Reincarnated as a mana core

Chapter 47 A slime’s life

In a sea of silver grass a slime was born. It looked around itself, but was unable to see the world as most creatures do and instead used its sense of mana as a replacement. It wobbled its body up and down and then jumped.

The slime hovered through the air for some time before it landed again. Not touching the ground had been really strange so the slime decided not to jump again. Its body touched a few grass blades and it engulfed them curiously.

A feeling of satisfaction spread through the slime's body and it began to eat more of the grass. After some time the feeling changed and eating more became uncomfortable so the slime stopped and looked around. It could sense something that was a lot larger than the grass and started to move into the direction by wobbling back and forth.

The slime reached the large unmoving thing, but was unable to climb up so it stayed near the strange object, waiting for something to happen.

After an unknown amount of time something did happen, but not what it had expected. A second strange thing had appeared, but this one was moving, even moving without ground so maybe it was like itself?

The slime wobbled around in greeting, but the entity didn’t react and continued to move towards the slime. Our slime discovered a strange long appendage on the newcomer and somehow it didn’t like that. The slime wasn’t sure why that was so, but suddenly it didn’t want to be near the entity.

Now it had only one problem. The creature was faster than itself except if the slime jumped away and had it not decided not to jump again? 

Our slime took its time to think about it, but when the other creature was about to reach it, it decided to follow its gut feeling and jumped.

After that encounter the slime traveled for a long time in search of new interesting things. In addition to grass it had discovered a few other plants it could eat that were larger. On its journey to find more of these plants the slime met a second flying creature.

Wary from the first time the slime had met something moving, it watched from afar, trying to understand what was going on. The creature was moving from bigger not-grass to bigger not-grass and circled an especially big not-grass. Maybe it was protecting the biggest not-grass?

Sure of itself the slime decided to approach the creature without getting near the tallest of the plants. As it got closer to the entity it noticed small vibrations that the creature's movement was causing. The first one hadn’t done this so this creature had to be different.

Again the slime wobbled around in greeting. The other creature noticed this and stopped what it had been doing to watch the slime. Then it intensified the vibrations and began to rise and sink rhythmically. 

The slime made a very small hop in excitement. It had been greeted back! 

Not all things were bad, that was good. The slime wouldn’t have known what else to do if things had been different.

It stayed with the other creature for some time and began to grow a bit larger. The slime wondered why it was doing that, but there was no one who could answer its questions.

As time passed the slime grew larger and its urge to leave the other entity and search for something grew with its size. What it was searching for it didn't know, but one day it decided that it was time to leave again.

The slime wobbled a goodbye to the other creature and wished it a good life. Then it got a feeling as if something was pulling it apart. The slime shuddered and tried to move its body in one direction. A slop sounded out and it lost all sensation of one half of its body. It didn’t hurt, but still disoriented the slime.

It searched for the rest of its body and discovered a second slime in its place. The two wobbled at each other and then sat there for some time until our slime decided to finally start its journey. It couldn’t make sense of what had happened anyway.

On its travels it saw more of the too large to eat things, but also some of the creatures it had met first. The slime had caught some of them sitting on another slime and had thought that maybe they were nice, not bad, but then had to watch how they drained the other slime.

For the first time our slime was confronted with death and the prospect of life being a fleeting thing terrified it. From that point onwards it got a lot more careful on its travels.

With the passing of time the slime began to grow again. It still didn’t know what it was it searched for, but never did it question its instincts.

One day it came past a hole in the earth. That was the first time our slime had ever seen something like this and watched the hole for some time. Nothing happened with the hole in that time so the slime decided that it was safe to enter. Maybe it would find what it was searching for there?

During the slime’s travels through the hole it discovered that it could climb up the walls and move on the ceiling by creating an area without air between its body and the ground. Doing so was a bit difficult, but the slime liked the idea of being able to go everywhere without having to leave the ground.

It continued moving through the hole and discovered a new type of plant after some time. The plant was small and round and had a disgusting taste. The slime could also feel something moving through the ground, but never managed to catch a glimpse of the creature.

