Red Dead Redemption Dawn

Chapter 95: Thieves Territory

John did not go home, but went directly to the place where Mason was being held, which was the prison of the General Bureau.

There are not many prisons here. They are all used to hold temporary prisoners, and they will be transferred to other prisons the next day.

And Mason is an exception.

He lives in the innermost prison. When John entered, he was sitting by the bed and didn't know what to think.

He didn't turn his head to look when he heard someone coming in.

Until John asked aloud.

"Inspector Mason?"

"John?" Mason turned his head, looking at John who came in with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Mason sat up and asked.

"Look at you, your wife asked me to bring you a word." John said, looking at Mason, who was in a normal state of mind.

"How's Adele doing?" Mason heard his wife's message and didn't ask what it was, but asked about her current situation.

"It's not bad to live in a hotel." John casually said about his wife's current situation.

"Thank you." Mason nodded after listening.

"Your wife asked me to tell you that she asked a friend to help you, so you shouldn't have to die. But I'm not sure if this is true," John said.

"Hehe, I see, can you tell her for me?" Mason revealed a long-lost smile when he heard his wife's words.

"What is it?" John asked.

"Leave here and take care of our child. Tell her that I will always love her." Mason said parting words.

"Actually, I don't understand. Why didn't you say where the robbers are? The director wants to give you this chance. Why?" John asked the question everyone wanted to know.

"Of course I have my reasons. John, thank you. But now I think I'm going to rest, the prison in the bureau is not comfortable. I haven't slept well these days, so I have to sleep a long time every day, you don't mind Right?" Mason lay down on the wooden bed.

Seeing that Mason didn't want to talk more, John didn't make fun of himself.

Then he said hello to the two police officers who were watching the cell and left the prison. Then go to your own manor.

In recent days, the surrounding area has been fenced off one after another, and many materials are also being prepared. Temporary wooden houses have also begun to be built on a large vacant lot.

It is believed that a large number of workers will start recruiting soon.

It was past seven o'clock in the evening when we returned to the manor, because Hart was transferred to the company, and the meals of the manor were handed over to Lambert's wife.

Compared to Hart's meal, John prefers Mrs Lambert's meal because she makes it more like a family meal.

When John returned to the room, Kane came over and said that he had something to talk about.

The two sat in front of the big platform drinking tea and smoking cigarettes as usual.

"Things in the company are on the right track, although they have been losing money. The contract we signed is a long-term contract of up to three years. I think we need additional income to support the operation of the company before this year." Kane said of the company future things.

"Don't worry, I still have enough cash to support the operation of the company in the past few months. After the company has accumulated a certain reputation in Heishui Town, I will contact some large security orders. At that time, we will hire outsiders first. Some qualified bounty hunters will act as guards. Then select some trusted ones for training, and then let them join the company." John stated his general plan, so that Kane should not worry about the company's working capital.

"By the way, I heard that the company has been harassed by some gangsters in the dock area recently?" John suddenly asked what happened this morning.

"Well, there was a small gang that didn't know where it came from, and they came to collect money without even checking our background. I caught them all and threw them into jail. Those gangsters will be imprisoned for three months, and their head I got him a lot of charges and he's going to spend at least five years in jail." Kane said with a smile.

"What's the Pinkerton Detective's reaction to our new company?" John asked again about the future competitor.

"No response, just sent someone to investigate the company's background, they seem to have misunderstood the person in charge behind the company." Kane said.

"Who do they think?" John asked with a smile.

"They think the company is actually owned by Mr. Edwin," Kane said.

"Although I am the legal person of the company, they seem to think that both you and I belong to Mr. Edwin."

"This is a big misunderstanding, but think about it, my things are basically linked to Mr. Edwin." John recalled that along the way, everything was basically obtained from Edwin, so The person who is considered to be him is also normal.

"By the way, how's the adventurer's business going?" Kane asked about the matter after turning around.

