Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 86: Wrong Material’s

I headed back into the house with a big smile, but as soon as I entered, Scarlet was waiting for me.

"Oh, you have returned. What are your plans now, Leon?" Scarlet asked with a hopeful look, and I patted her head.

I hadn't really gotten to spend much time with her, and for Scarlet, I must be her entire world right now. Maybe I would see if Lyra would mind if she joined us in bed after I checked my printer. Just to look over my new stats and other things I had earned through the day.

"You can come with me to the studio. I have some stuff printing, and I would like to check on them," I said, and Scarlet nodded with a warm smile.

As the two of us headed up the stairs, I heard Mary, Shelli, and Aria talking in the kitchen. They all sounded in good moods, and so was I, but I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen tomorrow.

Too many good things had come to pass today, even with Misty showing up. I wasn't trying to raise a flag, but this situation had me feeling that things were going just a bit too well. Regardless, tomorrow I would be on alert, but tonight, there was fun to be had.

Once Scarlet and I reached the studio headed inside, and headed over to the printer, but nothing was there. Frowning, I opened my menu and went to my printer storage. Sure enough, they were there, but that's when my eyes narrowed.

"What's wrong?" Scarlet asked, and I selected one of the satellites.

Item: Arcane Essence Satellite

Item Type: Orbital Information Relay

Rarity: Epic

Item's Description: An advanced satellite infused with arcane essence, capable of relaying information across vast distances. Provides real-time surveillance, communication, and magical data gathering.  

App Access:

  1. Magi Stones: Teach users the basics of any form of magic. Requires Magical Power to run
  2. Mystic Surveillance: Allows the user to monitor specific locations or individuals using magical sensors. Requires Magical Power to run.
  3. Teleportation Matrix: This enables the user to teleport to any location within the satellite's surveillance range. Requires Magical Power to activate.
  4. Emergency Beacon: Signals distress and requests magical assistance. Requires Magical Power to activate.

"Wait, what?" I blinked, and then quickly looked at my material and groaned. 

There was only one crystal left. The Emberbound Crystal and it was only rare. I mean, this satellite was hella cool, but I should have been paying more attention, rather than kissing Danielle... Nah, I don't regret this. 

"Is it a bad thing?" Scarlet asked, and I shook my head, pulling her back to my chair.

Once she was in my lap, I kissed her cheek. "No, not bad, just not as I had planned. I will have to see what the others can do," I explained, and opened up the next satellite as Scarlet leaned back into me.

Item: Bloodstone  Satellite

Item Type: Orbital Information Relay

Rarity: Epic

Item's Description: A satellite infused with the power of bloodstones, enhancing its magical capabilities. Capable of relaying information across vast distances. Provides real-time surveillance, communication, and magical data gathering.

App Access:

  1. Blood Magic Mastery: Teach users advanced blood magic techniques. Requires Magical Power and Basic Blood Magic to run.
  2. Hemomancy Boost: Amplifies the user's existing magical abilities by channeling the energy of bloodstones. This app enhances spellcasting, making the user more potent in various magical disciplines. Requires Magical Power to run.
  3. Bloodstone Resonance: Enhances magical abilities by tapping into the power of bloodstones. Requires Magical Power to activate.
  4. Bloodbound Link: Forms a magical connection with the user, allowing for remote control of certain magical abilities. Requires Magical Power to activate.

Another broken item, but the other two were only rare crystals. I couldn't imagine what kind of effect would come from using Legendary or Divine Crystal.

Item: RPG Satellite

Item Type: Orbital Information Relay

Rarity: Rare

Item's Description: A satellite infused with the power of experience, enhancing its user's level. Capable of relaying information across vast distances. Provides real-time surveillance, communication, and magical data gathering.

App Access:

  1. Divine Realm Online: Online RPG that users can play to gain real-world experience and special items. Requires Magical Power to run.
  2. Level Up Boost: Grants the user a temporary boost in experience gain, allowing for faster leveling. Requires Magical Power to activate.
  3. Leveler's Gift: Sends a burst of experience points to the user, aiding in leveling up. Requires Magical Power to activate.

