Reincarnated as a mana core

Chapter 34

Argul opened her eyes and looked around. The sun was slowly rising and already illuminated the tent. It would get really hot inside here in a bit. Mia was still asleep so Argul relaxed and waited for the girl to wake up.

After maybe 15 minutes Argul couldn’t wait anymore. The temperature and air had become unpleasant in the short time and she was excited to see her daughter again, so she gently shook Mia awake. “Good morning sleepy head. It’s time to get up.”

Mia turned away from Argul and hugged her tail. “Hmmm. Don’t wanna.”

Argul raised an eyebrow and poked Mia teasingly. “So you don’t want to see Alyra and Arthur and go to the city?”

Mia immediately shot up, her fur and hair a complete mess. “I’m already up.”

Argul grinned at the reaction, but didn’t say anything further. She changed into her army jacket and pants again and Mia changed clothes herself. The girl had a lot more knowledge considering clothes than Argul, so she just let her do her thing.

After they changed they brushed each other's hair and tails again as they did every morning. Mia also made Argul’s hair. The girl had cut Argul a pony last week to make her more presentable. The cut was a bit uneven, but Argul didn’t mind. She didn’t have to brush her hair out of her face every two seconds and the uneven cut made her look wild. It was perfect for someone who didn’t give too much thought to their appearance most of the time.

They then had some bread and cheese for breakfast. Meat had become a rarity in the last month and Argul already considered it a luxury product. With all the chaos there had been no way that people would be able to keep up their production.

Mia took a bite from her bread. “So, where do we meet the others?”

Argul looked at her. “Please don’t speak with a full mouth, it’s disgusting.” If there was something you could annoy her with then it was that and eating like a pig.

She looked at her own slice of bread and sighed. Cheese was not something she really enjoyed eating like this. Argul looked at Mia again and shrugged. “At the west end of this integration camp. They wanted to come and get us there.”

She didn’t really worry about it, because Alyra was noticeable like a bright star on a clear night.

Mia swallowed the last bite of her bread and got up excitedly. “Do you already know what you want to do in the city? I want to have some sweets!”

She became a bit more thoughtful. “And we need to get a few things such as shampoo. Your skill is nice and all, but it’s still not the same as showering.”

Argul thought that a bath would be truly nice, though she had to admit that she hadn’t even thought of buying some daily modern necessities. She scratched her cheek a bit embarrassed. “I mainly wanted to get my hands on some tech and books about computers and programming.” 

The first she needed to search for the reason that tech overreacted under the influence of mana and the latter Argul hoped would help her to create an enchanting technique. She didn’t know if enchanting would even be possible, but come on. It was mana and magic, everything was possible! 

Mia rolled her eyes at Argul. “You and your magic auntie. You should really think about your daily life first.”

Argul looked away and silently ate her own bread. Then she sighed. “I just like it okay?” Magic had already fascinated her in her last life and now she was the literal origin of all mana, not that Mia knew about that.

Mia smiled and proudly puffed out her chest. “It’s okay auntie, I will help you.” God, that girl was so cute and sweet sometimes.

Mia had opened up a bit more in the last month. Sadly Argul couldn’t tell if she was slowly being her old self again or if her personality had changed, because she hadn’t known Mia before the incident. Either way she would make sure the girl had a chance for a good life and something akin to a mother.

Argul clasped her hands together. “Well if you are going to help me, you could start by packing our stuff inside the tent.”

Mia’s smile became brighter and she happily moved towards the tent. “Oookay auntie!”

Argul was sure that most children would have protested or at least she would have done so as a child. Mia’s willingness to help stood in stark contrast to the way Argul had been and it warmed her heart.

While Mia did her thing Argul packed up their food and cleaned their dishes. Once that was done she went over to Mia and helped her. The only thing she could really do was clean everything and dismantle the tent. Argul always got in Mia’s way or was too slow at folding clothes.

They still didn’t have a lot, but Mia now carried all her stuff in her own backpack. The girl wanted it this way and as long as she wasn’t overestimating herself that was fine with Argul.

Argul slung over her sniper, the overly full sports bag and tent bag on her side and turned to Mia, who was holding a mana deficient Aina. “Ready?”

Mia nodded. The backpack was a bit in the way of her tail, but it wasn’t enough to stop it from moving excitedly. “Ready!”

Argul offered Mia her hand and she took it. Then they started to walk through the camp. People were still or already moving around and took new patients to the mana zone to the east. The further west they got the more people and tents were around.

