Red Alert 1895

Chapter 86

Chapter 85 – Persimmons Should Be Picked Soft

Hsinchu County, Taiwan Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army Headquarters.

“All rise!”


“Sit down!” Wang Guorui said.

After Wang Guorui sat down, he didn’t go around too much, and said directly: “Yesterday, the Japanese Third Division took the initiative to attack our Commander Chen Liyan’s position, but we beat them back severely. Now, since the Japanese army wants to attack us, then We can’t help but pay them back, after all, it’s not rude to come and go. I have initially formulated an idea, that is, a battle plan. This time the battle plan is to try to annihilate a division of the Japanese army. It is better to hurt their ten fingers. If we cut off one finger, we would directly annihilate a Japanese army division, which would deal a huge blow to our morale, and the Japanese army’s morale would definitely drop!”

As the chief of staff, Hu Wei immediately asked: “My lord, how many troops are we going to dispatch to annihilate a Japanese division this time? The Japanese army’s combat effectiveness is not weak. Once a division is attacked by them, someone will come soon.” support, if we don’t rule out troops to contain them, then we won’t be able to conquer them either.”

Wang Guorui stretched out a finger and said, “Just one division, that is, the fourth division. Let Zhu Yuan from the fourth division fight!”

This Zhu Yuan is also the commander of the fourth division. He has just been appointed as the commander of the fourth division by Wang Guorui. The first division is managed by Wang Guorui himself, while the second division and the third division are the first batch of regiment leaders, so he has the lowest qualifications, so it is best to let him go out and annihilate a division this time. Method.

“Just one division, how could it be possible to annihilate a Japanese division, a Japanese division, but there are more than 20,000 people, even if our firepower is fiercer, it is impossible!” Hu Wei asked.

And Wang Guorui said affirmatively: “Don’t worry, we are going to squeeze the persimmons this time!”

Soon, the Fourth Division began to prepare, and then began to adjust the theater according to the previously arranged Japanese defense map. And Wang Guorui obtained the Japanese army’s full set of combat plans and troop deployment plans through the Mingyuan Shi Erlang who was lurking inside the Japanese army, so Wang Guorui easily chose a target for attack. Then start preparing as a breakthrough. And the Fourth Division led by Zhu Yuan began to exchange defense zones with the First Division directly under Wang Guorui, and then prepared to let the Fourth Division start this attack on the enemy. And everyone didn’t understand why only one division was responsible for annihilating one division of the Japanese army. This is an impossible task at all. There are 28,000 Japanese troops in a division. And Wang Guorui’s division here is only 15,000 people, even if Wang Guorui’s firepower is denser, it’s useless! In this kind of trench warfare, your firepower is fierce, but can you have an advantage over the defender? So this confuses everyone. But the order from above has come down, and everyone has to obey it. And the next step is to face the enemy and attack.

“Facing us is the Fourth Division of the Japanese Army. Our goal this time is to wipe out the Fourth Division. Are you ready?” Zhu Yuan asked.

“Yes!” The officers of the fourth division said together. Although everyone didn’t know why Wang Guorui asked the fourth division to hit the stone with an egg, but this was an order, but it must be carried out.

Soon, the soldiers of the Fourth Division also began to use the method of earth excavation to advance according to the method taught by Wang Guorui. They began to dig forward from their trenches. Then they kept looking forward. And this tactic is to continuously extend one’s trenches into no man’s land, and then allow one’s own troops to rush along the trenches. And this move, the Japanese army did not learn it. Just now the Japanese army foolishly started attacking from the ground to no man’s land. Isn’t this courting death? It has to be said that there was a reason why the Japanese army suppressed Wang Guorui all the way. Because the Japanese army learned new tactics from Wang Guorui every time they suffered a loss, but Wang Guorui was able to come up with a solution immediately. Who told Wang Guorui to be a descendant, and he had a certain understanding of this kind of trench warfare during World War I. Don’t look at the simple words of trench warfare in later generations, but these are the countless battles between the Allied Powers and the Allied Powers in World War I. Then sacrifice countless soldiers to learn the lessons. But now it is directly used by Wang Guorui to deal with the Japanese army who “studied” with them, and the Japanese army will inevitably pay a lot of “tuition fees” for it.

And it was not that no soldiers in the Fourth Division of the Japanese Army discovered that Wang Guorui’s Fourth Division was digging towards them, but the soldiers on the front lines were also talking about it.

“Mr. Matsushita, should we report to our superiors that the enemy has already dug a trench towards us?” someone asked.

