Reincarnated as a Duck
Chapter 7: Pouncing Devil
A massive eagle-looking monstrosity went for the kill, scrapping the rocky surface with its talons, right after Murai dodged it.
Murai tumbled successfully aside, laying low on the ground, and looking for the movement of his attacker. He couldn't follow it.
For my sake!
He thought on
the ground,
I was cautious and stupid at the same time. Such cliffs are fitting homes for these kinds of predators. They would snatch such easy prey as ducks as snacks. No wonder, but... I am finally meeting yet another beast that wants my problems. None ever wanted it.
Murai watched the shadowy figure glide around the air, before landing on a nearby tree. It was an eagle, obvious by its curved beak, sharp-looking feathers, straight posture, and incredibly keen eyes. It observed him with multiple eyes that were in a weirdly unnatural head. It was far too big for an eagle, or it wasn't an eagle at all.
Murai wasn't too keen on observing it, as Will of the Battleworld started chirping something to his head. He had trouble hearing its voice after knowing that he almost died.
The presence of this monstrosity quenched all his thoughts to consider the motion of a fight. It was something far from Devil Fox for sure. Its aura and feelings were immense, as if a mountain pressed down, standing still and glaring to his soul. Soul-Essence guarded him against some mental danger, but Soul Read was helping much more. It gave him the mental capacity to
was like a tall mountain before a little duck, and it flapped its wide wings again, landing right before him in a surge of wind and debris.
Named a Pouncing Devil according to the Will of the Battleworld, Murai was speechless in his senses and his mind. It was an eagle, but not one as well. It had a body of one, but bigger and colorful in red darkness. It had sharp, yet tiny legs that need up with talons, and its wings were unfolded as it landed, reaching far in their glind. They almost looked like countless blades added together.
What was different was its head, notable by 3 pairs of menacing eyes at each half of its face and above its beak. A wide sharp beak curved downwards and thinned sharply for better aerodynamics. Deep and shiny red feathers throughout its front added contrast to the rest, but its wings were most impressive.
It was at least twice bigger than the Devil Fox, which was strange since foxes and birds were quite distinct in nature and mass. It unfolded its wings in a second. And even then, it was massive and overwhelmed Murai by its mere presence.
Considering Murai's current height of around 25 centimeters, Pouncing Devil was at least 6 times taller. Looking at the prey with its 6 crimson eyes, it opened its beak and shrieked so loudly, that Murai's soul and mind shrank from shock.
[The Will is indomitable! The consequences of the Shrieking Scream are futile attempts to shake your soul]
The Will of the Battleworld whispered, causing Murai to calm down, and overcome this Shrieking Scream. He chose the first option he thought of when met with an inevitable demise. That was to flee without a speck of desire or shame to fight.
This wasn't a good position to think of some pride, and considering the sheer aura of this Pouncing Devil, it was almost clever. Hell, even a fight against a weaker-looking bird sounded like a bad idea, considering his lack of comforting strength, body, and skill.
At the beginning of a new life, there were many chances for mistakes, but none for regrets. Murai was about a dozen meters away from the forest, yet he still fled with his tail above his ass. Pouncing Devil noticed him, but let him go.
Murai was getting closer to the security of the trees; they should help provide shelter against an airborne enemy and
help him flee.
Alas, before he reached it, the Pouncing Devil swiped the earth with its wings, appearing before Murai like a ghost. He couldn't process its movements with his eyes, stumbling as he slammed against the residual wind, and long knowing this was an enemy he couldn't touch. There was no point in fighting since its speed was many times better than his. There was also its aura that seemed like a being that went through a lot of hells.
"A chirping fledgling?"
A voice suddenly spoke. It sounded weirdly inhuman and powerful. Murai heard it within his soul and ears alike. Nervousness enveloped him from the depths of his soul. He looked at the obvious source of this voice. This Pouncing Devil really "spoke" to him.
"It can't speak yet? I figured." the Pouncing Devil said, speaking in a muscular and male voice again without moving a muscle or beak. It stood before Murai, who trembled on his legs, not knowing if he should continue fleeing.
It spoke from something unfamiliar, as it resounded in reality and soul, indicating some sort of telepathic power. Murai shook his beak left and right, stepping back in a try to view his unwelcome visitor as a whole. His Soul Read told him that this Pouncing Devil was much... much stronger than him, and if this monstrosity wanted it, he should've been dead.
"Strange and fascinating, isn't it? An Anatidae duckling is that. What is something like this doing in this sort of forest, I wonder. No... How are you even here to begin with? Sounds... lucky? Weirder? I never heard of a new..." the Pouncing Devil spoke what it wanted, shaking the little fledgling that was still Murai's form.
