Chapter 5: Dance evening
Dance evening
As soon as the doors opened, a bright light appeared in front of me that blinded my eyes.
I learned where the light came from in the Middle Ages.
These are special crystals that are charged with solar energy and reproduce it in the dark.
There are such everywhere in the castle. However, before the ball, there were many more of them. I saw how the servants laid them out in the clearing.
I could not count them. They are also of different colors and these are not 3-4 colors, there are about 100 of them.
As far as I know, in addition to the fact that a servant takes you to your place in the hall, they are also illuminated by a stone that glows with the colors of the house.
That is, red and blue, yellow and green. Before this, the houses were represented only by their main color. But one funny situation happened.
Well, that's what my father said (He even laughed so much when he retold it that he almost choked.) As for me, the situation is terrible.
There is one house whose main color is black, like Lucifer's. And he sat down in a place with a black color. I don't know what the servants were doing.
But he sat in Lucifer's place. Lucifer, realizing this without thinking twice, killed that devil and my father laughed about it for about 30 minutes.
Even when he told this story 1000 times. He doesn't have much of a sense of humor. I think that devil wanted to humiliate Lucifer and raise his reputation.
Well, he miscalculated somewhere. And then all the eyes of those gathered fell on us. Grayfia was doing well. I clearly saw that she was nervous and tried to cheer her up.
But as soon as we left, all her nervousness went away.
Looking around the hall, I saw two people who gave birth to the main character of this world.
Zioticus Gremory is said to be incredibly proud and pompous even by the standards of devils.
Now it's clear why he got along so well with the Phoenixes. Next to him sat a beautiful girl named Venelana Gremory, formerly Bael.
About her, one can say that marriage killed that cool girl and a woman appeared. Well, a cool woman by the standards of the devils of that time.
The story is that she somehow went to the human world. And there she ran into human slave traders. Without power and unfamiliar with this world.
Well, she killed everyone and in the process destroyed a city with a population of 60,000 people. I don't know this city from the history of my world.
Everyone passed on this story as incredibly cool and many devils are jealous of Zioticus who was able to negotiate with Venelana's father.
Now I understand why her story was hushed up in the canon. How can Lucifer talk about peace when his mother killed thousands?
In general, they found each other Venelana is also incredibly arrogant, but after the birth of her son, according to my mother, she began to control her sin and is now a very good conversationalist.
Next to their table is the Phoenix family's table, I won't say anything about them because it's not interesting. After them comes the Agares family.
Their clan has a very interesting ability, they control time. Yes, you might think that the devil kings are the strongest family, ruling over an entire concept.
And this time, according to the description, they should be incredible, but in fact, either they do not marry very well, or they just lack strength, in general, it is disappointing.
Maybe I just expected more? Next comes the Barbatos house, the guys command blood magic.
A strong ability, but unfortunately they cannot reproduce it and air.
Therefore, each member of the house has a reservoir that stands in a secluded place and there they drain the blood of the dead or their own.
After which they call blood from the teleportation circle during the battle. They can only use the blood that they have soaked with their mana.
Even during the battle, in order to use someone else's blood, they need 2-3 minutes to pump mana into the blood that is not in the creature's body.
So if the creature is magical, they cannot manipulate the blood in the body.
And now comes the house that I did not know from the canon of Dantalion, they command gold.
They can also transform something into gold with a touch, but it takes a lot of mana, according to the stories, they are not very strong, but they are one of the richest houses in the underworld, which I think is obvious.
However, the question arises: why does 1 Lucifer need such a house or did he want to live in luxury after defeating his father?
They say that the members of this house are incredibly arrogant, they look like this. Blondes with golden eyes.
I would say that they look like princes. Well, that's how I imagined them, it's a pity that they were unlucky with their character.
My gaze fell on another house and I tried not to linger on the bottom.
This is the house of Valak. They look like this: pink hair with 2 protruding upper teeth.
You may ask why everyone here is handsome, but this house is so unlucky?
It is because of their strength that 1 Lucifer finally did something right.
Their strength lies in the fact that the angrier they are, the stronger they are.
Naturally, their main feature is anger and no one wants to mess with them.
Next comes Zerkam Bael with his disappointing son.
The whole devil society considers the son disappointing. Much more is expected from the son of this devil.
And for many he is simply a laughing stock. Zerkam Bael himself is now the unofficial boss, many in the underworld are afraid of him.
How do I know all this? Well, they didn't just throw us on stage and tell us to play.
They prepared us for this appearance, and very diligently.
There are many clans in the underworld now, but I know from canon that this will change soon. To be honest, it's sad.
It's like the extinction of some animal species.
I remember seeing the last photo of the Nemean lion as a child. I don't know why, but it inspired and delighted me.
I specially opened this photo and looked at it.
Meanwhile, my sister and I approached my father, who was speaking in front of the stage and joking.
The jokes, as is customary here, were aimed at the devils that my father didn't like.
This is normal here, I would call it a replacement for war.
Then we will come to these people and they will also joke about us.
And if my sister and I are somehow humiliated today, then this is material for the next 50 years. Every devil has fun as best he can.
I have a theory that the devils began to behave well not because of Satanist propaganda, but because they found something to do.
Now the only good thing for them is war.
And now, at the moment of shame, he turned his attention to us.
"And I want to introduce to all the highly respected devils my beautiful daughters. The first of them is the beautiful, handsome, charming, enchanting, intelligent, lovely, delightful, stunning, stellar, elegant, desirable and I repeat beautiful my daughter Alfia Lucifuge."
I thought that this speech would never end. I want to meet his teacher and shake his hand.
I went forward and the devils applauded.
I spun around, bowed and at that moment my father raised his hand.
"But that's not all, I have a second daughter."
As if no one knew that. I think to myself.
"I present to you the unique, interesting, intriguing, dazzling, magnificent, blooming, majestic and simply beautiful Grayfia Lucifuge!"
My sister came out and just like me spun around and then curtsied and walked towards me. All the devils in the room applauded.
And then I saw the 2nd son of Nevel Barbatos. Glan Barbatos. He looks like an ordinary little boy.
Well, in my past world, he would have been immediately dubbed the most beautiful person in the world, here he is ordinary.
Blood red hair with red hair are the features of his house.
And this boy looked at me with admiration.
For a moment, it seemed to me that I saw stars in his eyes. He looked at me with such admiration that I felt awkward.
And this look scared me. He will not become some kind of maniac? Please?
I felt that this devil will cause me problems in the future. I hope I am wrong.
Even if their family will propose marriage, I do not think that father will agree since he will not tolerate anything less than an heir.
Father continued the performance after we left for mother.
And sat with her at the main table. After which we continued to listen to father's witty speech.
After 2 hours of our praise and certainly (witty) jokes from the head of my house, the music started playing.
This means only one thing. The ball is beginning!