Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 99: The Crowd Goes Wild Pt 1

Catching the sandwich, I found a place to sit down and started to unwrap it as I opened up my skill menu. I had meant to check it last night, but I had gotten busy with Lyra.



  1. Identify
  2. Restore
  3. Instant Print
  4. Fusion Artistry
  5. Paint
  6. Soul Bind
  7. Guardian Golems









  1. Eye of Eldros
  2. Dice of Fate


Since I had leveled so much I had 5 free Skill Slots, but I had over 40 skill points. I didn't understand why I needed so many until I tried to click on an open Skill Slot.

  1. Acquire New Skill: Pick from a list of skills available to you at your current level.
  2. Skill Fusion: (Requires one open slot) Fuse two skills together to create a more powerful skill. The cost is the loss of one of the two skills chosen for the Skill Fusion is lost and replaced with another skill at random of the same level. 
  3. Gachica's Skill Gacha: 

1SP -> Random Skill

10SP -> Random (Rare) or higher Skill

The third selection hadn't been there the last time I checked this menu. Every part of me wanted to spin the wheel, but I was limited to 4 random skills. While I could still do that, and use one of the other points to buy the last skill, I wanted to see if my skill selection had changed, so I opened up Acquire New Skill.

  1. Mana Cannon: Harness magical energy to create a powerful projectile that can be fired at enemies. The strength of the Mana Cannon depends on your magical power.

Pros: High burst damage, effective against single targets.

Cons: Limited range, requires precise aim, consumes a significant amount of magical power.

  1. Dimensional Escape: Temporarily phase into a different dimension, making yourself intangible and immune to physical attacks. This skill can be used for evasive maneuvers during combat.

Pros: Evasive maneuverability, immunity to physical attacks during activation.

Cons: Brief duration, limited offensive capabilities while phased.

  1. Enchant Weaponry: Infuse weapons with magical enhancements, providing additional damage or special effects when used in battle. The strength of the enchantments depends on your magical power.

Pros: Enhances weapon effectiveness, and versatility in combat situations.

Cons: Requires preparation time, and a limited number of enchantments per day.

  1. Spectral Mirage: Summon ethereal duplicates of yourself that mimic your movements and actions. These illusions confuse enemies and absorb damage, providing a tactical advantage in battle.

Pros: Creates confusion among enemies, deflects attacks, and allows for strategic positioning.

Cons: Illusions have reduced durability and deal no damage.

  1. Arcane Threads: Manipulate threads of magical energy to create barriers, traps, or bindings. This versatile skill can be used defensively or offensively, restraining enemies or blocking incoming attacks.

Pros: Provides defensive and crowd control capabilities, adaptable to various situations.

Cons: Limited duration and requires precise control to be effective.

  1. Time Dilation Stance: Enter a stance that alters the flow of time around you, slowing down your perception while maintaining normal speed and reflexes. This allows for enhanced reaction time and precision in combat.

Pros: Improved reaction speed, heightened accuracy, and evasion during activation.

Cons: Consumes significant magical power, leaving the user vulnerable when the effect wears off.

  1. Elemental Crafting: Infuse the materials used by the 3D printer with elemental properties, allowing for the creation of weapons, armor, or items with enhanced elemental effects.

Pros: Adds versatility to crafted items, providing elemental damage or resistance.

Cons: Requires rare elemental materials, and the process is time-consuming.

  1. Architect's Dream: Generate intricate blueprints in your mind and transfer them to the enchanted 3D printer. This skill enables the creation of complex structures, from enchanted fortresses to intricate sculptures.

Pros: Allows for the rapid construction of elaborate designs.

Cons: Consumes a significant amount of magical power, and the scale of the creation is limited by available resources.

Well, the list had lost some skills but also gained some. The problem was that there wasn't much in the way of skill that let me apply damage. Sure, there was Mana Cannon, but according to the cons, it sucked your magic up. The only skill that really caught my eye for combat was Time Dilation Stance. I was already pretty fast, and my ability to observe my fights and get faster was already one of my specialties. Having a skill like this would allow me to push this even further.

Besides combat, the last two skills added to the list looked amazing for my printer, but I had to be careful. My goal right now was to get a combat skill that could help me apply more damage. I also had no way to get rid of a skill currently. With only 3 slots, I needed to think about how to proceed.

Taking a bite out of my sandwich, I closed my skills and clicked the open slot again. I was going to give the Skill Gacha a spin since it would be easier for me to pick a skill after I knew what this one was. I was dead set on the Time Dilation Stance, but I would be pretty mad if I got a skill like that at random after picking.

As soon as I mentally confirmed my choice, the box appeared, and skills started scrolling past like that had before when Shelli and I had used Skill Fusion. The difference this time was that each time a skill passed by, it was ringed by a certain color. Most of them were blue, a few purple and teal, and the occasional gold, but only one prismatic-colored one.

If I had to guess, each color represented a rarity, but this was true for more games. While this world was as real as it got, it was hard to separate my system from past video games I had played. Everything about it made me feel like a character in a game, which I didn't mind at all.

Just as I stopped paying attention to the skills rolling by, the box started to slow down. The colors shifted rapidly, and then the box came to a stop. The purple-colored skill hovered in front of me.

[Epic Skill: Material Strike]

[Skill Description: Low damage attack that has a 75% chance of stealing a material resource from the target.]

I mean, for a guy like me? This was a great skill and epic to boot, but... it felt lackluster. On top of that, the first two words in the description, "low damage," were not inspiring. It was an attack skill, but it looked like I was going to have to take another spin at it. 

I needed a skill that let me do damage, or increase my own damage. If worse came to worst, I would take Enchant Weaponry for my last slot, but I hoped I wouldn't have to as I selected the 10-point gacha again.

Skills started to fly by again in a whirl of colors, but I didn't care what color the skill was. I just needed it to be something I could use in combat. I should have been printing some mini golems, but I hadn't taken the time to even try to make them yet.

Soon, the skills spinning by in the box slowed down until it stopped on a blue skill that made me smile. Finally an attack skill, and a decent one!

[Rare Skill: Thunderstrike]

[Skill Description: Channel the power of thunder and release a powerful lightning strike upon your target. Deals moderate electrical damage and has a chance to stun the enemy.]


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