The utter presence that it undulated from his whole being was something Murai's body couldn't understand, but his soul could. This pressure went against Murai's Will, so it had a marginal effect on his soul, but its powerful effects on his weak flesh of Level 0 duckling were terrible.
Murai was hopeless because of the decreasing feelings in his body, which ended up shivering his spine and feathers. The body moved head to toe with the soul behind. Like a machine, everything was connected. This weakness didn't mean Murai couldn't do anything about it. Under this pressure that he felt with his soul, he stepped and readied his mind.
Only then, did Will of the Battleworld give him his chance, as well as some surprising gifts.
[Soul-Essence's hidden power jolted the rules. A Breach is uncovered, and formed, yet not overlooked. It is seen... sought. The power of the souls....]
[The Soul Lock is triggered]
Soul Lock:
A defensive ability that shields and causes the soul to be strengthened against mental harm]
[Grade S]
[Unique Hidden Ability]
[Special leveling process is indicative towards the Soul-Essence, but the HIDDEN POWER is not]
[The powerful Pouncing Devil of Class C is before you, Citizen. A member of the Demonic Armies seeks a chance or remedy. Its species is detected. It is a presence countless times stronger than yours, yet the Clash isn't suitable]
[Its presence shakes your soul, yet the soul is unfazed. The Will Attribute shall be elevated: +5]
[Current Will: 7]
[Strike of the Will was developed throughout the Soul-Essence]
[Cause: the presence of the Pouncing Devil, its powers, and desires]
Strike of the Will:
An offensive force of the Soul Pathway. Powerful mind waves can shake the foe or obliterate the fighting Will of others. The effectiveness is largely dependent on the Will of others and yours. Power level is hard to guess or tame or calculate]
[Grade B]
[Level 1]
[Power level is recalculated...]
[Developing the means...]
[Rough Power Level: Able to strike the foe lower than level 10, shake 15 and below, and partially shake level 20 and below]
[Note: Attacks depend on the Will of others, as a Will can have various defenses and powers, thanks to the perception and Will of your enemies]
[The prowess of this ability depends on many further factors. Thus, further experimenting and usage are recommended. Until then, the Will of the Battlewold states the present notions. Improve and find what you do with these gifts, and it shall be updated]
The Will of the Battleworld gifted Murai a chance, yet was it a change, or a curse? It was giving him a chance to fight, wasn't it?
Murai didn't like how it sounded, but when the surge of power creased his whole soul and body, something changed.
It seemed it just gave him something so he could struggle against an inevitable End. The reason wasn't good or great. The pressure of this Pouncing Devil didn't lessen at all on the physical level; he could tell the effectiveness of his Will was struggling under this pressure successfully. Then, the Soul Lock activated, forming a help that came out of his soul alone, protecting his mentality but not the body.
It felt like a blanket, frankly. A warm feeling spread, basting his soul in something he couldn't recall. It felt like a small shield that couldn't spread around his large soul.
The Pouncing Devil didn't attack on a physical level; it kept standing still, a wingful distance away from Murai. Feeling that something was happening to its prey, it chose to push against Murai, walking forward with its slim, yet wide talonned feet, hunching with its eagle-like face down, and glaring at him with its 3 pairs of eyes.
Murai was forced to take some stance regardless of his will to fight or not. So he used his confidence in his soul. He pushed his mental state, touching on the stubbornness of his soul, and unwilling to take this bird for his End.
It was a simple process when told, but not when one tried it.
All he needed to push himself a bit over the edge, regardless of his physicality being less than little. At that moment, the warmth and some unwavering power of his Soul Lock and Soul-Essence turned some tides, feeling as if his head was bigger than a mountain. It was just a feeling, yet it helped reignite his mind.
He went against the power that this Pouncing Devil emitted, causing it to pause and consider something. A soul that was shaking against the Shrieking Scream of this Pouncing Devil wasn't a normal one.
And it knew. "Hm? Does this one already have the mental capacity to fight against my Will? What is this case?" The Pouncing Devil sent the words to Murai's mind, stopping his advancing steps, still creeping its head down so it could see closely. "Let me guess, little fledgling of a powerful soul. Have you heard and noted the Will of the Battleworld just now? Is it that change I am feeling?"
Murai barely kept his body hunched, half certain he was close to dropping to his belly. He didn't know what to reply with, but this beast sure asked him many questions.
"Our Battle has started, yet you hesitate to flee for real. So it is the second choice then? Call me surprised. I can't fight you head-on in terms of normal battle, and the Will of the Battleworld is sometimes too kind to someone and harsher to others. I wonder which one of these will be your Fate." the Pouncing Devil spoke, and this message caused Murai to go over some details he couldn't comprehend in time.
