Redo of a Romanceless Author’s Life Devoid of Love; Another Chance at Youth

Chapter 29.

Chapter 29. ~Rewards for Her Efforts~ (7/7)

She leaned in closer with her lips slightly parted and nibbled on my lower lip before she stuck her tongue out and slipped it in between my lips where she entangled hers with my own.

Her soft hands slid up under my shirt and caressed my body gently. Wherever her hands came into contact, my body felt hot like it was burning up.

Her tongue, which had already entwined itself around mine, constricted it tightly. There was nowhere for it to run or hide, it could not escape from hers. Seeing how running was futile I surrendered myself to her tongue and let her have her way. It was occasionally pulled along into her mouth where she’d tease it playfully.

She’d gotten quite good at kissing and much more emboldened in such a short period of time. While we entered a back and forth tug of war with our tongues the muscles in my body slackened until it was limp, fully relaxed.

After a while in this state, it became quite difficult to catch my breath. Just when I thought I’d black out she pulled her head back for a moment allowing a long string of saliva to form between to two of us before it broke apart.

I took in a few breaths in this small window, but I wasn’t given very long as she immediately returned on the offensive.

As time progressed, a similar scene played out again right when I thought I’d pass out from the lack of oxygen.

By the third time this transpired, I understood that she was doing it intentionally. When she said she’d get payback she hadn’t been joking. This was her form of getting even by keeping me struggling on the verge of passing out.

She was like a spider on top of her prey, toying with it as it squirmed beneath her. I couldn’t very much resist since her reward was that she’d be allowed to do whatever she wanted to me as long as it didn’t surpass the level of the previous rewards she’d received.

A make-out session had been one of those previous rewards and for all intents and purposes, this was definitely classified as a make-out session. The only difference being the one before had been on equal grounds. This one was one where she was given full control. She dictated the pace, when to start and when to stop.

In the end, I could only allow myself to be dominated by her late into the night.

When she finally had her full of swapping saliva and looked fully content. She finally finished me off with one last deep kiss that went on until I finally lost consciousness.

When morning came and I woke up I discovered her in my arms fully nude and my heart sank as I recalled everything that transpired the night before. At no point had I recalled her ever stripping her clothes.

As if feeling I’d woken up, she looked up at me with dreamy eyes and said, “last night was amazing.”

No, I did not do anything. I swear. I’m an innocent man. I’ve been framed. Conned. Is this what they call a honey trap? Had she taken pictures while I was asleep? Would she blackmail me with them in the future?

When she looked into my eyes and saw they were confused and filled with panic she smiled.

“It’s probably not what you’re thinking.”

“What do you mean it’s not what I’m thinking? No matter how you look at this… especially after what we did.”

“After you passed out nothing else happened. I let you sleep without doing anything further. I promise.”

“Then please explain your current appearance that I currently cannot fathom.”

“Well, it’s sort of your fault. I never knew how comfortable it was to fall asleep without any restrictive clothing. I wasn’t able to fall asleep while I was wearing them last night when I remembered the comfort I felt without them. After I experienced sleeping like this once, it seems I’m unable to go back to sleeping the way I used to before. You only have yourself to blame for this.”

“I don’t buy it. You’re definitely doing this just to mess with me.”

“Well, part of me did want to mess with you so you’re not entirely wrong.”

“Haaaah. Please give me a break. I seriously freaked out and thought I’d crossed that last line.”

“It’s a shame you didn’t.” She grumbled quietly to herself.

“Well… putting that aside, we should probably get ready for school.” I changed the topic.

“I suppose.”

Later that night after I finished work we had our final study session and last test. Even without the reward to motivate her, she got all the questions correct.

With that achievement, I knew my work had paid off. I’d successfully accomplished my objective. I’d reprogrammed her.

When I showed her the score she received, she smiled and looked at me with her cheek supported by her palm propped up by her elbow atop the table.

She suddenly opened her mouth and said, “You know, for a long time I’ve kind of thought studying was something impossible for me on my own. But... it seems I was wrong.” She didn’t appear particularly hung up on the score she received. It was a hundred, but what she was happy about didn’t seem to be that.

