Reincarnated as Bella Swan’s Brother (Twilight)


A while later, clouds had gathered on top of Forks, their gathering only further accentuated with a dark color as they unleashed what many used to call heaven's wrath upon the lands below.

The rain fell down rapidly as the water covered every open surface under the thundering clouds.


"I'm back home," Alex said to the air, he could hear Bella shifting in her bed upstairs however he didn't receive a reply.

'Guess it won't just be forgotten after a few hours' Alex thought as he moved towards the stairs, heading up towards his room.

'Charlie doesn't arrive for a few hours, I'll just use this time to memorize every book for this school year.' Alex thought as he nodded to himself, trying to at least shatter the loneliness a little.

As he read the books one by one at a speed far greater than a human could achieve, The rain continued to fall outside the window.

Time passed and soon after it had already become Friday morning. The last day of the school week.

Waking up or at least pretending to, Alex sat on his bed, picking his phone up, he saw the time. It was six am on the morning of a Friday.

'No messages and no calls huh' Alex thought, he was honestly surprised at the notion but also not at the same time.

'The last week sure has been fruitful though.' Alex thought as he remembered what he had found out during the week.

'This body has two sets of memories but only one soul if I would call it that or I could also just say that the main set of memories are mine, The Alex who got reincarnated here. I know most of the former Alex's memories but not all and there are certain blind spots, though they seem to be rare and hard to find someone like Bella who has lived with the former for years will be able to notice the discrepancies.' Alex thought as he got up from the bed and went towards his clothes hangar.

Taking his daily clothes he took to school, he started getting clothed, his thoughts continuing.

'Another thing that is interesting to mention is that I seem to unconsciously not accept these memories as mine somehow and thus have no emotions for the people associated with them. Sure Bella is my sister and I have tried to act as her brother but I just don't have the same feelings for her as the former Alex did, that sibling bond simply isn't there and is simply replaced by a conscious obligation that I have given myself.' Alex thought as the image of how Bella noticed his change started becoming clearer and clearer.

'I thought that I was acting just like the old Alex but I was in fact merely a cheap copy of him, no even a copy would be better, I didn't even have the full material, not even the full memories to at least try and replicate him as closely as I could' Alex thought as he got fully dressed up and grabbed his backpack.

Opening the door of his bedroom, he headed downstairs and prepared himself breakfast, simply some eggs and bacon whilst also making sure to make some for Bella.

'In three days, Edward will be back to school and the plot will start once more in full swing. After that, it won't be long until Bella finds out about the Cullens and their supernatural abilities. I could change what happens and get a better reputation with Bella if I go and stop the truck instead but it would reveal me as a supernatural as well and not to someone as harmless as Bella but to the Cullens, who are century-old vampires.' Alex thought as he finished roasting the bacon in his pan.

'The past few days I also didn't have any interactions with the Cullens, while Alice asked me for my number that day, I still haven't received any texts or calls from her. Not like I would even like any at this point' Alex thought as he took out two dishes and put the Bacon and eggs on them.

Hearing a sound, Alex lifted his head towards the ceiling.

'Guess Bella's awake then' Alex thought as he took one of the dishes walked towards the couch and turned the TV on, watching the morning broadcast as he did every morning.

It had turned into a bit of a habit, the only normal part of his life was what it seemed to Alex. It helped him start the new day fresh and feeling at least a little bit normal, even though the feeling of being able to destroy everything and anything around him did frequently rush to his mind.

'What I have also noticed is that my emotions seem to be more agitated when I'm fully transformed, It is as if they are intensified, not to a large degree where it is noticeable even without me doing anything but if I were in a dangerous situation then I could react differently then what I would normally do with a cool and calm mind' 

Eating the bacon and eggs was another part he had decided to add to his daily routine, mainly to uphold his acting as a human but it was the former Alex's favorite morning dish and he had decided to eat it as his go-to for breakfast as well in a way to honor the past owner of this body.

'I still don't know much about him or anything really, but what is certain is that he wasn't me and I'm not him. He was a really completely different person and not someone created to just be my body when I reincarnated here, maybe he could have been but it really doesn't feel like it' Alex thought as he finished his breakfast.

Bella came downstairs a few minutes later and muttered a small good morning, took her dish, and ate her own breakfast.

"Are you ready?" Alex asked as he got up from the couch and turned the TV off.

Bella nodded as she took the keys and headed outside.

"All right then," Alex said to himself as he grabbed two umbrellas before going outside and then followed Bella inside the car.

"The broadcast says it's going to rain today, and yes we have the car but it's still safer to also bring these with us," Alex said as he sat down on the front passenger seat.

"Right, Thanks," Bella said as she ignited the car and reversed out of the house garage.

The Truck was finally on the road, heading towards Forks High School.


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With all the advertising done, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, was pretty fun to write.


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