He hesitated, feeling this presence like a moon over his head. And since it was so overwhelming, he hadn't noticed everything.
Hidden Ability like a Soul Lock was intriguing.
was clearly indicative of some form of mentality and soul-related attribute. So... shouldn't it be bigger? Mere 7 points sounded like a joke when he thought of his soul.
Murai knew this battle was an excuse for him anyway. A futile attempt. If he couldn't fight it, why should he consider the Will of the Battleworld at all? What was going on with the Pouncing Devil's choice of words? Had he some choices?
Murai soon realized the surprising fact that he should've considered much sooner. It was almost like a game that went through the Battleworld and its dull messengers. Battles and considerable images around this forest indicated large-scale places akin to warzones.
He wasn't that familiar with this world, hoverwer. The only Battle he held was against the Devil, which was over in a few moves. It was a fight between low-level beasts, so it went without surprises.
Via some choice, circumstances, or a challenge, the Will of the Battleworld led a Level 54 Pouncing Devil against Level 0. That was inconceivable, yet it happened for real.
In a remote location, nobody cared about it. Hearing what he shouldn't have, these facts angered Murai and swirled his soul. He was a step away from cursing this Battleworld into oblivion, but he discovered some sense of fairness was there too.
The content of the battle was the following:
[Will of the Battleworld is the utmost ruler and maker of many flexible, or forceful situations. A Will of the Gods shall not be defined, as they are the rulers of these lands. Due interests shall poise as reminders or marks. You have been slacking in terms of the Battles for the majority of your life, thus a special solution has been specially dedicated to you by a certain someone]
[The Battleworld doesn't like slackers, nor should you like to be that, nor be in such a situation. It is an undeniable blunder of a New Beginning]
[The Punishment Act of Grade C has been issued under Code 10]
[Cause: Slacking]
[Punisher: another Blessed called Rain]
[Pouncing Devil of level 54]
[Class C, Veridian]
[Path: prohibited from sharing]
[What is there for you?]
[Possible ways of accomplishment are few, or numerous]
[First Choice: Flee from the Pouncing Devil in 5 minutes. Minimum length of escaped distance: 100 meters or more]
[Second Choice: Endure its gaze, pressure, and pursue a Mental Battle for half an hour]
[The inability of either depends on your Will and not your flesh or physicality. Death is the worst outcome of either, while the Pouching Devil has his mind, unique cause and vision, and much willingness to take the act of a Punisher. The solution for completion is up to you or the p
articipating Punisher]
[Winner shall walk with straight back]
[You chose your Fate; Battleworld has issued its own!]
[Fight and take this Punishment for what it could or shouldn't be]
[Reward in success: attributes, a Soul Pathway Ability has already been added, so additional effects shall come next]
[Reward in failure: Nothing, you silly
duck. Think of this as a case of bettering life and experience. Don't slack the next time, or get good. Though, in such situations, it is effective to achieve new comprehension, abilities, and improvements. They are possible. Not guaranteed]
Flee or fight a Mental Battle?
Murai thought,
Is the Battleworld so dumb to think I am some clueless brat? Why not talk about it in more sense then? I would fight instead of taking my time and doing some stupid mental gymnastics with punishment. So silly.
Murai complained and chose the obvious choice.
He would fight regardless of the consequences. It was a good choice. Fleeting was out of the question, and Murai was well aware of how stupid that would be to try. To flee was the mindset of a loser and someone who could afford it. Murai was neither.
Feeling the closure and change in Murai's attitude, the Pouncing Devil called Rain smirked, indicating that he either heard his own voice or knew what Murai felt. Their fight for real shall start next, and one way or another, he wasn't one to go easy on the Mental Battles.
Rain already pushed some part of soul-related, or Will-related powers out. Shrieking Scream was a voiceless power closing on the Strike of the Will. He was the one to start this Battle. Not Murai, who would rather explore this world without looking for a fight.
But what if someone sought out a Battle? Well, the cause was the problem. Will of the Battleworld said that he was slacking. He was meant to fight sooner and on his choice, wasn't he?
The Mental battle had long begun under Rain's mind, but Murai wasn't ready or taking it as some official business.
Now, he did.
To no one's surprise, Rain knew that the Anatidae before him weren't a common enemy, but this wasn't about a battle of species nor common sense. This was a struggle against a pair of souls. Against a pair of special beings that came upon this world under unique circumstances. A pair of souls that held the pretext of the Battleworld for a new life.
And when Blessed encountered one another, it was always a special occasion or a cursed time.
As a Blessed beast of quite some years, Rain understood that this wasn't a normal Punishment. His enemy was a little duckling, yet it was official business. Not some Breach that was frightening, and often extremely improper to manage. Before, the threatening ambush was nothing but an examination if Murai was seriously who he thought he was.
