Refusing My God’s Advances

Chapter 47: Connecting to the Interdimensional Net

The next morning, I woke up a little bit later than I had the morning before, but I didn't have any quests to complete. Not that I hadn't woken up earlier, but I had gone back to sleep right after.

Now, I strained my ears as hard as I could and smiled. No sound was a good-sounding sound!

I extracted myself from Shelli and then headed to the golem cave. Zizzak was sleeping, but my eyes weren't on him for long. It only took my eyes a moment to lock onto the black tower with its RGB lights, along with my monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It was a sight for sore eyes, to say the least.

After leaving Earth for this magical world of Garlandia, I had assumed I would never get to use stuff like this from back home. While I couldn't get stuff from Earth, according to the description, I could order from other interdimensional places. Whatever that meant.

Yesterday I had tasked Daryle with building me a desk and chair, and I was not only surprised with what he had built, but thoroughly impressed. Considering he was the head of an order of knights, the man was more versatile than his title gave him credit for. 

The desk was made of a sturdy wood that seemed to be native to Garlandia, but its craftsmanship rivaled anything I could find on Earth. The chair was comfortable and ergonomically designed, providing support for long hours of work or gaming.

After quickly setting everything up, I eagerly sat down, feeling the familiar click of the keyboard beneath my fingers. The mouse glided smoothly on the desk, and the monitor displayed the system menu. It was a small piece of home in this fantastical world.

I pressed the power button and heard the familiar hum of the fans as the screen lit up. Instead of the Bimbow's multi-colored icon showing up, a strange globe appears with space inside of it, instead of around.

[Welcome to the Interdimensional Net]

The message flashed across the screen, then the screen changed. a space background that looked so real replaced the globe with only icons. The background was so convincing, that I had to touch the screen to make sure it wasn't some sort of holographic illusion. But my fingers met the cool glass of the monitor, confirming that it was indeed a display.

The icons on the screen were unlike anything I had seen before. There was one that looked like a stylized portal, another to make sure it wasn't some sort of holographic illusion. But my fingers met the cool glass of the monitor, confirming that it was indeed a display.

The icons on the screen were unlike anything I had seen before. There was one that looked like a stylized portal, but the other was one I knew all too well. It was a big letter H with a Halloween orange background, and I hovered my mouse over it to get the full application name.


I clicked on the icon, and suddenly I was sucked into the computer. Things went dark briefly, but then a glowing version of my body materialized in a mall that would be considered futuristic by people from the future. If this I had no doubt.


"Oh, my gawd!" I shouted despite myself as I stepped back from a floating TV that had appeared in front of my face.

"My name is Hama, and I am your assistant while in the Interdimensional Hamazon Shopping Reality! Since you have already been a long-term member of Hamazon Prime, and a repeat customer, I have some special free vouchers for you!" The TV explained, and I nodded along, but I was lost. 

How did a place like this even exist?! Wait, did the talking TV say free?

"What about the vouchers?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes! Because you have purchased so many products, and this is your first time visiting IHSR! We at Hamazon would like to thank you, in hopes that we continue to do business! First, we have a free voucher for Waifuland - Home to exotic Golem Skins! Next-"



"Take... Me... Now... Dreams... Must... Come... TRUE!" I panted, my breathing beyond ragged as I gripped my heart that was about to leap out of my chest to run ahead of me.

"I mean, I guess I can tell you the others after," Hama mused, and then a hand appeared, and it snapped its fingers.

We were suddenly standing in front of what looked like the most exotic sex doll store that I had ever seen. I mean, it wasn't a sex doll store, but there were the most realistic anime men and women standing lifeless all over the paradise called Waifuland before me.

I rubbed and tear from my eye, and sniffed a little bit as I felt like I had just discovered a missing part of my life I never knew I needed.

"Are you going to be okay, Mr. Briar?" Hama asked me, and I laughed, walking into the store.

"I am better than okay! Now! Does this voucher cover anything in the store?" I asked, and two hands appeared, poking their index fingers together.

"Only Rare or lower. Sorry, but in the future you can earn more as a reward! Since you came here, we have scanned you, and determined that you have a system, so you can get vouchers for completing quests and events," Hama explained, and I nodded, still smiling.

"Rare is good enough," I said, but then felt eyes on me.

I turned to see who it was but froze at the sight of a girl that might even rival Princess Aria in beauty. She was so perfect, that I couldn't think of a word to say, but thankfully she spoke up, and I got my nerve back.

"Umm, is there something I can help you with? Is there a certain model that you are looking for?" The woman asked, but Hama spoke up.

"This is Leon Briar! He is a hero from another world with the ability to Print things, including golems! According to his skill set, he also had Soulbind and Guardian Golems! That means he is a perfect fit, right Anima?!"

Anima's eyes widened in surprise, and she gave me an appraising look. "Oh, really? A hero with Print abilities? That's fascinating! Welcome to Waifuland, Leon Briar. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask."

I chuckled nervously, feeling a bit awkward under Anima's scrutiny. "Uh, thank you. I'm just here to, um, explore the options."

Anima smiled warmly. "Of course! Take your time and let me know if you need any help. We have a wide range of golem skins and customization options to suit your preferences."

I looked around the store, and my eyes darted from each one of the girls. It was like walking into a Cosplay conference where everyone had spent fortunes on their costumes. To top it off, all of them look beautiful.

"Am I allowed to touch?" I asked, and Anima smiled.

"Which one are you interested in?" She asked, and I looked around.

A red-headed pirate holding a pair of hand cannons caught my eyes first, but they weren't the only cannons the golem beauty was packing! Another was a black-haired ninja that looked deadly with her body covered in wraps, making me kind of want to know what was underneath! The next I looked at was a blonde knight in shining armor, and I couldn't help but marvel at the intricate details of the armor. Each golem seemed to have its own unique charm and appeal.

"Ah, the pirate one is cute," I mumbled, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Anima laughed. "Great choice! That's the 'Scarlet Siren' model. She's quite popular. Go ahead, feel free to touch. These golems are designed for interaction."

I cautiously reached out and touched the Scarlet Siren's arm. To my surprise, it felt soft and warm, almost like real skin. The level of detail was incredible, down to the individual strands of hair.

"She's made from a special material that replicates the texture and warmth of human skin. We strive to create the most lifelike and immersive golems for our customers," Anima explained, but then her body froze.

I frowned but then felt a hand slip around my neck. I turned and was pulled into a kiss by the Scarlet Siren. I didn't resist and wrapped my arms around her. The kiss felt surprisingly real, and I couldn't help but be impressed by the level of realism in the golem's design.

After a moment, the Scarlet Siren pulled back and froze as I caught my breath. Anima giggled from behind me, her body moving once more.

"What did you think? Scarlet Siren is a Rare Buccaneer Swashbuckler Class, and while she can be sweet, she is formidable at medium range, and adept with long, but not good with close range."

"Was that you in the golem?" I asked as I untangled myself from Scarlet Siren without knocking her over.

"Yes! This is actually a golem as well!" Anima laughed, but then smirked at me. "What if I told you that I am an old woman that is over 10,000 years old?"

I hammered my fist into my palm. "I knew!"

"Huh?" Anima asked, taking a step back in shock.

That kiss had been like making out with a god of love or something. If she hadn't pulled back, I couldn't have stopped myself. Poor little Hama would be scared for eternity with what could have happened!

"I knew you had to be really old to be that good at kissing, I just thought this was your immortal body, but I guess you keep it somewhere safe, right?" I asked, and Anima just blinked at me a few times and then turned to Hama.

"Just who is this human?" She asked, and Hama chuckled.

"A valued customer!" 

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