Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 61: The Unraveling Threads

With Eldros gone, Danielle released Ashagan, who promptly crossed her arms and pouted. I turned to Danielle, a bit amused by the whole situation. "Well, that was unexpected. How are you holding up?"

Danielle sighed and shook her head. "I'm not sure what to make of all this. I mean, I have known about this place since I was a child, but it was only in stories. There has never been a hero from our world that could access this place."

"So, what exactly makes a person a hero? Does that mean they have a system like me? And if there are other heroes, then why was I summoned?" I asked, but those were only a few of the questions running through my head.

"A hero is someone that has received a Divine Blessing from a god, but not Garland. They are always very weak compared to the Divine Blessing you possess. Most heroes have what you call a system, but they can't create things or are as strong as you at your current level. Only a God of this world could grant you the power you have," Danielle explained, and I nodded.

"So, that is the reason why Garland was put into power as this world's god? Is that a normal thing with the other worlds?" I asked, but Danielle shook her head.

"I don't know how other gods become what they are, nor have we had any connection to the other worlds. The heroes of this world are only granted power, but they have no contact with the god that blessed them as far as I know," She replied, but then Ashagan spoke up.

"Enough talk about gods and heroes. We need to address the issue at hand – my embarrassing appearance!" Ashagan huffed, crossing her arms and glaring at both of us.

I sighed, realizing that the golem's dissatisfaction with her current form wasn't going to go away easily. "Alright, Ashagan, we'll figure something out. Maybe we can find a way to modify your golem body, but we will have to go back to talk to Anima at Waifuland," I said with a sigh, and then looked at Greg's shop we were still standing in front of.

"Bet, before we do that, we need to go into here. I currently cannot even create your body without more materials, so I need to see what I can get from here," I said and then paused. My body was starting to feel tired, which meant I must not have much time left here. "Let's just hurry. I think I am going to run out of Magical Power, and when that happens, we all have to leave."

"Fine, but you had better go talk to her before you start building my body!" Ashagan snapped, and I rolled my eyes.

"You know you can just change your clothes, right? It's not like they are glued onto you," I said, shaking my head, and pushing the door of Greg's shop open.

"...I see. Well, Maybe this is fine then, but I still don't understand why my breasts are so much bigger?!" Ashagan complained as we entered Greg's magical shop. The interior of the shop was as lively and colorful as ever, with magical items displayed on shelves, floating in mid-air, or resting in glass cases.

Greg, the eccentric shop owner, spotted us and waved with a friendly smile. "Ah, Hero Leon! And companions! Welcome back! How can I assist you today?"

"Hey, Greg. We're here to browse your magical goods and see if we can find any materials for our golem friend here," I explained, gesturing to Ashagan.

Greg raised an eyebrow and looked at Ashagan with a twinkle in his eye. "Ah, a golem in need of materials, you say? Interesting! What kind of modifications are we talking about?"

"I don't really need modifications yet, but I am short on a lot of the materials," I explained and then pulled up the golems recipe to show him.

Blue Print: Beautiful Kunoichi Kari Golem

Print time: 14 days

Items Required: Magical Core, 

Carbon Fiber Frame, Silk Threads, Essence of Shadow Blossom, Life Crystal, Shadow Crystal, Agility Crystal

Item's Description: A humanoid golem infused with magical and stealthy properties. Functions without a soul as a loyal and protective companion. Possesses agility, camouflage, and limited magical abilities. Skills can be customized, but appearance cannot on this model. Higher-level materials will increase and augment this effect.

"Ooo?! Now wait a minute! You mean that you were actually able to get a blessing to do with your passion?!" Greg asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I mean, Earth had to get shit on quite hard for me to get this," I laughed, and Greg shook his head with a smile.

"So you were the cause of all the destruction back on earth? Did you also fix it as well?" He asked, and I shrugged, starting to feel more and more tired.

"How about we talk about this another time?" I asked, and Greg finally seemed to notice my fatigue.

"Oh snap! That's right, you are pretty new to all this hero-ing stuff!" Greg laughed and then tapped his chin for a moment. 

After a short pause, Greg spoke again. "Considering that you look like you are about done, why don't we do this? I will pick out everything you need, and then send you the bill. It will come up on your system as a message. Once you pay for it, the materials will be deposited into your inventory. Sound good?"

"Yeah, that is better than good!" I smiled, but I was barely holding on. "I have 5000 right now, but I can get up to 10k if you think it is worth it."

"Got it, now scram, haha! I will get what I can on this list, but something you will have to find in your world," Greg told me, and I nodded, turning back to the girls. 

I wasn't sure how this worked, so I just offered both of them a hand. "Take my hand. I am not sure how this works, but you should come with me regardless."

Danielle and Ashagan took my hands, and I closed my eyes, willing myself back to my body on Garlandia. Before I could even open my eyes, a wave of exhaustion hit me like a truck, and I staggered, reaching out as I tried to open my heavy eyes. My hand grabbed something soft, and I heard a growl.

"Just because that god said we are connected, doesn't mean you can just feel me up!" Danielle complained as she grabbed my shoulders.

My head was spinning, but I didn't have the strength to pull my hand back from Danielle's breast. Instead, I fell into her, and the world went black.

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