Red Alert 1895

Chapter 88

Chapter 87 – Wretched And Abandoned Teachers (Middle)

“Company commander, it seems that the artillery wing of the Japanese army is in front, that is, the artillery wing of the Fourth Division!” said a soldier charging at the front.

When the company commander saw this situation, he immediately looked over and said speechlessly: “This group of the Japanese Fourth Division is really top-notch. These artillerymen trembled when they heard the sound of the cannon. Let’s go over and **** the cannon. !”

At this time, many people have discovered the artillery wing of the Japanese army, because they have charged into the defensive hinterland of the Fourth Division, where they can kill and kill. And they all rushed to the artillery regiment of the Fourth Division of the Japanese Army very quickly. When everyone charged just now, the Japanese soldiers of the artillery regiment did not fire at them. This made the soldiers of the Fourth Division of Wang Guorui feel a little “gratitude”. However, everyone will not let them go because of this. Wang Guorui’s Fourth Division must annihilate these cannons, so they can completely disappear from the Japanese army’s establishment.

“Da da da da…”

The submachine guns began to shoot continuously, and many Japanese artillerymen were killed. And once these artillerymen encounter powerful firepower close to them, they have no ability to resist at all. Most of these Japanese artillerymen were quickly wiped out, and a small number of Japanese troops who surrendered voluntarily were escorted down by everyone.

“Take all these cannons and send them back!” said a company commander.

Immediately, a soldier asked, “Why? Didn’t the commander just say that annihilating the enemy is the main thing, and don’t want to capture it?”

“How can those firearms be compared with cannons? This cannon is something that can be bombed, and after we take it away, it will cause a huge loss to the Japanese army. What we fear most when we attack the Japanese army is the cannon. If the Japanese army is allowed to attack the Japanese army again Take it back, I am afraid it will be used again by the Japanese army, so it will not do much harm to the Japanese army. If we take it away, not only will our artillery fire increase, but the Japanese army will lose one regiment Ten cannons, so their losses will be very heavy. Eat an enemy with one stone, and treat me with twenty stones. This is the reason. We veterans are most afraid of cannons. If we can weaken their artillery strength, then naturally In other words, our strength is increasing, understand?”

“Military dog camp, help us pull these cannons back!”

next. The army of the Fourth Division continued to divide the troops of the Fourth Division of the Japanese Army, and then gradually encircled and wiped them out. First of all, their communication trenches must be cut off so that they cannot communicate with each other, and finally they must be truly annihilated.

“Hurry up, put the explosives! Blow up all their traffic trenches. This way they won’t be able to come over and contact each other for support. At that time, we can surround and annihilate them piece by piece. At that time, our victory this time will be too great. “

Now due to the incompetence of the Japanese Fourth Division, the Japanese trenches are filled with soldiers from Wang Guorui’s Fourth Division, and the Japanese army has no artillery support. Because the Japanese army retreated too fast, there was no time to cover the retreat of the artillery, so the Japanese army lost a lot of artillery. And once the trench warfare loses the cover of the cannon, it may not be far from failure. What’s even more frightening is that the Japanese army didn’t have many Maxine machine guns, so they didn’t have any automatic weapons to restrain Wang Guorui’s Fourth Division, which made them unable to withstand such fierce firepower.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

There were loud bangs. The traffic trenches of the Japanese army were all blown up and cut off one after another, and the Japanese troops in several trenches were really divided by the troops of the Fourth Division. They could not transport additional ammunition through the communication trenches, and the wounded could not retreat. However, Wang Guorui’s Fourth Division was unable to annihilate the Japanese army one by one because the Japanese army was too incompetent this time. They rushed directly to the hinterland of the Japanese army, and then divided them. surrounded.

“Fire mortars, fire mortars into the trenches of the Japanese army!” Zhu Yuan said.

“Papa papa…”

Mortars began to bombard those trenches violently, and the Japanese troops in these trenches really suffered. If it is a large artillery, they may not be afraid, because although a large artillery is powerful, its accuracy is very low. It may be very difficult to get right into the trench. But what they are most afraid of is this kind of small light artillery, which is very accurate and can penetrate into the trenches to kill the enemy. What the Japanese army was afraid of was the mortar and the grenadier. This kind of power is small but can move with the army, and can accurately hit the trenches.