"I got the letter. It is estimated that he went out to avoid Greer's revenge. He found that Greer was in the thief's territory near Quaker Bay."

"Isn't that near here?" Kane said in surprise.

"Yes, just walk a few miles east after you get to Quaker Bay."

"Really? What's the director's reaction?"

"I don't really believe it. It is estimated that some investigation will be required. There may be news in a few days, and then I don't know what the director will do." John vaguely thought of what the director would do.

"If Greer is really there, I think our director will probably level the thieves' territory." Kane expressed his opinion.

"I think it's the director's temper. But that's the best way. If there is a robber's den next to my private property, everyone will be worried." John touched his eyebrows with his index finger.

"At that time, the police detectives in Blackwater Town will gather again, but the outlaws in the thieves' territory have been entrenched for many years, and the defense must be tight, and behind them is New Austin, it is too easy to escape. I don't know if the director has anything. Thorough management."

"If it were you, what would you do?" John asked.

"Me? Gather all the forces and attack them?" Kane said uncertainly.

"Who cares, I will assign you a mission, you don't have to participate in this operation. Things that are too dangerous are not suitable for you." John shook his head and shook off the thoughts in his mind.

"Okay, I also don't think this kind of thing is suitable for me." Kane nodded in agreement, his marksmanship was really bad.

On the other side, in the thieves' territory near Quaker Bay.

This small island covers an area of ​​about 50 hectares. Most of the buildings have two floors. Many robbers in plain clothes are patrolling with guns. At first glance, there are ten patrols.

And in a building in the central district.

That Kolov, who claimed to have a reason to leave Elizabeth, was drinking and chatting with others in the most luxurious living room of the Thieves Land.

"Let will take the bait, I know him. It should be in the next few days to encircle and suppress this place." Kolov said in a light tone.

There were two people drinking and chatting with him, one of them was a standard Mexican, and the other was Greer, who was in his 60s but in good spirits. He was the same as the picture. White-faced, beardless, handsome and personable.

"Kolof, the police detectives in Blackwater Town are not vegetarians, are you sure you can solve them this time?" Greer said while rubbing his smooth chin.

"It's not a big problem. As long as he steps in here, he will definitely not be let back alive. There is no one who can't be beaten." Kolov said with a light expression.

"We agreed to give up this place, but I want to mention the compensation you mentioned." The Mexican said to Kolov aloud.

"Jobak, UU Reading You are greedy. With 100,000 dollars, you can even go back to Mexico to assemble an armed force. When the time comes, you can be smart and establish your own regime in Mexico. Not in the Federation. I’ve always thought it was a bargain on this small island here selling bootleg alcohol and robbery and stealing for a living,” Kolov sneered bluntly.

"I have to pay a lot of people." Chopper calmly continued to talk about the price.

"Hehe, apart from the room, do you call those guys who sneak around in the name of gangs as subordinates?" Karloff continued to mock.

"Apart from the people in the room, how many do you know?"

"Add another 10,000. I've stayed here for nine years, and I always have some feelings." Chobak continued.

"Okay, just treat it as the last bit of warmth in your cold-blooded guy's blood," Kolov said.

"Haha, let's make a deal, let's have a toast for victory hahaha, actually, I've always disliked that guy Leiter. It's just that he's been hiding in Blackwater Town and I haven't had a chance to get him." Chobak said in a happy mood.

"When he led a team to encircle me a month ago, he didn't see you bring anyone over to help." Greer said after clinking glasses.

"That's when I was somewhere else." Chopper waved his hand.

Klov and Greer looked at each other without revealing the guy's true thoughts.

"To be honest, I'm still a little worried. You had a lot of people last time, right? You can't solve that guy like this?" Chobak talked about what happened more than a month ago.

"Last time I just wanted to kill some of his subordinates. Don't worry, this time there are not that many of his subordinates, and they are almost dead." Greer comforted Chobak.

The three of them drank wine and ate barbecue, and talked about how to get rid of the detectives and chiefs of Heishui Town.


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