And that Panasonic immediately said: “You are stupid! If we report it at that time, won’t it be that the superiors let us fight them? Are these Chinese troops so easy to fight? Two days ago, the third division dispatched two A coalition went to attack, but within half an hour of the battle, more than 3,000 people were lost! And those Chinese people had no losses at all, we can’t beat these Chinese people. So, we still don’t want to be smart. Take the initiative to report Yes. If we report it, then we will definitely attack as the first echelon.”

“Let me tell you, you are a recruit, but because we are all from Osaka, let me tell you a rule of our Fourth Division. Then there are three ‘don’ts’ in our Fourth Division. Don’t pay unnecessary sacrifices, Don’t participate in unreasonable battles, and don’t chase down enemies. Think about it, if we are allowed to charge at the front line, wouldn’t we have to pay a lot of unnecessary sacrifices? And we came to Taiwan this time, obviously kicking the iron plate Come on, this is not participating in an unreasonable battle. Not only is the battle unreasonable, even this war is unreasonable. So these battles, we can not participate or not. And this war is already three We don’t want the two of them, so we must not face-to-face with these Chinese people, or there will be no good fruit for us!”

And after hearing what the Matsushita veteran said, the recruits of the Fourth Division also began to show a deeply appreciative expression. And he obviously agreed with this statement, thinking that it was a huge mistake for An to come to Taiwan to fight this time, isn’t he looking for death when he came here? Originally, if it was like those soldiers in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, it was not impossible to try to fight. But now it is obvious that Taiwan’s squadron is a huge iron plate, or even an iron wall, so they won’t be foolish to take the initiative to attack!

“Report to the division commander, we are less than 500 meters away from the trenches of the Fourth Division of the Japanese Army!” A soldier reported immediately.

“Okay, order the submachine gunners to charge at the forefront, and then suppress the Japanese army’s firepower. The mortars are responsible for suppressing the enemy’s firepower immediately, and they cannot raise their heads.” Zhu Yuan said.

“Da! Da! Da! Da!…”

Mortars started firing and began to explode near the Japanese trenches. And these Japanese soldiers of the Fourth Division did not raise their heads at all, and all of them hid in the trenches with their heads shrunk.

“Fourth division, charge!” Wang Guorui’s fourth division charged immediately after the order was issued.

“Come on!”

“Papa papa…”

A series of explosions began to explode in the direction of the Japanese army, and Wang Guorui’s soldiers began to charge, but they still insisted on charging in accordance with the battle formation, not too fast.

“What’s going on? Why is the Japanese army’s firepower so poor?”

Many people began to feel that something was wrong, why the firepower of the Japanese troops in front of them was so poor. You must know that this is a position defended by a division of the Japanese army, but the firepower of the Japanese army seems to be less than a brigade in general. It’s nothing if such sparse firepower is spread over the entire division.

“No matter what, everyone charge me quickly! Submachine gun cover!”

“Da da da da…”

Soldiers with Sten submachine guns charge at the front, and the submachine guns in their hands can be used as cover for soldiers when they charge. In the absence of a light machine gun, such a submachine gun with a relatively short range can also be used as a certain degree of cover.

“We are less than 200 meters away from the trenches. Why are the Japanese still not shooting? Are they a division? Why do I only have one and a half brigades with such firepower?” Zhu Yuan, the commander of the Fourth Division, was also surprised.

The soldiers of the Fourth Division quickly charged within the range of the Japanese army, but the firepower of those Japanese troops was surprisingly sparse. This did not cause much damage to the Fourth Division, and the casualties paid by the Fourth Division were also very low. Many veterans of the Fourth Division feel that these Japanese troops are marksmanship is so stinky. The firepower is sparse, and the marksmanship is so stinky, this is simply unimaginable. The Fourth Division paid less than a hundred people, and it actually rushed to the front of the Japanese trenches. Everyone couldn’t believe how smooth the process was.

“Throw a grenade!”

Although it felt that the Japanese troops were different, Wang Guorui’s troops still followed the combat tactics and started throwing grenades into the Japanese trenches according to the principle of sailing carefully.

“Boom!” A grenade exploded, and several Japanese soldiers were blown away.

“Run!” The Japanese soldiers began to shout.

Soon, the Fourth Division occupied the first trench of the Japanese army. The process went very smoothly, and they paid less than 150 casualties. Compared with the side where the Japanese army attacked themselves, this is simply very little, and this also made the soldiers of the Fourth Division realize that these Japanese fourth divisions are different.

“Hahahaha, I really didn’t expect that this fourth division is actually a soft persimmon. It is really a military exploit sent from heaven. Give me a hard chase!” Zhu Yuan shouted. (To be continued.) xh118

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