Reincarnated As A Lion In Another World

Chapter 125: Turn By Turn

Katari continued sucking on the lion rod, oblivious to the time passing. All that concerned her was to please her Kael, even if it took as much time as possible. Katari, having the physique of a human but being very much enhanced, could easily perform superhuman activities. For her, giving a blowjob that lasted for more than an hour was not tiring. She could go on for much longer if Kael allowed her. The sudden release of hot spunk into her mouth almost made her clench her jaws instinctively but she controlled herself. She looked up with her black eyes, analyzing Kael's satisfied expression. Kael had leaned his head back and his eyes were completely closed, enjoying the sensation of his favorite person sucking on his rod. "That's enough," Kael said lightly. Katari unwillingly removed her mouth after swallowing every last drop of lion spunk, she liked the taste and was interested in some more. She looked up at Kael with a pleading gaze, wondering if he was secretly dissatisfied. "It's Eidel's turn," Kael said, not registering Katari's look of plea. Eidel, who was standing by the cave entrance, heard Kael's words and looked over in surprise. Her legs however seemed to move on their own as she walked deeper into the forest until she stood beside Katari in front of Kael. "What about me?" Nalii asked, a confused lol masking her face. She had expected to be next to try this weird yet exhilarating activity of sucking, but Kael chose Eidel to be next. "Not yet dear…" Kael muttered, he opened his eyes to see Katari still crouched beside him, her palms on his lap and her eyes staring at him. "Katari…" Kael started, his voice rising to show his seriousness. Seeing, Katari could only get up begrudgingly and make way for Eidel. With nothing else to do, Katari walked to the cave entrance to take over Eidel's post and stand guard. Eidel immediately went to her knees, showing her eagerness to try what Katari had tried. Kael nodded for her to go ahead but did not forget to remind her, "Don't use your teeth," Eidel nodded before lowering her head and opening her mouth wide to take in the large lion rod. Kael immediately noticed the difference between her and Katari. There was nothing particularly wrong with Katari's performance but it suddenly seemed ordinary compared to Eidel. For one, Eidel who always seems to have a high body temperature had this extended to her mouth. Kael felt his rod being engulfed in hot flesh and coated with warm saliva. It wasn't hot to the point that it hurt him, it was just the right temperature to give him a very unique sensation. The now soft and flexible spines on her tongue tickled Kael and gave him a feeling like no other. Eidel began to contract and expand her mouth muscles, bobbing her head as though that would make the experience better. Her red hair fell down to her face and began to obstruct her. She had to use one of her hands to push her hair back so that she could do what she was doing well. Kael frowned at the hot sensation that wrapped around his rod. There was just nothing that could be comparable to this feeling m, absolutely nothing. It was at this time that Kael's elbow joints started moving. He felt his arms, noticing the numbing feeling disappearing as his body was rapidly trying to heal itself. Without thinking too much about it, with his elbow still resting on the armrest, he moved his hand and placed his palm on Eidel's red hair. Eidel flinched, feeling the large hand gently caressing her head. It was Kael's hand so she had no reason to move away from it. She felt the hand try to apply gentle force on her as if to guide her on what to do. The hand pushed her down slowly, letting Kael's dick go deeper into her mouth and her throat. She began to choke as she tried to gag, but she didn't remove the lion rod from her mouth. This went on until Kael seemed to get impatient. He applied more force on Eidel's head, sending his rod deep into her hot mouth. Resisting the urge to groan, Kael closed his eyes again. Katari who watched this from the cave entrance frowned, noticing that Kael looked like he was enjoying it. He seemed to enjoy Eidel's actions more than hers. Katari's eyes fell on Eidel's figure, changing slightly in tone. Luckily no one saw the terrifying gaze she had directed at Eidel. After some time, Kael grabbed Eidel's head firmly, pushing her down and his rod going deeper into her throat. He grunted as he released his lion spunk into her mouth. Tasting the unfamiliar but wonderful and sweet substance in her mouth, Eidel drank it up. She sucked harder, licking the shaft until there was nothing but warm saliva left. "It's mother's turn," Kael said to Eidel. He felt strange having to refer to Nalii as mother in this situation but didn't dwell on the thought too much. By now, the afternoon was about to end and the sun would soon set to usher in the evening time. Eidel reluctantly stepped away, she wanted to taste more of that sweet substance as she had not had enough of it. Eidel stepped aside for her mother, who with an air of maturity, went down to her knees in between Kael's muscular legs. Her antlers pointed upwards, the green veins on them glowing slightly for Kael to see. Nalii didn't seem to be shy about what she was about to do with her son. This would have been a normal thing either way if Kael had defeated his father and taken over the pride. She gently lowered her mouth down, her lips briefly wrapping around the tip before she slowly let it slide into her mouth. Her saliva mixed with Eidel's saliva that remained on the rod. She learned from the previous two, taking care not to use her teeth. Her face which was like that of a woman in her mid to late forties was smooth and flawless. Before she got started, with the rod still inside her mouth, she reached back to pack her greenish-brown hair behind her horn. The antlers served as a prop to hold back the hair from interrupting her activity. With that done, Nalii began to bob her head up and down her son's shaft. Her green tail swished from left to right behind her, and her breasts jiggled with every movement he made. Seeing Nalii enthusiastically sucking on his dick, Kael couldn't help but appreciate his life. He wished he could see the Highest Will again to thank him for the reincarnation with his memories. Time had passed and he could already feel his shoulders, he could move his arms and limbs but not to perfection not yet. As Nalii sucked his rod, something strange began to happen. Kael felt vitality surging into his body from Nalii. This was another effect that was different from what Katari or Eidel could give. He could feel the already healing injuries within his body heal faster, and the pleasure at followed it was heavenly. Kael subconsciously grabbed Nalii's horns, one in each hand. Nalii didn't protest to this but seemed to get more enthusiastic about it. She bobbed her head up and down and Kael somethings steered her head and guided her so that he could reach deep into her throat. Katari stood at the cave entrance and faced the forest, not willing to watch them anymore, while Eidel simply sat on the floor next to the wall, watching her mother and her brother with rapt attention. Almost two hours went by, Nalii's stamina allowed her to go at it nonstop and she wasn't even tired after so long. The strange healing properties of her sucking accelerated Kael's recovery and pushed him to a state where he could finally move and feel all his limbs. He gripped the two horns tightly, stabilizing Nalii and releasing his spunk into her mouth. Nalii drank everything as though she was thirsty. She finally understood why Eidel and Katari were so reluctant to let go and leave Kael's dick alone. Kael only smiled at their behavior, 'It's not even inside them yet and they are already acting like this.' Kael didn't tell Nalii to leave, instead, he pushed her head away until his dick popped out of her mouth. Nalii thought Kael was sending her away and was preparing to leave. But to the surprise of the three lionesses inside that cave, after pushing her head away, Kael rose from the vine chair. His legs were now working, and although he wasn't at the prime of his abilities, it was enough for him to stand and do other normal things. Katari looked back to see her King, standing there with bulging muscles and golden hair that covered his head. Kneeling before him was Nalii who was also getting ready to stand up. "It's time," Kael said with his lion rod still erect.

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