Reincarnated as a Rock

Chapter 3 Discovery of My Useless Status

1240 words

Woah some translucent image right in front of my eyes has appeared and with focusing on either the background behind the image or the image itself I could change the opacity. There are weird symbols like how it was on the parchment and feels just like when I talked with the devil, the meaning intuitively comes to mind upon seeing the symbols. So it won't be an exact translation but here's how my status looks like:

Name: (empty)
Title: Independent Servant of @#$&+
Creed: None
Protection: Divine Protection of @#$&+
Health Points: 50/50
Stamina Points: 0/0
Level: 1/?
Class: None
Divine: Divine Protection (expiration in: 5 Earth years)
Unique: (empty)
Higher: Status
Normal: (empty)
Clan: None
There is some blurry gibberish on there. I don't know if it is like that because of my low level or something, I excluded the blurry stuff from the list.
Hm, this is interesting. Aside from completely unintelligible sentences, there are kind of censored and empty things. For starters: It seems I don't have a name in this world. A completely new start, huh. For the main course:
There are two same symbols both in title and protection. That wrenched bastard said that he was going to give me divine protection, so that's his name I think and I have no idea what that "Creed" is supposed to mean. Though I wonder why is his name censored... 

Aside from that, it seems that I am entitled to the honor(disgust) of being the servant of that devil! And apparently, I am an independent servant, whatever that means. Then there is the case of my HP, Stamina, Class and Skills. I am not sure if a threshold of 50 points in HP is good or not. 

Oh, I have an idea, why not just compare my SP and HP since number thresholds of tiers of HP and SP numbers are in most cases numerically the same, for example where a tenth level tank character has 300 HP and 50 SP, a tenth level scout character would have around 50 HP and 300 SP. Oh my, sorry to disappoint you sire but it seems we are all out of SP. I HAVE 0 SP! 

That devil mentioned something with research and entertainment through experimenting with "lesser beings". I know that psycho set all this up. But giving me literally 0 chance to live this life whatsoever... I am sure he is now watching me suffer and anticipating me to lose my sanity because I can't move. But I refuse, one of my absolute favorite things to do is to tell someone I think strong is "no". 

I am already used to not moving from my room for days, this may be different than that but so what?!? I'll adapt to the status quo until I get through this and report him to the worker's rights for abusing his "servant", nay human rights! (the fact that I am now a rock and him being a deity not dawning upon me...) Yeah, I've got to get through this! First, I've got to find a way to move. So I should focus on learning of this fantasy world and thus my skills and stats.
Moving on to skills! It seems that there are tiers to the skills. Normal, Higher, Unique, Divine. Sorted by their position on the image I see, probably the top one being the strongest and the bottom one being the weakest. I have the Higher Skill, Status and the Divine Skill, Divine Protection. I don't have anything else which is a shame but other than that I noticed that the Divine Protection will expire in 5 Earth years. 

Probably added "Earth" in there because the years on this planet are different. Hell since one of the suns' almost always on the sky I don't know if the hypothetical intelligent inhabitants of this world have the idea of a day since there's no night... 

Speaking of the inhabitants, I had seen the deer/kangaroo hybrids shout to each other and make some gestures with their arms and legs but I don't really want to think that they are the homo sapiens of this world. Even though the unique conditions of this world produced already "Unique" creatures, it is just wrong for me to think they are the new humans. Then there's only the "Clan" left. It is probably something similar to a party or faction feature.
Reflecting furthermore upon the last and probably the biggest mistake I've ever made, of taking things for granted. I started to resent my haste even more. You might ask what could I have done, even if I had known of the details of this contract. And you'd be correct I wouldn't have a lot of cards to play regardless since I would be negotiating with a being that has cheat powers. 

But here's the catch, he seemed willing to answer my questions, so even if I couldn't get him to not make me a stationary, practically an ordinary rock. I could have gained some info and insight as to what kind of place am I in. And what to do. So as to not make the same mistake twice, I tweaked with the whole Status thingy. 

It seems I can't really interact with anything except "Class". And when I "click" on it in game terms, there were some symbols in gray. This was weird since all the "text" I have seen up until now had been either a pure white or metallic; red, yellow, and blue. For I couldn't understand what they meant, I tried interacting with them, since nothing bad happened so far, but to no avail.
I played with the Status for half a day(2-3 hours) to cure my crippling boredom. But it only kept the inevitable at bay... I got bored of Status too. Then came an idea. I can't smell or taste and except for my superior Byakugan-like vision(I can't see a mile away but can zoom a bit on what's in my field of vision and could see almost 360° around me) my other senses; hearing and feeling are dull at best. And I have read that imagination, creativity and performance of the remaining senses of a person would increase upon losing vision or hearing. I have those two but only my vision is dependable. So if I turn all of them off I can perhaps create a world of dream to pass the time. 
You probably think that this is ignoring the problem, I know but what do you expect me to do. I was observing the creatures in the environment until they started to leave me here by only my self. Now they are gone, I don't have anything else to see aside for ordinary-looking trees, shaking a bit from the winds. And I have tried all the possibilities with the Status too. 
I have utterly exhausted all of my resources. The only thing that could happen involving me now is either getting picked up or ignored for a long time. Though I highly doubt the former happening soon, since all the creatures have left me. And I am curious as to what will happen when that Divine Protection expires.
 I don't like the idea of wasting the precious time of divine protection just because I am bored but like I said even if a threat were to effect or target me I have nothing to oppose it with. So I should just go ahead and chill in my own Infinite(finite) Tsukiyomi.

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