, are you also interested in Yuuki?
Leen: he definitely piqued my curiosity.
Leo: He's the first man to beat me and he wasn't even going all-out so I'm very interested in him, If you want to know more you should talk to the Princess of Belfast, I already had an interesting conversation with her.
After saying that the princess left my room leaving behind the mess that Yuuki had created.
Leen: If he is residing in the Belfast kingdom, my apprentice must know about him, and she hid that from me, I think that girl needs punishment.
It's been a while since I took a long trip, I think some fresh air will do me good.