Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 96: Crystal Cavern Expedition Pt 1

I was forced to carry Misty as we flew back to the island that I first started on. My only target was the cavern today, but I hoped that after this war business was dealt with, I could return and try to make the town's life easier. 

While I had no real connections to the town except the shop owners and a few guards I talked to, the place felt like my hometown in this world. Regardless, all that would have to wait for now. I needed to focus.

Daryle and I touched down, releasing our magic, and I set Misty down. She had been silent since we left the house. Even when Danielle offered her a selection of rare-rated weapons, Misty only pointed to one. She must be having conflicting feelings about everything, but I would leave that alone for now.

Opening up my inventory, I selected my daggers before equipping them and got my first look at them since the print. I hadn't even looked at the materials it had used.

Item: (Rare)Void Leech Daggers

Item Type: Weapon

Item Durability: 30000/30000

Item's Description: These daggers are crafted from the essence of the Void, a dimension of endless darkness and emptiness. The blades are coated with a mysterious substance that seems to consume and absorb the energy of anything it comes into contact with. 


  1. (Rare)Void Reaver: Slashing Damage from this Weapon causes the inflicted target's next use of Magical Power to cost 20% more. This ability does not stack.
  2. (Rare)Void Flame Thrust: Piercing Damage from this Weapon causes the inflicted target to reflect 25% of the damage of the next spell the target casts. This ability does not stack.
  3. (Unique)Void Drinker: Damage from this weapon temporarily steals 2% of the target's Magical Power. If 50 different instances of damage are inflicted on the same target, they receive the "Instant Death" Status and die. When this happens, you gain 1% of their total Magical Power Stat that is permanently added to your own Magical Power Stat.

"Woah! Look at that bad boy!" Daryle exclaimed from beside me, and then he looked at me. "Did you really make that?"

"Yeah, it seems pretty good. Almost like a mage killer, but good enough to take down anything if you get enough hits in. Not only that, but the unique skill steals the opponent's Magical Power for you to use against it. This seems pretty unbelievable," I said, and Daryle nodded.

"It is, but I can see why it is only rare now. All Elite or high enemies had resistance to instant death effects, but you can still exhaust them. Regardless, they will work for now, but I think they will be nearly useless against an epic-rated monster. Keep that in mind going forward because this cave isn't going to be the same as the first time you went in," Daryle explained, pointing at the cave.

"I kind of figured as much," I said, and then turned to Misty, who was holding a pistol-shaped white metal object that had what Danielle called lines of power all over it. They were supposed to be a way to focus your Magical power to fire it as a projectile. Daniel called in a Magic Lance, but I didn't argue.

"Would you like me to see if it has any abilities?" I asked, but Misty shook her head.

"I already checked. I know what I have to do. I shot it once, and you kill it until I get stronger, right?" She asked with an obedient look, and I nodded. 

At least she seemed to have calmed down and seemed to be listening. Things might not be so bad if they kept up. My talk later might have a real effect.

"Good, just stay behind me and let me Identify the monsters so I can make a plan before we rush in, okay?" I asked, and Misty nodded. 

I looked and Daryle and he nodded, so we headed into the Crystal Cavern. The moment that we entered, I noticed that all the glowing crystals were green this time instead of the white light from before. The golem cave had been pink, but the cave after had been white with moss as well.

"Does the color of crystals mean anything?" I asked as we headed deeper.

Daryle shook his head. "All it means is that the cave has changed. This phenomenon happens in all caves that have Island Crystals. There are even ones on the ground all over Garlandia. They are deactivated, but most are guarded by legendary or greater monsters."

I continued to listen to Daryle's explanation as we ventured further into the crystal cavern. The green glow from the crystals created an eerie ambiance, and the air felt charged with magical energy.

"Island Crystals are natural sources of magical power. They have various effects on the environment, and the crystals' colors indicate the type of magic they radiate. Green crystals are typically associated with nature and life magic," Daryle explained, but then slowed as we reached the first cave.

I put my hand up to stop Misty and then crept forward. There were three large rabbits in the cave, each one of their heads almost at the same height as I would be if I were standing straight. They were white, but they had strange green lines running all over their bodies.

I was about to scan them, but Misty ran past me. I was so in shock, for a moment I could only watch. 

"What big cute bunnies!" Misty cried out but then stopped, summoned her Magic Lance to her hand, and fired at each one of them. 

Tiny balls of blue light hit each of the bunnies, but none of them even tried to dodge. Each of them left a single burn mark on each of them, but it was almost instantly healed. 

Before I could move, one of the rabbits was behind her, and another up in the air. The first kicked Misty to the one that hadn't moved, which kicked Misty to the one in the air. That one kicked her to the ground, but I was already there to catch her. 

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