After 15 minutes they reached the west end. The camp had truly grown during the last weeks and it wasn’t the only one of its kind out there. Argul looked around, but couldn’t see the duo so she moved out of the way of the activity and sat down together with Mia.

Mia looked at Argul. “Are we too early?”

Argul shrugged in response. “A bit I guess. It should be around 9 o’clock and the two have to move from their camp here. It might take them another hour to get here.”

Mia pouted a bit. “I don’t want to wait, that’s boring.”

Argul leaned back. “We could do some lessons or play something to pass the time.”

Mia freed herself from her backpack and jumped up again. “Let’s play! No lessons during my holiday.”

Right, this was her holiday, Argul had forgotten this overnight.

The two then started to play a few small games where they wouldn’t have to move around too much like rock paper scissors.

About half an hour later Argul spotted Alyra in the distance and took her stuff while her tail wagged in excitement. “There they are. Let’s walk towards them!”

Mia took her own backpack and the two moved to meet their last two members. Once they were a bit nearer Argul and Alyra started to run towards each other. Argul was tackled by Alyra and hugged her daughter back. “I missed you!”

Alyra rubbed her large fox face against Argul’s. “It had to be hard without a reasonable person around.”

Argul just smiled and scratched her daughter behind her ears. “I love you too.”

A moment later an excited squirrel-kin joined the embrace. “Welcome back big cousin.”

Alyra booped Mia’s forehead. “Hello to you too little one.”

Argul mock-pouted at her daughter. “You are nice to her, but not me?”

Alyra turned her head back to her and grinned. “Well someone has to get you back down to the ground now and then.”

Argul put her hands on her hips. “I’m not that lost of a case.”

Alyra nodded. “Whatever suits you, silver witch.”

Huh? Where did that name come from?

Argul cocked her head and Alyra sighed. “Have you talked to other people even once outside of your work?”

Argul nodded a bit unsure. “Yes?”

Alyra turned towards Mia. “Did she?”

Mia thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “Yes, twice when someone asked her about mana and tricks for mana manipulation.”

Alyra sighed again and looked at Argul sternly. “So you didn’t.”

Argul scratched her head a bit embarrassed. She hadn’t known anyone and was always occupied with something, mostly with Mia. Was there something weird with her lack of communication with others?

Before she could say anything Arthur reached them. “Do I get a hug too?”

Mia immediately rushed towards him with open arms. “Welcome back!”

Arthur patted her. “Hallo Mia.”

Argul gingerly moved to hug Arthur and they ended up in an awkward welcome hug. “Hey Arthur.”

Argul generally wasn’t that comfortable with welcome hugs, but more because she had never really received any in her last life and wasn’t used to it. Alyra was a special person, so she had no such problems with her.

Arthur moved out of the embrace. “It’s nice to see you again, Argul.”

Argul scratched her head, not knowing what else she should say and turned to Alyra. “So, what was that about the silver witch?”

Alyra sat down on her hind legs. “It’s a name people have given you. Those that go to the silver witch have the lowest mutation chance and mutations often end up making you more beautiful than before. It is said she has silver hair and an animal tail and animal ears.”

Alyra grinned again and Argul instantly dreaded what would come next. “Looking at the silver witch is like looking at the most beautiful woman, but she will only accept the strongest and fiercest of all who are more powerful than her.”

Argul blushed. That was extremely embarrassing. Why did people have to create rumors about her? 

She looked at Alyra, about to ask if it was truly what people talked about, but Alyra’s face told her everything. Argul buried her face in her hands. “Why did this have to happen?”

Alyra snorted at that. “Maybe you should consider talking with people more. Not talking to anyone only made it that much more likely for rumors to spread.”

Alyra’ grinned again. “So, how many people tried to hit on you, mother?”

Argul looked up, baffled, not truly comprehending what she had just been asked. “Eh?”

Has somebody tried to hit on her? 

Argul couldn’t remember anyone and was about to answer when Mia happily voiced out her opinion. “At least 12 women and 30 men tried, but auntie never noticed.”

Arthur whistled and Argul looked taken aback at Mia. “That can’t be. I’m not that dense!”

Mia shook her head in denial. “They even asked you if you had time later, but you always said you had something to do.”

Argul thought about it for a second and a feeling of shame started to spread through her. A 10 year old girl had noticed the advances of people that she hadn’t. She blushed again.

Alyra put her paw on Argul’s shoulder. “It’s okay mother. Now that I am here I will translate for you if someone wants to fuck.”

Argul glared at Alyra and punched her, but her daughter just took the hit and laughed.

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