At least this one seemed more manageable. It also looked pretty cool. It might be a good way to level up the more side characters of my party like Shelli who seemed to like staying home and taking it easy. There was also the app Leveler’s Gift. Since it required magical power, it might be better for someone like Mary or Aria to get stronger.

I would need to find a way to replenish these crystals or find better materials in the future. For now, I could enjoy the benefits of these satellites and see how they could aid me and the others.

There was one left, so I opened it up.

Item: Summoner Satellite

Item Type: Orbital Information Relay

Rarity: Rare

Item's Description: A satellite infused with the power of Dungeons, enhancing its user's ability to summon monsters. Capable of relaying information across vast distances. Provides real-time surveillance, communication, and magical data gathering.

App Access:

  1. Dungeon Beast Bestiary: Provides information on various magical creatures and their strengths and weaknesses. Requires Magical Power to run.
  2. Beastcaller's Connection: Forms a mental link with summoned creatures, allowing for better communication and coordination. Requires Magical Power to activate.
  3. Dungeon Portal: Opens a magical portal to a designated dungeon, allowing for quick access. Requires Magical Power to activate.

"Huh?  A summoner satellite, but it doesn't summon anything?" I questioned, and Scarlet giggled.

"I guess they can't all be winners," she smiled and I closed the window.

With the satellites examined, I sighed, realizing that I needed to be more careful with the materials I used for crafting. The combination of epic and rare crystals had produced interesting satellites, but the potential of legendary or divine crystals intrigued me. 

I turned and opened the portal with Scarlet still in my lap, and jumped onto ISP on my computer. I quickly went to the phones but groaned when I saw the material costs.

They were all crystals and metal.

The sun was almost completely down now, so I threw on the Blue Blaze dagger and set them to print. I also moved my new boots into my inventory as well. I had wondered where they had gotten to.

I patted Scarlet to get up, and she turned and kissed me as soon as I rose up. It was like before in Anima's shop, and I wrapped my arms around her. Today was a good day.

After a moment, Scarlet pulled back and smiled at me. "Thank you for spending time with me. I will go help Aria now with food for the demons."

And just like that, my redheaded pirate left the room, leaving me alone, but not for long.

As if on cue, a cute face with white hair, and black little horns poked her head into the room.

"There you are!" Lyra exclaimed and flew into my arms. 

I hugged her as she cuddled into me, and headed out of the studio, and downstairs.

"The bedroom is back there," Lyra said as we walked down the stairs, and I laughed.

"I just wanted to say goodnight to everyone," I smiled, and Lyra grinned, her wings fluttering happily. We entered the living room where Mary, Shelli, and Aria were sitting and chatting. Misty was absent, probably still exploring the island or doing her hero duties.

"Hey, everyone!" I greeted them, and they looked up with smiles.

"Hey, Leon! How was your day?" Mary asked.

"It was great, actually. Lots of unexpected things happened, but all in all, a good day," I replied, glancing at Shelli and Aria. "How about you guys?"

Shelli grinned. "We had fun experimenting with some new recipes. Aria is a great cook, and I learned a lot from her."

Aria blushed, looking pleased. "It was a pleasure teaching Shelli. She's a quick learner."

"That's wonderful! And what about you, Leon? Any interesting discoveries?" Mary asked a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I chuckled. "Oh, you could say that. Learned that Danielle can cook, and I crafted some cool satellites with the printer. One of them even has blood magic capabilities."

Their eyes widened with curiosity, and I went on to explain the features of each satellite, omitting the fact that I used up almost all the magical crystals.

"That sounds amazing! You really are turning our island into a magical paradise," Shelli said with a smile.

I nodded. "Well, it's not just for me. I want everyone to benefit from the magic and technology available here."

Lyra, who had been quietly listening, suddenly perked up. "Leon, can I stay with you tonight?"

I raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised. "Yeah, we are going to bed right now, I promise," I said, and Lyra cuddled into me more. I turned my head to the girls, but they were all shooing me to leave.

I smiled and took Lyra back upstairs. It was time for us to spend some bonding time looking at my system, and then some connecting after, if you know what I mean!

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