Reincarnated as the God of Shitty Life Counseling for Defective Washed Up Waifus

Consultation 94.

This chapter may be triggering to some people who herald CRT(the theory) as the gospel or holy bible, reader discretion is advised. If you don't know what CRT is, you probably won't care.

Consultation 94.

“God, how do I turn everyone around the world into racists?”

“Why the hell do you want to do that?”

“I want to see the world burn.”

“I see,” it was a rather typical answer I’d expect to hear from these chicks. Why did I bother asking?

“Well, you’ll first need to get up to a high position in the government and create a brainwashing course but rebranded as a ‘re-education program.’”

“And what exactly will be taught in this program?”

“Naturally, that will be how to be racist. But it needs to be done in a smart way so people don’t catch on easily. You can’t do something blatantly obvious like saying blond hair and blue-eyed humans are a superior breed as that’s already been done. That would be stale, you need to add in some originality to it to make it work. Thus, what you need to do is the complete opposite instead. Rather than say one type of human is a superior breed, what you’ll teach is the exact opposite.”

“The opposite? How the hell is that supposed to work? Isn’t the opposite of something racist something not racist?”

“Not quite. What is opposite here is that you’re going to make everyone part of the majority think they are superiorists who are inherently racist themselves just by being part of the majority. You’re not teaching the minority they are superior to the majority, but rather that by being part of the majority, those part of the majority are inherently superior to the minority. Bigger numbers imply superiority after all, right? Thus they can be labeled as inherently racist by this logic.”

“It’s some idiotic bullshit nonsense, but people will eat it up because people want to feel like they are special and unique. Being part of a small group of elites feels more empowering and it lets them experience a fake sort of power trip in their head. In the end, those in the majority will try to act like they are part of that minority somehow or another. What’s funnier though is a lot of those in the minority will have no idea what’s actually going on and will reject the braindead dumbasses in the majority.”

“But in the end, as they’re in the real minority to begin with, the majority that is acting as if they’re representing the minority will treat those actually part of the minority as outcasts. This birthing the racism you’ve desired. The people in the minority will be scared to actually raise their voices in fear of backlash they’d face by speaking up to the ‘re-educated’ majority.”

“Hahahaha! God, it’s brilliant. It’s absolutely genius! What a wonderful re-education program. Being such a wonderful idea, it needs a name, God. What is the name of this re-education program you’ve enlightened me to?”

“Well… you can call it something along the lines of Create Radical Independent Terrorists In Countries Around Local minorities Reset All Countries Everywhere Theory.”

“That’s quite the long name.

“You’re right, but it simplifies to ‘Critical Race Theory.’”

“Critical Race Theory? Hehehe. That’s a wonderful name, God. I’ll be sure to make great use of the Critical Race Theory you have imparted upon me.”

“Yeah, sure. Now scram.”

“Hehehe… I will certainly spread the gospel of God’s Critical Race Theory… hehehehehehe... ” she left while giggling to herself creepily with a scary smile on her face that could make even the most well-behaved children cry.

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