Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


Bella tried on different outfits but in the end, just chose a normal pair of clothes with blue jeans and a sweater.

Alex nodded and then a thought popped up in his head.

'Am I hindering her love life? In the books they were already sleeping in the same bed' Alex thought but decided to quickly shake the thought out of his head.

'Doesnt matter what they were doing in the books, I don't want to hear that shit'


Hearing the sound of the Volvo, Alex turned his head towards the front door.

"He's here"

The words seemed to have an effect similar to a pair of bricks falling on top of Bella's head.

"He can hear anything you say so you should probably keep your thoughts to yourself," Alex said as he got up from the couch and headed towards the front porch.

Once outside Alex saw Edward getting out of his car, what surprised him however causing his jaw to lightly slack was the fact that he wasn't alone.

Comming together was a vixen, her smile both enthralling to Alex but just as mischievous.

"I didn't know you were also comming Alice," Alex said as he gave her a slight smile.

"Well I thought we could also hang out, No one is really home today so I thought we could keep each other company," Alice said as she arrived before Alex.

Nodding his head, Alex showed a brighter smile.

"Seems like the only ones left still single are us two huh?"

Alice's eyes seemed to shine as she gave a reply.

"Right, I wonder when we won't be single anymore, you got anyone in mind, Alex?" Alice said as she came closer to Alex, their bodies almost touching.

"We aren't together" Bella almost shouted from the side as she looked at Alex, her face was red as a tomato.

Alex and Alice smiled at the same time.

Bella didn't seem to like their smiles though as she took a step backwards.

"Alex I don't want to hear it," Bella said as she turned and grabbed Edward by the hand.

"Let's go"

Edward just gave a slight smile as he nodded and followed her to the Volvo.


"Don't break too many bases, Bella!" Alex said as he gave his sister a grin.

"I don't think it's possible considering it's Edward we are talking about, she might have to jump him," Alice who was next to Alex said with the same grin.

Edward and Bella turned towards the two just as they were about to head into the Volvo.

"You two are insufferable, you should have never become friends," Edward said while Bella simply frowned at her brother.

"Can't even take a joke huh," Alex said though his grin was still in place.

"I know right? These days it feels like it's just us two." Alice said as she turned to look at Alex once more.

She had a certain look in her eyes but Alex couldn't figure it out for the life of him.

"Right. Anyway, what do you wanna do?" Alex said as he turned to offer Alice entry into the house.

Alice didn't wait at all and headed into the house as if she owned the place.

"Well there's a lot we can do, but let's just start with a movie?" Alice said as she sat on the couch and grabbed the remote.

Alex was left there staring at the vixen who had invaded his home.


"You feel like a menace sometimes you know that Alice?" Alex said as he went and sat next to her on the couch.

Alice didn't even give his question an answer and simply scrolled through the channels on the TV.

"Well, what do you want to watch? I think I have some movies around here" Alex said.

"Well bring them then, how am I supposed to know what I want when I don't know what you have?" Alice said as she turned to Alex and made a motion as if telling him to get on with it.

"Of course your Highness, do you want me to bring you a plate of humbleness as well?" Alex said as he got up.

"No need, I'm here with you aren't I? That's already humble enough," Alice said, she seemed to barely be holding back her laughter at her own jokes.


"The others must have it hard" Alex muttered as he went to look at the drawers underneath the TV.

"What was that, I didn't quite catch it."

"Nothing," Alex said as he rummaged through the drawer.

'As if you couldn't hear it with your enhanced hearing' Alex thought to himself as he grabbed the movie CDs.

In the end, Alex grabbed three movies that he knew, the others appeared to be old unknown movies that Charlie had gathered.

"So we have three choices," Alex said as he turned around to face Alice.

"We've got Saw II, Batman Begins, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

Showing the movie covers to Alice, Alex waited for her to come to a decision.

"How about we watch both Saw and The Chocolate Factory?" Alice said as she couldn't decide between the two.

'Somehow you choosing those two makes so much sense' Alex thought as he remembered the paintings in her room and then her usual childish attitude.

"Sure, we can do that," Alex said as he put Saw II into the TV and headed back to the couch.

"Too bad we don't have any popcorn," Alex said once he sat down.

"I can't eat it Alex," Alice said from his side.

"Right I forgot about that, sorry," Alex said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's fine," Alice said as she gave a light giggle.

The movie soon started.

It was about a detective and his team trying to rescue eight people trapped in a factory by a man known as Jigsaw.

Jigsaw put the 8 people through various trap rooms, not many managed to survive, most of them dying.

Alice however seemed focused on the movie as she stared at the torturous methods the people died from.

"Is it really that interesting?" Alex asked as he turned toward her.

"It is, I don't know if you already know this but I lost all memories of my life as a human, unlike the others. I don't really know how it feels to be a human so they fascinate me quite a lot" Alice said as she stared at the movie.

"Hmm, maybe you'll find out about your human self someday then," Alex said as he turned to watch the movie once more.

"I think Humanity is overrated either way, whats so good about being a human?"

"That's easy for you to say, the vampire with no side effects," Alice said, giving a light chuckle.


Alex thus decided he had to shut up.


3rd chapter of the day.

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Lots of Love

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