Red Alert 1895

Chapter 74

Chapter 73 – Motojiro Akashi

The Japanese army has begun to reorganize the army, and then it will be sent to Taiwan to fight. Japan wants to protect their so-called fruits of war and cannot discard them. So even if they were to annihilate an alliance, they would have to grit their teeth and come here. This is related to their face. If they are defeated by a local force in Taiwan, China, their face will definitely disappear. At that time, all countries in the world will also doubt Japan, and the people in Japan will also doubt the combat effectiveness of Japanese soldiers. Therefore, no matter what happens from top to bottom, Japan wants to **** Taiwan.

However, their plans are also more complicated. They originally had seven divisions in Japan, namely the Guards Division and the First to Sixth Divisions. However, many soldiers from the 1st to 6th divisions have been dispersed to the civilian population, and many soldiers have also begun to disarm and return to the fields. But now it is suddenly recalled again, and it will take a lot of time. If Sukiki Kawayama and Noku Kitashirakawa had been able to ask for help from the country as soon as possible, then maybe the Japanese army would send other divisions immediately, but now because of the decision of these two idiots, the formation of Japanese reinforcements has been delayed a lot.

And this also gave Wang Guorui time to tidy up the interior as soon as possible.

“This guy is actually a historical celebrity, and his status is not low in history!” Wang Guorui thought.

Wang Guorui looked at the Japanese army staff officer who was being held in the base, and immediately began to realize that he had discovered another celebrity. This staff officer was the person who stayed behind to pretend to be the commander of the Japanese army when the Japanese army retreated. Is a lieutenant staff officer. And this lieutenant staff officer was escorted to the base by Wang Guorui, but as soon as he entered the base, the base hinted that he was a historical celebrity. This guy is called Akashi Genjiro. He is the future general of Japan’s army. However, his main credit is not to command wars, but to be very capable in secret agents.

According to the information in the red police system, this Akashi Genjiro is a very powerful agent. He once carried out activities behind Russia during the Russo-Japanese War and instigated peasants in the Russian rear to revolt. And this Mingyuan Ishijiro also funded Lenin’s revolution, and then let Russia suffer from the enemy, so he couldn’t concentrate enough strength and energy to face Japan. This Akashi Motojiro was called by the Japanese veteran Yutomo Yamagata as a figure who can stand up to ten divisions by one person. One can imagine his ability.

“A future general of the Japanese army can be converted into a special unit. It is a sacrifice to be converted into a Navy Seal. Is it a spy, or is it Yuri? Yuri already has one, which was obtained after the sacrifice of Yamanashi Hanzo. And the next step is to be a spy or a Navy SEAL? But, is it really worth it to switch to a spy or a SEAL? ” Wang Guorui thought.

Wang Guorui came to the place where Akashi Yuanjiro was detained in the base, and then came to Akashi Yuanjiro’s room. And Wang Guorui found that Akashi Genjiro was not in a hurry, he was here looking at various machines nearby. And everything here is beyond Akashi Genjiro’s expectation, because various high-tech manipulators are operating here, and various material transportation has also begun to be abundant. And what made Akashi Genjiro most curious was the barracks. The barracks was actually a small place, and soldiers came out continuously, and they came out with weapons.

This has already subverted Akashi Genjiro’s world view, because in his eyes, he is all learning science. However, with such a small area of the barracks, soldiers can come out continuously and weapons can also be manufactured. Akashi Genjiro probably knew who the person who opposed him was, he was no longer an ordinary person.

“When will you send me on my way?” Akashi Genjiro asked.

Wang Guorui didn’t expect it. The first time Akashi Genjiro saw him, he asked such a sentence.

“Why do you think I’m going to kill you?” Wang Guorui asked.

Akashi Motojiro pointed to the barracks of this base, and then said: “I saw this, will you let me live? This may be what you can rely on to defeat our Imperial Japanese Army, although I don’t know how you can Make something like this, or some supernatural force is at work. But I know that I know too much that I shouldn’t know, so you won’t let me live.”

“Smart. You really deserve to be the king of spies!” Wang Guorui thought to himself.

Wang Guorui said: “You are right. I originally planned to kill you, but now I have changed my mind!”

“Oh? Humph, don’t think about recruiting me. I am a loyal subject of His Majesty the Emperor, and I will not betray His Majesty the Emperor!” Akashi Genjiro said.

Wang Guorui could see that Akashi Genjiro’s heart was full of death, because he knew that he might not live long, but he was not a person who was willing to surrender to the enemy because he was greedy for life and afraid of death, so he was waiting to die now.

