Reincarnated as the God of Shitty Life Counseling for Defective Washed Up Waifus

Consultation 92.

Consultation 92.

“God, my parents are really racist toward foreigners, but I fell in love with a coworker from overseas, how do I fix my parent’s perception toward foreigners?”

This was the last normie client I’d assist before I’d have to go back to my usual clientele filled with nothing but degenerates. Honestly, the request was so normal that I nearly dozed off halfway through from losing interest.

“Why not just make it so the locals in the area appear to all be lunatics to your parents? If they then see that your coworker from overseas is, relatively speaking, more normal compared to people local to your area, won’t they begin to warm up to the idea of foreigners?”

“On paper, that plan sounds like it would work, but how would I pull it off though?”

Since I wanted to get this over with quickly, I didn’t beat around the bush and I immediately got to the point.

“Just pin a bunch of crimes on the people that live in your area. You could spread unfounded gossip online about a bunch of your neighbors. If it was just one or two people might just laugh it off as nothing, but when it’s hundreds or thousands of people it becomes much harder to ignore it. You can pin things on them ranging from adultery, murder, patricide, money laundering, tax evasion, treason, human trafficking, selling drugs, etc. If their perception toward locals in the area drops to rock bottom, a foreigner from far away would look much better in comparison, right?”

“That’s certainly true.”

“At the core, the reason they are racist toward foreigners is simply because they feel that locals in the area are a better option compared to foreigners. When they see that is not the case, they will gradually shift toward favoring those foreigners instead. As they say, the grass is always greener on the other side of the road. When tragedy strikes nearby, people will look elsewhere for something better.”

“But what if that doesn’t succeed, God?”

“If that doesn’t work, then you can just cancel your parents or something. Just record a video of them being racist and expose them online. They will get inundated with hate from everyone and will be forced to accept foreigners whether they like it or not. They could lose their jobs after all. People these days are absolutely batshit crazy, going so far as to send death threats and track down where people work just to try and get them fired if they say the slightest thing they don’t agree with. If they don’t want to be socially ostracized and unable to find another job in the future they can only shut up and deal with it.”

“But won’t they hate and disown me if I do something like that?”

“Just get it recorded while in public. You can pay off some actors to interact with your parents and ensnare them in a trap while you’re not even around. This way they will never realize you had anything to do with it.”

“But… couldn’t this sort of thing ruin their entire lives.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t. Trust me on this, I’m God. If God is telling you it’ll be fine, it definitely will.” I gave her a big thumbs up.

“Oh yeah. That’s true... there’s no way God would tell me something that would really ruin their lives. That’s right, this is just correcting my misguided parent’s ways. They need to learn racism isn’t right. The only way to do so is to let them experience a bit of backlash so they can understand that they did something wrong. You’re absolutely right, God. I shouldn’t doubt you.”

“Good. Good. Now go out there and socially des- ehem, correct your parent’s way of thinking.” Phew. That was close, I almost slipped up and said socially destroy her parents just now.

“Yeah! I will definitely do that, God!”

With that, my consultations with these normies came to a close.

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