“Bang bang bang bang…”

A series of explosions, each explosion can blow up several people, and the number of those who were not blown up is unknown. The Japanese army began to become panic-stricken and unable to fight at all. And if it’s other troops, it’s possible that the beast is still fighting, but the Fourth Division is such a wonderful thing. Not only will they not fight like a trapped beast, but they will regard their lives as the most precious thing. The soldiers of Japan’s Fourth Division were born as merchants. They have been bargaining with the nobles for hundreds of years, and they do not obey the nobles as they do in other places. For them, the year-round thinking of bargaining made them think that the nobles and the emperor were the ones who robbed them of their wealth, and now they actually have to work hard for them. This obviously does not satisfy them.

This is also the division of the so-called troop replenishment area in Japan. Every division in Japan replenishes soldiers from a certain area. Unlike other countries, soldiers from all over the country are mixed together. That is to say, the soldiers of a division of the Japanese army are supplemented from one place, so the soldiers within a division are actually related to each other. Either a friend or a relative, or at least a chance to pass by. There are even many Japanese soldiers who have served in the same division for several generations, and this has caused the folk customs of a certain place to have an absolute impact on the combat effectiveness of this unit.

The Fourth Division was born in Osaka, also known as the Osaka Division. The Osaka area has been a commercial city in Japan for hundreds of years, and the business is very developed, and they all bargain with the local lords and nobles, so they are not very loyal to the lords and daimyos like the people in other areas. There is a sense of absolute obedience. They are extremely cunning in their bones, so once they feel that something is going to “lose money”, they will never do it. And they will not do the task of sending them to death even if they know it.

Under the influence of this kind of thinking, the fourth division has a very weak sense of allegiance to the emperor. It’s okay if they fight with the wind, after all, they can get benefits. Once the battle situation is unfavorable, they will definitely run away immediately. They all cherish their lives more than being loyal to the emperor. Now it is obvious that Wang Guorui’s army is not weak, and they naturally cannot raise the awareness of resistance, so they can all find ways to save their lives, and then prepare for their next return to the country.

In fact, many soldiers of the 4th Division of the Japanese Army are thinking about returning to China. After all, there is nothing fun in a foreign country. There are no women here, and there is no wealth. If they want to make these old soldiers like it, then it is a ghost! Moreover, their enemies are too powerful, so it is naturally not their idea that they are willing to fight for the country.

“Master, look, they seem to have raised a white flag!” A soldier immediately asked.

And Zhu Yuan was also surprised for a while, and said: “When did they get such a big white cloth? They should not have white cloth anywhere, and even if there is white cloth, they won’t be able to make one side so quickly.” White flag!”

“Teacher, do you think they have already prepared to show the white flag when necessary!” Someone asked.

“Well, maybe it’s really possible! This group of Japanese troops is so special, I’m afraid it’s really possible!” Zhu Yuan said.

“General, can you cease fire for a while?” said the man from the Fourth Division.

“Cease fire? Why?” Zhu Yuan asked.

“We are willing to cooperate, and we are willing to give a part of our wealth in exchange for your ceasefire!” said the envoy of the Fourth Division.

For the soldiers of the 4th Division life is the most precious, even though they were born as traders, they are willing to spend money in exchange for their own lives. As for surrender, they haven’t thought about it for the time being. After all, they still want face and know that they can’t surrender casually. Once they surrender, I’m afraid they will also implicate their families. So it is very normal to exchange some wealth for Wang Guorui to let them go. In their eyes, since they can come up with a sum of money, these Chinese people should let them go. Can

But Zhu Yuan said very righteously: “No, you have only two ways now, one is to be wiped out by us, and the other is to voluntarily surrender. We promise to treat the prisoners preferentially and will not massacre you. We are not like you. We actually slaughtered our people in the Liaodong area. This is simply inferior to animals. But we were bitten by a dog, so we can’t go back and bite the dog? So I will give you a chance to surrender, if you don’t Surrender, then we will kill you all, and then use it to pay homage to our compatriots who died in Liaodong!”

And the envoy of the Fourth Division felt a chill in his neck, because Zhu Yuan actually threatened them that if they didn’t surrender, they would all be annihilated, and none of them would be left to pay homage to those compatriots who died in Liaodong. At that time, they carried out massacres in Liaodong, and their Fourth Division also knew about it. But now that things are imminent, they are all afraid. (To be continued.) xh118

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