As it got deeper and deeper into the hole everything became slightly brighter to the slime's senses. Its instincts told it that this was a good thing and urged it to continue. It wobbled forwards and noticed that the hole began to open up more.

Full of curiosity the slime slowly entered the larger hole. The small disgusting plants were growing everywhere and in the back of the area there was an area that shone extremely bright to the slime's senses.

Like in a trance our slime began to move towards the bright thing, but stopped when it noticed something in the middle of the room. There were two creatures and one of them was dead while the other one seemed to be happy. The still living creature had a lot of different body parts and the slime wondered if it was difficult to control so many things at once. Maybe the thing was many things at once?

It wobbled up and down, trying to signal that it was not a threat and then left to right in case the creature didn’t understand up and down.

The thing with the many appendages didn’t seem to trust the slime though and jumped away with the dead body. Our slime stopped moving and watched them disappear. Then it looked towards the spot where the dead creature had been and noticed some irregularity in the ground.

Suspicious of the spot where something had died the slime decided to instead investigate the bright area. It was the most beautiful thing the slime had ever sensed so it just sat in front of the thing and admired it for some time.

Then in a spur of a moment our slime decided to jump at it. Its world got blindingly bright for a split second and then it was surrounded by grass again. Behind it was another bright area and in front of it was more grass, but there were a lot more of the big not-grass things around.

The slime wondered if it was the same land it had come from or a different one. It also wanted to know if it could travel back through the bright area. The slime jumped again and found itself back in the hole. It couldn’t quite comprehend what was happening so it jumped through the bright area a few more times.

Then it decided to stay in the grass area. While it liked the hole and the brightness there, the food was disgusting and it knew that the grassland had nice food. The slime still stayed close to the bright area hoping something interesting would happen though.

Like this it lived there and divided itself two more times until one day two bright spots appeared out of nowhere. The slime of course wanted to know what was going on and got close to the spot.

What it saw left our slime shocked. Two large creatures were standing in the grass and made weird vibrations. They were both a lot brighter than anything the slime had ever seen except for the weird area and for the first time the slime feared a creature and not an aspect of life.

It watched the two creatures for some time and noticed that they seemed to be rather friendly. Still the slime feared them and didn’t go near them, at least in the beginning. Something was bugging it whenever it looked at the larger one of the two creatures.

It continued watching, but at one point the two creatures moved away at a really fast speed. The slime's instincts were telling it to leave them alone, but the weird feeling of recognition the slime had while looking at the larger creature made it do something that it was not meant to do. It ignored its instincts and followed the two creatures as fast as it could.

Sadly it was much slower than them and lost sight of the two. Discouraged and frustrated, the slime went back to the bright area. When it got there it finally realized what had been bugging it. 

For some reason one of the creatures and the bright area felt similar. Hopefully the two creatures would come back so the slime could prove its theory to itself.

Our slime was indeed lucky and the two creatures came back. They laid down at one of the too tall to be food things and stopped moving after a while. The slime used this time to slowly get close to them and then hid itself behind the too tall to be food. Then it began to compare the bright area and the larger creature again and again.

Our slime didn’t know how much time had passed, but the creatures had moved again. They were still creating vibrations for some reason it had yet to learn. 

The larger one of the two creatures suddenly changed its form and became a lot smaller, but was still large. It did something and a moment later ran around the tree. The slime froze in shock and the being grabbed it.

Our slime thought it was going to die now, but the creature just pressed it against itself. It felt rather nice and the slime began to relax and enjoy the situation. Maybe that was what it had been searching for all the time?

A few moments later the entity made vibrations again and stood up. Then it put the slime back on the ground. The slime didn’t like that, it wanted to stay where it had been before and jumped back at the creature.

The being caught the slime and put it back down again, but our slime didn’t give up. After a few more jumps the being didn’t put it down again. Instead it made vibrations again and pressed the slime against its own body again.

Our slime smugly pressed itself against the creature. It obviously had just won a hard battle of determination.

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