With no fear in Murai's eyes, Rain hesitated because he didn't know the hidden context of this mission. Now, he was slightly lying. He was a tool of the Battleworld, after all. He accepted that.
A powerful soul in the context of the Anatidae species? A new Citizen or a Guest from the higher plane of existence became a new Blessed?
Rain thought on his own, before voicing his wonder directly to Murai's head.
"You are a Seedling. A beast that hadn't uncovered its starting evolutions yet. But an Anatidae is that. So, are you even able to issue a challenge against me? What sort of play do the Gods have in hand?!" Rain sounded much more confident, and menacing, and shouted the last words in muscular tones, almost pouncing at the little duckling but was able to stop his urge.
This time, he talked in half lies and truths, trying to see what this Anatidae would do. The challenge wasn't decided by Battleworld but by either side of this Punishment Act.
A smirk and the utmost ferocious aura came forth from Rain next, affecting Murai's line of vision as some visible aura surged behind those long feathers. It was a thick substance akin to smoke and clouds, obscuring Murai's vision and senses, and feeling very heavy on his mind. It seemed familiar to something he knew, but Murai's body was far from being sensitive right now.
Holy bird!
Murai exclaimed in his mind.
This is a bit stronger mental ability than before. And... So useless!
This chick thinks it is turning these tides seriously. If so, I shall too.
Experience in specific circumstances mattered quite a lot, while skill and knowledge were worth a lot more when power was wide or close. Rain had an advantage in numbers, but not in terms of lives. He might know this world much better than Murai, so he wanted to suppress or use his wide arsenal of abilities as a standard advantage.
Rain didn't regard himself as an overseer of this forest, let alone something close to the lands of Gods. Yet, he was still a Pouncing Devil at Level 54 that went against a tiny little duckling that was Murai's current condition.
That was abnormality! Not a Breach, but something... worse? He could tell that by feeling Murai's soul straight away. It was sturdy like a star. A simple glimpse caused some hesitation. It was a lot stronger than his soul by a significant amount, or the quality was different altogether? He couldn't guess the details in the middle of a Battle, but a question entered his mind. An unlikely one, but one nonetheless.
Is this a Punishment Act for me or is it a fight for this duckling's improvements, or a play in the careful plot of the Battleworld? What is Sky thinking?
A pair of unequal figures, yet filled with powerful Will, stood against one another. Rain began to use his repertoire of soul abilities that were useful even outside of Mental Battles. It included the usage of Enfllare, Mind Paralysis, Gaze of the Devil, and others. His barrage left Murai pale and shaking, yet Rain could tell that his soul wasn't budging in the slightest. The body was.
The minutes went on like hours. Rain was helpless in his inability to pierce the target's soul or move the offensive deeper. All he needed was a small crack, and then Murai would crumble apart. But then, what it could do if it didn't work? Shouldn't the soul of such caliber be much more robust in terms of Mental Battles? What was wrong with thinking about souls? He didn't understand them. He didn't know
was before him.
Souls were one of the most complex powers in the universe and Rain was doubtful why Murai wasn't doing anything better with his soul. He should've known. It was an easy guess. Murai hadn't grown enough. It was neither a right nor wrong approach to this Battle. There shouldn't be any doubts when one fought.
Murai was yet to become mindful of his soul and relation to the way this world touched all sorts of powers. To fight with his Will or Soul wasn't what he used for many lives, but he sure felt those soul-related tools. Soul-Essence, Soul Read, Soul Lock, and Strike of the Will. These were all nice and all, but he wasn't using anything consciously. It all happened on its own.
Well, Strike of the Will wasn't a passive ability like Soul Read. He could attack with his Will, while Soul Lock seemed to be a Hidden Ability with unique usage. It was a barrier that hadn't cracked in the slightest. So for now, he was doing the simple thing: Enduring this battle, using this as an opportunity to see more of his soul, and see what this Pouncing Devil was about.
As a bonus, he observed his mental state and anything to do with incoming strikes against him. It was a good way to learn, since he wasn't under life-threatening dangers.
He discarded his declining physical body for an unnecessary bother and put his whole mindful confidence into his soul. This act stumbled his physical body to the tough and cold rock. It wasn't important. He might've never heard of such a game before, but it sure sounded like a cup of his tea.
Enduring, being stubborn like a fool, and not knowing where to stop were his forte. That was at least how he viewed the term: Mental Battle. An enduring clash with time limitation.
And according to the Punishment Act, he didn't need to do anything but sit down and endure it for 30 minutes. That was so little time, that he didn't hesitate much to try his chances.
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