“Whether you will work for me or not is not necessarily up to you to choose! Yuri No. 1, come in!” Wang Guorui said.

Soon, Yuri No. 1, which was obtained with the half-made Yamanashi sacrifice last time, also came to the base, and then met Wang Guorui.

“You are Yamanashi Hanzo? Did you betray His Majesty the Emperor?” Akashi Genjiro asked in surprise.

This Yuri No. 1 looks very similar to Yamanashi Hanzo at that time, so Akashi Genjiro also felt a little surprised. He didn’t know why Yamanashi Hanzo would seek refuge with Wang Guorui.

“Look into my eyes!” Yuri No. 1 said to Akashi Genjiro.

Hearing this, Akashi Genjiro immediately subconsciously looked at Yuri No. 1’s eyes, but he soon felt a wave of energy entering his brain from his eyes. He wanted to get rid of this force, and wanted to turn his head away from Yuri No. 1’s eyes, but he had a tragic development that he couldn’t turn around at all. And he felt more and more tired, he felt more and more sleepy, and then he actually fell asleep.

After waiting for half an hour, Akashi Genjiro woke up and saw Wang Guorui again.

“Meet the commander!” Akashi Genjiro said.

Seeing this result, Wang Guorui felt very satisfied, because he successfully controlled Akashi Genjiro through Yuri. Akashi Genjiro will also work for him in the future, and the effect must be very good. Although Wang Guorui could sacrifice Akashi Genjiro and obtain a special unit such as a seal or a spy, Wang Guorui thought it would be more profitable to control him directly through Yuri. Because if you sacrificed, you just got a spy, but if the spy wants to really break into the enemy, you have to start from the bottom layer by layer, which takes a lot of time, and you can’t do it in a short time. Can get good results.

But if it is directly controlled, it is different. If he is directly controlled, he can be sent back to Japan in the future, which will directly break into the core of the Japanese army. This Akashi Genjiro is a genius agent, a future Japanese general, who is almost able to form a cabinet and become the Prime Minister of Japan. This person’s talent is unquestionable. If he was simply recruited as a bodyguard-like Navy Seal, or a spy who couldn’t get to the top, it would be a bit of a loss. And precisely because his ability is too strong, Wang Guorui felt that it was a pity to sacrifice, and wanted him to work for him.

But Wang Guorui also knew that he would not surrender himself, he would rather die than surrender. But Wang Guorui is not afraid, since Wang Guorui has Yuri, he can control him mentally. In the future, Wang Guorui can directly give him orders through Yuri. As long as he comes into contact with any confidential information in Japan, it can also be transmitted to Yuri through his heart, and then Yuri will tell Wang Guorui. And his ability is still very good. He can work in Japan, work in the secret department, and even step by step to the top of Japan. The benefits are absolutely unimaginable. In the past, he almost had the chance to form a cabinet and become the prime minister, so if this time Wang Guorui supported him as the prime minister of Japan. It is unimaginable that the head of the government of a country is actually a traitor of the enemy country, so what kind of secrets can be kept from the enemy? This is tantamount to a stab in the heart of Japan in the future, enough to drain Japan’s blood.

“Wait a minute, I will have someone torture you After you are beaten all over with bruises, I will send you back to the Japanese prisoner-of-war camp. This will be a wrong for you!” Wang Guorui said.

“It is my honor to serve the commander. There is no wrong or wrong. As long as the commander gives an order, I am willing to die for the commander!” Akashi Genjiro said.

“Okay, when you go to the Japanese prisoner-of-war camp, work hard and help me monitor the Japanese prisoners of war. If there is any change or riot, report it to me through Yuri immediately. If you wait for the war between Taiwan and Japan After the end, according to the usual practice, the two sides will release and exchange prisoners of war. You can take advantage of this time to go back and sneak into the Japanese army, and then take the initiative to lurk down. And, if the Japanese high-level has any important decisions, you can notify Yuri through telepathy, and then Tell me through Yuri!” Wang Guorui said.

Akashi Genjiro immediately stood up, bowed to Wang Guorui and said, “Hi!”

Wang Guorui knew that his first nail into the interior of Japan was about to be inserted into the interior of Japan, and if nothing happened, this nail would be the most powerful nail. And in the future, Japan will be almost transparent to him, and he can even let him pass some false news to the Japanese when necessary. At that time, Japan will lose a lot of money, and even want to spread blood! (to be continued)

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