Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 491.

Chapter 491. A Bloody Date with Wisteria. (3/4)

I groped Wisteria’s right breast. She took the hint that I wanted us to get out of here now while the two were distracted and released my tongue. I really wasn’t interested in one of us getting shot if this guy went nuts.

It didn’t seem like Aurelia was in danger. His words attested to that. It was pretty obvious he didn’t want Aurelia to get tangled up in this mess. Meaning… his motive for talking about this in public and speaking loud enough for us to hear their conversation was done specifically to create witnesses who could attest to everything they spoke of. 

He’d established Aurelia had been clueless. She had nothing to do with his family’s illegal organ harvesting business despite how she used them for operations. She was not a knowing accomplice, but was ignorant to everything, and knew nothing. If anything, it had been established she was just another victim caught up in this entire mess.

When the two of us rose to our feet to try and slip out, the movie abruptly cut out and the room went dark. It was truly the worst timing. 

The doctor stuck his arm out toward us and said coldly, “You two, don’t even think of moving.”

In his hand, a gun. It was pointed directly at my head.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing!” Aurelia lashed out furiously.

The rest of the crowd remained still in their seats, some shocked by the sudden development, while many were clueless and had no idea what was going on because it was quite dark. How was one supposed to react in this sort of situation? I didn’t know how I’d react either.

I suppose for those who knew what was going on, after the initial shock, it would be to stand up and make a run for it.


Shrieks of women followed the gunshot.

Just when a commotion began to stir in the audience the doctor raised his hand up and quickly fired one shot. A single bright flash went off before he immediately lowered the gun and aimed it at me again.

“Nobody moves or this kid dies!”

“Are you crazy!”

“Shut up, Aurelia! The movie going out and lights being cut can only mean the police are already here for me. The two behind us have heard everything and can attest to what they’ve heard. That you knew nothing about any of this.”

When Aurelia looked over to me her eyes flickered as she muttered thoughtlessly, “Huh? You are… Ran?”

“Aurelia… you know this boy?”

“No, you’re mis-” I was cut off by the doctor’s intense glare that silenced me. He had a gun after all. It’s not like he needed two witnesses. One was plenty. A second witness was just a backup. I wasn’t in any position to say anything.

“He was the boy... with my daughter.”

When she revealed that, I started to sweat.

Would he piece it together?

“With… your daughter…”

The way he echoed her words and his eyes narrowed sent shivers down my spine. I gulped nervously. This was the first time something had gone this wrong. The first time I was looking down the dark barrel of a gun.

“Boy… for us to meet here cannot be mere coincidence.” His eyes shifted to Wisteria and narrowed further as he asked, “Aurelia...the girl he’s with, she’s not your daughter, is she?”


“I see. Half pink… half... black hair, huh?”

His hand shot out and clamped down around my neck as he shoved the nozzle into my mouth all the way to the back of my throat.

“It was you, wasn’t it?”

“What are you doing! Release him!”

“You must be involved. I wasn’t seeing things that night. The black hair I caught a glimpse of that night must be this girl’s. Were the two of you the rats?”

What do I do?

What do I say?

I can neither confirm nor deny anything.

Do I beg and plead for my life?

Get down on my hands and knees and grovel?

No, there’s a simple solution. He’s already presented me with his weakness.

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t play dumb with me boy! Are you working for the cops?”

“The cops? What makes you think that?”

“Your composure right now is abnormal. You have a gun in your mouth but you don’t even look scared. The instant the lights went off is when you and your partner stood up. Were you trying to apprehend me?”

“And what if I said I was working for the cops?”

“I’ll kill you.”

“You won’t kill me.”

“Oh? What makes you think I won’t?”

“Because you need me alive or else you won’t be able to achieve your objective here.”

“There’s two of you and I only need one alive.”

“If you kill me, do you think the girl behind me would cooperate? Out of resentment, she may incriminate both of you by lying should she give a statement.”

“Oh? You think her family will be safe if she does that?”

“Haha, sorry, but the only family she has in this world is me.”

“Family? Bullshit, the two of you have been making out this whole time.”

“You don’t need to be related by blood to consider each other family.”

“After giving a false account I’d just kill myself to be with him anyway,” Wisteria nonchalantly chimed in.

“Oh? Then if you want to die so badly then I don’t mind getting rid of you.”

“Do that and the situation doesn’t change.”

“Surely you have family members you’re concerned about, boy.”

I looked him dead in the eye and stated firmly, “None. So good luck with that. I don’t know anything about whatever bullshit you’ve been spouting since you got here, but you picked the wrong people to act as witnesses. Aside from our lives, which we don’t particularly value anyway, we don’t have anything to lose, while you have everything you want to protect to lose. So? If you want to shoot yourself in the foot, feel free to pull the trigger now.”

Frustrated, he shoved me away and grabbed Aurelia. My back crashed against the wall.

“Let go of me!” Aurelia tried to shake his hand off, but her resistance was futile.

I rubbed my neck where he’d been choking me and asked, “What do you think you’re doing now?”

“Shut the fuck up and mind your own business! If it’s come to this I may as well kill her then kill myself!” When he screamed that out loud, my eyes opened wide in shock. Had he snapped? All of a sudden? Why? What was going on? I couldn’t understand. I wasn’t given time to understand. To process anything.

He spun Aurelia around, hooked his arm around her neck, and moved to hold the gun up to the side of her head.



My eyes momentarily locked with Aurelia’s.

Her eyes remained calm and tranquil, scarily so. 

It looked like it was happening in slow motion as the gun drew closer to her head. My heart pounded madly in my chest. Not like this. Not after they just reunited. Not when things were just starting to improve for them.

I felt powerless. I was too far away. I couldn’t stop what was about to happen. I grit my teeth, endlessly frustrated, and braced myself for the inevitable streak of crimson splattering through the air soon to dye the wall to our right.




A gunshot was fired. Glass shattered and fell from overhead. The doors immediately slammed open perfectly in sync.


The gun was shot clean out of his hand with a spark and flew away landing and sliding across the ground.

It all happened so fast.

“AAAAAHHHHHH!” The doctor cried out in pain. His thumb and index finger were broken.

Four men dressed in SWAT attire swiftly burst into the room and took control of the situation. They pinned the doctor down and separated him from Aurelia. 

It seemed the reason they hadn’t broken in as soon as the lights went out was because of the doctor’s immediate response pointing the gun at me the second I stood up from my seat.

With the angle from above, they probably didn’t have a clear shot when it was pointed at me. When he put it in my mouth, it made it even more difficult for them to move.

Fuck! If I knew this was going to happen I would have kept my ass seated and I wouldn’t have had to deal with any of this shit. My timing had been abysmal.

My racing heart started to calm down. 

I gulped and licked my dry lips.

The taste of iron lingered on both my tongue and lips.

My entire body felt cold.

I almost died… didn’t I?

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