“I’ve always thought the only thing I’d be able to do in life was to follow in the steps of my parents. It was the only thing I seemed capable of doing and I never thought about anything else aside from that. Despite that being the case, I at least wanted to try living a normal life in high school for three years and I made the first selfish request I’d ever made of my parents. To allow me to be independent for the next three years and allow me to attend high school without any interruptions. During that time I wanted to experience things that other normal girls my age would experience like falling in love and whatnot. After these three years were up I’d then obediently return home and do what my parents had taught me since young to do. The thought that I could do something else never sprung up to me. But now… I think there’s something else I want to do in the future.”

“Oh? And what is that?”

“Heheh. I’d like to become a teacher after graduation. Then… maybe get married. Settle down in some remote location together with my precious husband. Have children. Raise them together. A simple, normal, peaceful life like that rather than the busy lifestyle my parents live, constantly on the move from one country to the next.”

“But… what about you? What are your plans after you graduate?” She suddenly asked me that.

“Me? Hmm… that’s a bit of a secret I guess. Though I’d like to just pass my days with a simple low-pressure job while I do the things I enjoy the most.”

“I see. Don’t you think our plans fit pretty well?”

“Hmm… do they really?”

She pouted dissatisfied by my lackluster response and complained, “You could have just said yes.”

“You know, being a teacher isn’t all fun and games like you might think. You can’t go and use unorthodox teaching methods like mine with your students or you’ll get fired.”

“I wouldn’t do something like that.”

“You do realize there are a lot of other responsibilities of a teacher aside from simply teaching students the required material, right?”

“Oh? There are? Like what?”

“Well, for example, students are going to have problems unrelated to simple school work that they will come to you as an authoritative figure they look up to. But you can’t just go and straight-up feed them the answers or solutions to all of their problems. You must have restraint. As a teacher, it’s your job to guide them to the correct path, not give them an answer. It’s the student’s job to walk down that path with their own ability. You can’t be pushing them along from behind and babying them. They need to be able to take those steps forward deeper into the unknown world all on their own. The answers exist out there for them to find for themselves, they are not there to be given. If they are given everything rather than working for it, they will never be able to function properly as an adult in our society. They will become overly reliant on others and be unable to walk on their own. That is what I believe to be one of the greatest responsibilities of a teacher. It’s a rather heavy responsibility if you ask me. Are you sure it’s one you want to take up?”

She puffed out her right cheek and grumbled, “You sound like an old man lecturing a kid. You know, you’re my boyfriend, right? You can at least support me when I make such a big decision, can’t you?”

“Actually, I am fully supportive of your decision. I think it’s great you want to become a teacher. I just wouldn’t want you to go into it light-heartedly thinking it’s all fun and games. The world of adults is by no means an easy one. Some people go into it half-heartedly, thinking they want to do one thing, then by the time they reach the end, they realize what they actually want to do is the exact opposite. By then, they’ve wasted so much time that they’re starting with a great disadvantage. Finding what you truly want to do in life so early on so you can get a head start is something I believe to be a wonderful thing. I’m more than happy that you found something for yourself.”

“Well… that was at least better… but you still sound like an old man.”

“Weren’t you the very same person who said you were into older mature guys or something to that degree?”

“Be quiet. You’re getting too cocky.” She raised her free hand not supporting her cheek then poked my right cheek playfully with her index finger arched back, forcefully tilting my head to the side.

I gently clasped her left hand with my right and kissed the back of her hand gently and said smoothly, “My apologies for being so cocky.”

“Acting even cockier when you’re apologizing for being cocky in the first place.”

“I suppose I apologize again,” I said as such while I moved my face up her arm and kissed it once more midway up.

She pulled her hand back then rested her index finger atop my lips to keep me at bay. With a rather coquettish smile, she said, “If you go any further, it will feel like I’m being rewarded for that test, so no more for today.”

Our last day studying together came to a close with those final words from her.

She took her last test with no problems on Friday and successfully cleared the condition I set to achieve full marks on all midterms before penalties.

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