Chapter 139: First Transformation.
( Yumina's POV )
After leaving the city of Canaan the calm night was interrupted by the roar of a large beast, It seemed that a dragon had escaped from its territory determined to cause chaos.
I had never seen a dragon in person before and the truth is I was a little scared but I didn't let it show, Yuuki as always was completely calm and he gave orders to save the city of Eld which was where the dragon was heading.
After we got engaged Yuuki told me everything about him and one of the things he told me was that he had dragon blood in him and could grow claws, scales, and wings that he used to fly after the black dragon.
The rest of us followed Yuuki and when the city of Eld was in sight Yuuki flew straight to the dragon and with one blow he sent it into a portal and the two disappeared.
Yumina: where did they go?
Byakko: They moved to a clearing near here.
Yumina: we have to go after them.
Byakko: I don't think that's safe.
Yumina: Byakko, please.
I guess the contract she has with Yuuki means she understands Yuuki's limits better than me and she's not worried about him but I can't let him go to that fight alone.
In the end, Byakko gave in and she took Asia and me to where Yuuki was, when we got closer we could hear the roars of the dragon and Yuuki's voice, It was almost as if they were having a conversation, As soon as the two of them were in sight the dragon roared once again but this time Yuuki didn't answer and I could feel the air around him had changed completely.
Byakko: insolent lizard!
Asia: huh? Can you understand them Byakko?
Byakko: yeah this brat just threatened to eat you two.
I see, that's Yuuki when he's angry, after hearing that we felt enormous pressure and Asia started to shake a little but I didn't stop concentrating on Yuuki, I could feel it, the only one in danger here was the black dragon.
Before the battle began Yuuki was enveloped in a huge sphere of fire and then a huge dragon claw came out of it and grabbed the black dragon by the neck, Then we heard a message much more powerful than all those that the black dragon had released and when the fire that was covering Yuuki dissipated there was a huge dragon with purple scales in it's place, I was obviously surprised but my mystical eyes were telling me that was Yuuki.
Yuuki in his dragon form pierced the scales of the black dragon with his claws but it seemed that he did not want to end the battle too quickly and before breaking his neck he threw him to the ground so hard that we felt the ground shake, On the ground the dragon shot some fireballs at Yuuki's head but he didn't even bother to dodge.
Fireballs exploded in his face and a screen of smoke covered the top of his body, The black dragon took the opportunity to fly away but seconds, after it took flight Yuuki moved his tail like a whip and cut clean one of the black dragon's wings and while they were falling Yuuki moved at an incredible speed considering his size and his two fists fell on the dragon like a hammer, Once again the ground shook with it intact and the black dragon spat out a lot of blood, Yuuki appeared next to the dragon that was barely responding and sent it flying straight up with a kick.
When the dragon was flying higher and higher Yuuki opened his mouth wide and a huge sphere of energy began to form, This wasn't a fight this had been a one-sided punishment but this last attack was extremely overkill.
Byakko: this is bad.
Yumina: What's wrong Byakko?
Byakko: That attack is too much, something that exceeds the limits of this world, using that here will be bad for everyone including himself.
I looked at Yuuki again and the sphere was getting bigger and he was bleeding from his mouth.
Yumina: Yuuki stop!
Although Yuuki was a little far away, he heard me and turned to look me straight in the eyes, at that moment the black dragon fell to the ground dead, The sphere began to shrink but before it disappeared it broke like glass, and particles of purple light rained down around us.
Kalawarner: Amazing.
At some point, Kalawarner had appeared flying above us and she was looking at Yuuki in amazement, He began to walk towards us slowly, although it seemed that he couldn't speak while transformed, Just by looking into his eyes I knew that everything was fine now.
It seems that I spoke too soon, before Yuuki approached us he turned around and let out another powerful roar, I looked in the direction he let out that roar and I saw another red dragon that floated for a few seconds in silence.
Red Dragon: No, I only came for my comrade who had left our territory without permission.
Red Dragon: I see, I apologize for the inconvenience he caused but I must ask who are you?
Although the two of them were communicating in different ways, they understood each other perfectly, but it was strange to be listening to this conversation.
Byakko: red dragon, tell the Azure monarch to do a better job educating his species, no offense Master.
Red dragon: this presence, are you the white monarch?
Byakko: My name is now Byakko and I am the guardian of my master's family, any threat against them is a threat to me personally, this brat got what he deserved.
Red Dragon: I once again apologize for my comrade, I will be sure to send your message.
When the strange conversation ended the red dragon flew back to its territory and Yuuki sat near us, shortly after the rest of the girls joined us and gave us an update on the damage to the town of Eld, Luckily there were no deaths and those who were injured were being treated with magic, the only thing they needed was to repair the damage that the black dragon caused.
Finally, the danger had passed but Yuuki still had not transformed back to his original form, which was somewhat worrying.
Yumina: Yuuki is everything okay?
Byakko: [ I lost my clothes after transforming] says Master.
When we grabbed some clothes from our carriage Yuuki flew over the forest, his body was covered with fire again and when the fire went out I no longer saw his enormous dragon form, Tsukiumi entered the forest with the clothes for Yuuki and the rest of us waited for them to return.
We waited for ten minutes and I was getting a little worried but before I ran to see what was happening Tsukiumi appeared carrying Yuuki on her back.
Immediately we all ran towards him worried, Asia activated her sacred gear and tried to help Yuuki although she didn't know exactly what was wrong.
Asia: Yuuki-sama where does it hurt?
Yuuki: I'm fine Asia, this is nothing, my body is just a little numb, I'll be fine after a short nap.
Immediately after saying that Yuuki closed his eyes and fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.