Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 59: A Very Valuable Customer Indeed

Captain Grier seemed to be on the verge of a breakdown as Hama continued to berate him. The security headquarters in IHSR was probably not the best place to receive a scolding, but I couldn't help but enjoy the spectacle.

"Very Valued Customer? Are you telling me that the hero, the savior of worlds, is a VVC, and you didn't even bother to check before throwing accusations?" Hama's voice resonated with disdain.

I couldn't help but smirk at the turn of events. IHSR, or the Interdimensional Hamazon Shopping Reality, was supposed to be a place for leisure and shopping. It seemed like the security personnel were a bit trigger-happy in enforcing their rules without proper verification.

"Look, I apologize for any misunderstanding. We'll conduct a thorough investigation, and if the hero is indeed a Very Valued Customer, we'll rectify the situation immediately," Captain Grier stammered, trying to regain control of the situation.

Hama huffed in annoyance. "You better do that. Accusing a Very Valued Customer without proper evidence is a severe breach of protocol. And don't forget the hero's companion who was wrongfully detained. I expect a formal apology."

The screen switched back to Danielle, who was pacing nervously in her "cell." She looked up when she heard Hama's voice.

"Rest assured, Danielle, we'll get this sorted out. I apologize for the inconvenience you've faced," Hama said, and Danielle nodded with a half-smile.

As the screen went blank, I turned to Hama. "Thanks for that. I had no idea I was considered a Very Valued Customer."

Hama's floating screen winked at me. "I already told you that you were!"

"I know, but I just thought you meant that you guys liked me, not that it was an actual thing like Prime," I laughed, and Hama Laughed with me.

"While your status as a VVC is a version of the Prime Membership, it is a few ranks down the totem pole. Still high enough that someone like Grier should take better cautions when detaining," Hama sighed, but then a smile appeared on the screen. "We have been getting multiple complaints about Captain Grier, but all of them come from normal customers."

"Normal customers?" I asked, and the TV nodded.

"Hamazon has 7 levels. You are currently at level 4, and that is the max for any Single World Customer or SWC. Since you have used our services so much, your level as a Very Valuable Customer has been maxed out. This means that the first purchase you make will increase you to level 5. Advent Prime Member, or APM!"

"There sure are a lot of acronyms around here," I joked, and a smile played on the TV screen.

"There are a lot of long terms, so it's better to shorten them!" Hama laughed back, but then we heard Captain Grier clear his throat and both of us turned to the other screen.

The Captain did not look good. If he was pale before, he was practically translucent now. He must have realized the magnitude of his mistake.

"Hero Leon Briar, I sincerely apologize for the misunderstanding. It seems there was an oversight, and you are indeed a Very Valued Customer," Captain Grier stammered, trying to maintain some semblance of composure.

I couldn't help but revel in the situation. It was amusing to see someone who had been so adamant about my supposed violation now groveling for forgiveness. I nodded, pretending to be stern.

"I appreciate the apology, Captain. However, you should be more careful in the future. Accusing customers without proper verification could lead to serious consequences for your position," I said, playing the role of a stern customer.

Captain Grier nodded frantically. "Yes, yes, I understand. I assure you it won't happen again. We value our Very Valued Customers and strive to provide the best service."

I put my hands behind my head, satisfied with the outcome. "Good. Now, about my companion, Danielle. I expect her immediate release and a formal apology."

Captain Grier didn't hesitate. "Of course, Hero Briar. I'll make sure she's released right away, and a formal apology will be issued. Please accept our deepest apologies for the inconvenience caused."

With that, the screen went blank, and I turned to Hama with a grin. "Well, that was fun. Thanks for the assist."

Hama chuckled. "No problem, Leon. Just doing my duty as your personal shopping assistant. Now, anything else you need assistance with?"

"Yes. I was going to come here originally to show Danielle around, but I have run into some problems with my golems. The problem is a lack of materials," I explained and then pulled out the 165 gold and changed from my inventory. "To do that, I think I am going to need some kind of currency to pay for it all. Do you think you can convert about 50 gold and tell me what that is worth?" 

Hama nodded, and I pulled out 50 gold coins, each disappearing as I did. Considering that 100 copper coins were 1 silver and the same was true for silver to gold, it should be worth about 50000$, but that seemed like too much. Rather than ask what the conversion rate was, I just waited and was rewarded with a notification from my system.

[Currency Conversion Complete]

50 Gold Coins = 5000$

Hama confirmed my calculations, and I nodded in satisfaction. "Perfect. Now, I just have to wait for Danielle to get out here, and then I would like you to take me back to Greg's shop, if that is okay?"

"Really? You want me to take you?!" Hama asked excitedly, but then lost some steam as he asked, "I can show you how to use the map if you want?"

"Hmm? Why? You don't like being my guide?" I asked and then hummed. "I mean, I guess you probably have important things to do, right?"

"No, No, No! I am all yours! It's just that heroes normally don't need me for very long, but if you just want me to come, then I would love to!" Hama exclaimed, and I suddenly felt bad for the little TV.

This had to be a lonely job. it made sense for people just to use the map without having to go through calling Hama and getting him to take them places.  I just thought he was cool to have around, and I didn't mind calling him.

"Well, Hama, I appreciate your assistance, and I'd love to have you come along. Besides, it's always good to have a friendly TV to chat with," I said with a smile, and Hama's screen seemed to brighten.

"Thank you, Leon! I'll make sure to guide you smoothly to Greg's shop. Just let me know when you're ready," Hama replied enthusiastically.

As I waited for Danielle to join me in the room, I couldn't help but reflect on the events of the day. From setting up the new home with the girls to the unexpected detour into IHSR security matters, it had been quite an eventful day. I still had a lot to learn about the world and the people in it, but I was grateful for the companionship of the girls and the quirky assistance of Hama.

Soon, Danielle walked into the room with a curious expression. "What was all that about?"

I filled her in on the IHSR incident and the resolution. Danielle seemed relieved and a bit embarrassed about the whole situation.

"I can't believe I got us into trouble like that. I'm really sorry, Leon. I should have asked before touching," she apologized, and I patted her on the shoulder.

"No harm done. It was a misunderstanding, and it's all sorted out now. Let's just focus on getting to Greg's shop and sorting out the materials for Ashagan's golem," I reassured her.

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