Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Driving down the road, Alex had removed almost all his thoughts, only the plans for tonight were left roaming in his mind.

The drive was calm and fast, but arriving at Port Angels didn't take long, when they arrived there they saw that there were still quite a lot of cars going around the city.

It seemed like the nightlife of Port Angels was quite developed for a small city.

"Looks pretty lively huh," Alex said as he drove the Porsche through the narrow downtown roads of Port Angels.

"Yeah, I was pretty surprised when I saw it last time as well, I'm glad though since it's so close we can come here pretty often if you'd like?" Alice said as she turned to look at Alex who thought for a moment and then nodded his head.

"Yeah that would be nice," Alex said softly whilst looking at the nightlights that lit up the streets around them.

"So where do we stop first?" Alex asked as he turned to face Alice once more.

Alice looked at him as if he was dumb, at least her expression seemed to convey that meaning.

"To a clothing store of course, did you actually think I'd let you go out on a date with me while looking like that, not to say that you don't look as lovely as you do but I want to dress you up okay?" Alice said as she patted Alex's shoulder lightly, her fingers running through his arm sent shivers down his spine.

"Ok, so do you know where a clothing store is and one that's open this late at night?" Alex asked as he tried to swerve the conversation some other way.

Alice put her index finger on her chin for a moment and seemed to be thinking for a second before she made an eureka moment face as she turned to face Alex once more and exclaimed.

"Yeah, I just remembered this clothing shop near the shopping mall downtown, and it sells suits for males as well so it's just perfect for what I want to get for you," Alice said and then started telling Alex how he could drive there.

After going in the wrong direction two times and losing their way entirely once, they finally arrived where they were supposed to go.

Just next to a large mall, stood a small old-looking shop.

By looking old it didn't mean that it was ruined or damaged, in fact, the shop looked well maintained and everything looked as if it had just come out of the factory but the style of the place looked like something one would find in the eighteen hundreds instead of the twenty-first century.

Parking the Porsche in the mall's parking lot, Alex turned the car off and got off first, heading to Alice's door to open it for her.

"Thank you," Alice said as she got out of the car while holding Alex's hand.

"No problem" Alex replied as he gave her a smile which she returned.

Around them, there were quite a lot of people who were either heading into the mall or were returning to their cars and heading somewhere else.

It seemed like it was quite a famous location to spend time at, Alex even saw quite a lot of couples holding hands.

He also noticed them whispering and looking at him and Alice however.

"Isn't he so handsome, no at this point maybe it's called beautiful?" One of them said.

"Yeah, if he just grew his hair he would look just like a magazine model," The other said from the different side of the street.

'Shut up damn it, I look like a handsome manly man' Alex said in annoyance as he heard their whispers.

Of course, there weren't only good ones, there were also people who were jealous of him and spoke badly because of that jealousy and envy, especially when they saw him walking together with Alice.

"Why is someone like her going around with a hillbilly like him?" One of them said whilst the others spoke similar things.

'They sound like third-rate bandits in Chinese novels' Alex thought to himself jokingly as he and Alice headed into the old-fashioned clothing store.


The bell of the store rang signaling that someone had come in.

A moment later Alice and Alex had walked a few steps into the store and closed the door.

Someone came in front of them.

It was an old man with gray hair that had been slicked back with only one lock of hair falling down to his eye on the right side.

He was wearing a black suit similar to what Alex had seen butlers wear in anime back in his old world.

'He looks so damn cool' Alex thought as he looked at the old man who held himself up like what Alex felt a noble should look like.

"Welcome to our humble clothing store." The man said as he held a hand before him and one behind his back and bowed before them.

"Thank you," Alex said though his voice was a bit flustered at how the man had greeted him and Alice.

Getting up to stand straight once again, the butler-like man said to the two of them.

"I'm Sebastian I'll be showing you around and helping you with anything you need while in the shop. May I know what you have come to look for Madam, Sir? Or is it that you just want to sightsee around the shop?" The man called Sebastian said as he looked at Alice who kept a soft smile while Alex's eyes widened and he barely held his mouth as it was trying to open up from the shock.

'He's called Sebastian, a damn butler is called Sebastian' Alex thought to himself as he looked at the man.

'Does he know of the Great Tomb of Nazarick?' Alex thought to himself seriously as he looked at the butler.

"We are here to look for some suits for Alex, if you could show us some options, we don't have time so we can't take any custom ones sadly," Alice said as she turned her head to Alex.


First chapter of the day, thanks for reading and for all the support until now.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and help me keep the lights on then check out my Patreon at:

Some really interesting stuff is happening in the future chapters.

Lots of Love

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