Chapter 473: Chapter 165
Taking off my redesigned glasses for the umpteenth time, I cursed with feeling. Why did all sorts of things always come out that hadn't been considered in the original plans? The implanted sharingan proved to be quite decent during a few days of use, but there was one small problem - it was incompatible with my protective goggles, which were originally designed for the acquisition of dojutsu trophies, even if I was thinking more about the rinnegan.
Due to the fact that Uchiha dojutsu even at the first stage of development is weak to see the use of chakra, there was a situation when constantly active seals on the glass of glasses (night vision, protection from flashes, the ability to perform the functions of weak binoculars) interfered with vision. And even moving them to the very edge of the glass, in the best case we got tunnel vision through a bluish haze. Not the most ideal conditions for use.
Either remove the goggles and risk being lit up with sharingan, or get rid of the seals altogether and settle for a simple tinted glass. Considering the fact that when using dojutsu you have to close your other eye, reducing your field of vision so that you don't get disoriented by the difference in perception between your native and transplanted eyes, the benefits don't seem so useful anymore. I suspect transplanting other dojutsu would have the same effect, unless all efforts to keep the prey secret are discarded.
The same Byakugan is quite capable of picking up the characteristic changes in the eye when activated, if the constantly running fuin on the goggles don't create a masking veil. It's like putting your own back in. The only positive result is that one volume of sharingan really can't see my hiding and moving shadows, but how will it be at higher levels of dojutsu development... better not risk revealing such a trump card.
Startled, I swiped past the chopped lettuce and stabbed my thumb with my knife.
- Fuck!
- Ryo-chan?! - Saya and her clone immediately rushed over to me.
- It's fine, it's just a scratch," I waved it off.
I licked up a few drops of blood that had come out, tightened the superficial wound (not superficial, and a kunai wouldn't do the job the first time it was hit), and went back to cooking. I could only be glad that the clones' memories didn't come during surgery or other important business.
However, this is the price I agree to pay for the invaluable experience of battles, received from the comfort of my home and with the benefit of my wallet. Besides," I grinned bloodthirstily, "the mere fact that my memories of the clones that had recently been rocking out in Mizu no Kuni confirmed a few of my hunches about the kage bunshin.
The most important of which was that the more chakra a clone had left, the more likely it was to cross the distance for in-chakra when returning to its creator after the technique had ceased.
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