Reincarnated as an Elf’s Best Friend

Chapter 19 – Chapter X—|||

It was getting somewhat uncomfortable with the elf hugging me. Since it looked like she was fast asleep, I gingerly released myself from her grasp. She didn’t wake up, much to my relief.

I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn’t. It’s not too surprising though, as I’ve lived for more than four years completely nocturnal. That being said, I should probably convert back to sleep at night to match the sleeping patterns of the elves.

This brings back memories of how I had to deal with jet lag after an overseas trip. The way I coped is definitely not the healthiest, as I just downed a whole bunch of energy drinks until normal sleeping time came around, and then I crashed. Unfortunately, unless the elves have something like that around, I won’t be able to pull that off here.

Still though, looking around Anortha’s room made me remember the times before I died. I would assume living in trees and having magic would cause the elves to live radically different lifestyles, but her room was filled with awfully familiar things.

There was a bookshelf filled with books, and flipping through the books, there were made of paper (or at least felt like paper). I couldn’t understand the writing of course, otherwise I would have gone through them. There was also a chalkboard on one of her walls, along with a cup full of chalk in it. There were drawers with undergarments in them, and also a wardrobe with outer garments.

That being said, there were some items in her room I had no idea what they were, so it wasn’t a complete disappointment. For example, one of them was a flat disk with fifteen markings. They looked like |, ||, |||, —, —|, —||, —|||, ——, ——|, ——||, ——|||, X, X|, X||, X|||. There were also two needles, the longer one pointing at the “X||” and the shorter one at the “——||”. Although when I lifted it up, Anortha seemed a bit on edge, so I gently put it down.


While living with my family wasn’t uncomfortable, nor was it really uncivilized, I still originally lived in a large city before I died, and I still kind of miss it. Seeing all the relatively modern furniture and other household items, I had hopes that I could live like how I used to. Who knows, maybe they even have a refrigerator stocked with drinks, and a freezer with frozen food that I could microwave for dinner. Or so I would wish, but I don’t see electricity anywhere, but maybe they have a magical equivalent of them?

What I really want though, and it is something they definitely have, is clothes. I sort of got used to the lack of clothes since nobody wore them and I guess being covered with fur counts as “clothes” to some extent, but Anortha and that creepy elven guy wore clothes, and my past life’s experience is now making me ashamed.

Especially since that perverted lolicon of an elf is around. I mean who the heck spreads open the legs of a four-year-old girl and looks at her genitals? A degenerate pedophile, that’s who. I would have totally called the cops on him and have him arrested if it were back in my old world. At least if I had clothes on, it would be harder for that pervert to look at my privates.


Ugh, thinking about the sexual harassment earlier definitely does not help me go sleep. Not that I would have been able to sleep anyways.

I looked at the elven girl sleeping next to me. She had that air of innocence, which wasn’t surprising given that she looked like she was ten. But that was all the more concerning since who knows what that man had done or will do to her. Guess I’ll just have to look out for her wellbeing. Small price to pay for being saved anyways.

Throughout the rest of the night, I spent the entire time trying to sleep while thinking about random thoughts, until eventually sleep claimed me.


“Pochi! Veku! Nun! La suno yam eliris!” I heard loudly in my ear while I was being shaken.

Groaning, I opened my eyes to see a very eager girl peering at me. Looking out the window, I saw the sun rising.

What the heck, this is when I normally would start going to sleep, I thought, as I ignored her and tried to go back to sleep.

As tired as I was, it was impossible to sleep with an elf yelling in my ear and shaking me. That being said, I refused to get up, hoping that she’ll eventually stop trying.

A grueling ten-ish minutes later, she gave up, yelling, “Vi ne recivos matenmanjon!” and left the room.

Good, I thought. Finally some peace and quiet.

I immediately fell back asleep.


“Pochi! Veku! Nun! Estas yam tagmezo!” I heard loudly in my ear while I was being shaken.

Groaning, I opened my eyes to see a rather eager girl peering at me. Having a strange sense of déjà vu, I looked out the window to see the sun was already high in the sky.

I guess I’ve slept enough for now, I thought, as I got up.

Anortha excitedly thrust a bag at me, and said, “Vian tagmanjon!”

Wondering what was in the bag, I peered inside it. All I saw was a pile of nuts, the exact same ones that she fed the squirrels and birds with. I was rather hungry, as I haven’t eaten anything recently, so I began wolfing them down. I ate a good quarter of the nuts until I realized that she was watching me eat the entire time, which made it a bit uncomfortable. Doesn’t she have something better to do? Since it is also not nutritionally balanced to only eat nuts for breakfast, I stopped eating.

Curious to know what elven cuisine would be like, I got up to leave the room in search for the pantry.

When I did however, Anortha yelled, “Haltu!” and dragged me away from the door.

Wait, I can’t even leave the room? Or is it that I can’t leave without supervision? Guess it’s time to thoroughly inspect everything in this room then. And since I can’t get more food in the meantime, it is time to eat the rest of the nuts.

I did my best to ignore the fact that the elf was watching me eat as if I were a rare animal in a zoo or something. Just for fun, I deliberately ate really slowly, wondering how long she would keep looking at me eat.

Unfortunately, I had no idea what the actual answer is because the elf suddenly looked at the weird disk with markings, before screaming, “Restu en mia chambro!” and ran out the room.

I looked at the disk again. It looked the same as it did last night, except the needles were in different positions now. The longer one was now at the “|” and the shorter one was at the “X|||”. Bored, I looked at it real closely, and noticed that the shorter needle was moving clockwise really slowly. Given that Anortha suddenly left in a hurry after looking at this and the moving needle, does that mean this was a clock? In that case, wouldn’t the marking be numbers? | could just be one, and || could be two, and if I kept going in the clockwise direction, that means that these are the number from one to fifteen?

Intrigued, I decided to write the markings on the chalk board, along with the number of circles I expect the markings to represent. When she comes back, I’ll ask her if my guess was correct. But if I am correct, doesn’t that mean that the elves tell time very differently? Not to mention their numbering system looks like some strange version of the Roman numeral system too.

I guess I should forget about the common sense of my original world. I mean the sky is freaking purple for one. Surely, having different number of hours in a day or denoting numbers is not much of a stretch.

Done looking at the supposed clock, I went and flipped through her wardrobe to see if any of the clothes could actually fit me. The problem was that she was almost twice my height, so any clothes that might would have to be really old, or I would have to do some tailoring.

I found a nice, white, short-sleeved jacket, so when I wore it, it became a rather baggy robe that was a bit too long for me. There were a few of those jackets, so hoping that Anortha won’t miss them, I decided to make it mine. Digging around, I found a sewing kit, so I folded the bottom of the jacket and sewed the ends to hold it in place. In the end, I managed to tailor it so the jacket doesn’t drag on the ground, and the sleeves weren’t too loose. Now all I need is some kind of sash so the jacket front can stay closed.

The only thing I could find was a spool of red ribbon, so I cut a lengthy piece from it and used it to wrap around my waist and tie it.

I looked at myself in the mirror and thought I did a pretty good job. My stitch work was uneven and shoddy, but you would have to look really close to even see them.

Next up would be to get underwear, but that would be harder to find. I was flipping through her underwear when I heard the door open. I turned around to find her standing still, with a look of shock on her face.

Oh crap, I thought. Should I have not messed up her clothes?

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