Red Alert 1895

Chapter 68

Chapter 67 – Big Fists Are The Last Word (Part 1)

“Great victory, great victory, Master Wang Guorui wiped out more than 20,000 Japanese guards in the front, and the remaining Japanese troops have fled to Taipei.”

In Tainan, a soldier from the Green Battalion of the Qing Dynasty began to deliver good news, apparently telling everyone that the war was almost won. And the people in southern Taiwan also began to cheer, because after taking such a great victory, the situation of the next anti-Japanese war will be very good, and everyone is happy. Many people think that Taiwan can be saved, and many officials of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties have also begun to discuss what to do next!

“Great, the Japanese army has finally been driven away, and Taiwan is safe!” said a Manchu official.

And Sun Yuwan, an official of the Qing Dynasty, also said: “Yes! It’s a pity that Wang Guorui fought in the front in this battle, and he made all the achievements!”

“Nonsense! This fight against the Japanese army was obviously the joint efforts of our Taiwanese officials. How can it be said that Wang Guorui fought alone? This is the result of the joint efforts of our Taiwanese officials. Wang Guorui, a young junior, can give him a share.” One piece is already good. Why does he claim this battle achievement all by himself?” Another person said.

“That’s right, Wang Guorui, a younger generation, who was born in a donated class, how could he have gained so many military exploits? How could he have won the battle without us?” “Yes! This is the wise leadership of our empress dowager of the Qing Dynasty , Only then did we have this great victory!” “Yeah, we won this fight, and it would be nice to be able to give that guy Wang Guorui a sip of soup!”…

These officials really are really good enough. Unexpectedly, before the Japanese army was completely wiped out, they had already begun to think about dividing up the credit. This time it was actually Wang Guorui who was fighting, and they were fighting for power in the rear. Or do some activities. They contributed very little, or even almost nothing, to this resistance against Japan, but now that they won the battle, they actually wanted to come here to share the victory. And they didn’t think Wang Guorui should get too much military exploits at all, because Wang Guorui’s qualifications were low, and he was young, and he came from a donated class who spent money to buy an official. This is definitely very contemptible. So they all began to reject Wang Guorui out of their own cleverness. Now that they thought the situation of the battle was settled, they naturally didn’t need Wang Guorui. They were also thinking about how to “hide Wang Guorui with all their bows”, and then divide Wang Guorui’s military exploits among themselves.

There has never been a lack of such strange things in Chinese officialdom. Before the Japanese could be completely wiped out, they immediately got up and wanted to share their military exploits. They are far more interested in infighting than fighting against the enemy. And even if the country is about to perish, and soldiers are approaching the city, they are still thinking about internal fighting. At the end of the Song Dynasty, the country was about to perish at that time, and those strange civil servants in the Song Dynasty actually wanted to reject the generals. Isn’t this kind of death? Obviously, the same is true of the officials of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, they want to divide up the military achievements of Wang Guorui’s subordinates.

“Go, let Wang Guorui come to see us. Then show our achievements!” said a Manchu official.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

Just when the Manchu officials were proud, a series of explosions sounded suddenly, which made them all startled.

“The Japanese army is coming!” “The Japanese army is coming!”…

The soldiers who were in charge of guarding Tainan also started to run away. No will to fight at all. And these officers and soldiers in Tainan thought that the enemy was coming, and they started to flee one after another, not wanting to fight at all.

“What’s going on, isn’t Wang Guorui standing in front of him?” Zhongman, the Taiwan soldier, said angrily.

“My lords, there is an army outside, but it’s not the Japanese army. It seems to be Lord Wang Guorui’s army!” said a black flag soldier.

“What? Wang Guorui dares to bring troops here? What does he want to do?”

Outside Tainan City, Wang Guorui shook his head looking at the soldiers in Tainan.

“If Taiwan relies on these things, how can we expect them to defeat the Japanese army!” Wang Guorui sneered.

For the green battalion troops in Tainan, Wang Guoruiguang fired a few grenade grenades into the open space, and as a result, these green battalion troops in Taiwan ran away one after another. And with this kind of fighting will, if you can beat the Japanese army, then you will be a ghost. The entire green camp has rotted to the root, and there is no need to save it. After hundreds of years of decay, the green camp has rotted from the root. Of course, it is not without a small number of elites, but these elites are gradually corrupted by the overall atmosphere. Hu Wei has already helped Wang Guorui extract the elites from Taiwan’s green camp, and the rest are garbage, so there is no need to keep them.

“Let’s go, let’s meet our parents in Anxin Taiwan!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui came to Tainan with his second regiment, and then took over the defense work of Tainan. And the green battalion in Tainan was forced to disarm by Wang Guorui. As for the Black Banner Army, most of them were also disarmed. Except for Liu Yongfu’s personal guards, all others were under the guns of Wang Guorui’s subordinates at any time.

“Master Wang is here!” Someone shouted outside the Yamen of the Tainan prefect.

Wang Guorui walked in quickly, and said with a smile, “Hi, my lords!”

“Wang Guorui, what do you mean by this? You actually led troops to attack Tainan, are you planning to rebel?” Sun Yuwan asked.

Wang Guorui shook his head and said, “No, no, no, no, I’m not going to attack Tainan, I’m just stationed in Tainan. The soldiers under me are all my Chinese troops, and of course I have the right to station on any part of my country, so we What’s the problem if our troops are stationed in Tainan?”

“You didn’t go to fight the Japanese army, why did you come here?” Liu Yongfu asked.

And Wang Guorui saw this skinny little old man, this guy is also the famous Liu Yongfu in the legends of later generations. But after Wang Guorui actually traveled over there, he really felt that the name was not worthy of the name. Later generations called him a national hero throughout his life, which can be regarded as flattering him. In terms of the results of his real fight against foreign enemies, there are actually not many. But this guy has become extremely slick in the officialdom of the Qing Dynasty. If he really had the backbone, he could definitely send his men to support Wang Guorui when he was fighting the Japanese army. Even if it doesn’t help much, at least the spirit is commendable. However, he did not send a single soldier to help. They were all passively fighting for the rights of Taiwan’s anti-Japanese leaders in the rear. This made Wang Guorui very disappointed with this so-called national hero.

“The matter of fighting the Japanese army will naturally be resolved by someone. I just want to know that you have chosen Taiwan’s anti-Japanese leaders here. Have you elected them? Governor Tang Jingsong has already fled back to the mainland. Taiwan has no leaders. Then we What should we do? The Japanese army is still in Taipei, if we don’t expect to have a leader as soon as possible, then we will really miss a big deal!” Wang Guorui asked.

And the Manchu Qing officials present here are all staring at each other, and they don’t have any idea. Different from the previous history, when Taipei fell, Tainan quickly elected a leader, that is, Liu Yongfu. But at that time, under the pressure of the Japanese army, everyone made a decision as soon as possible. But this time and space is different. With Wang Guorui in front of this time and space, the pressure on these Manchu officials from the Japanese army has been reduced countless times. Then when everyone feels less crisis, they will naturally start to argue. The ability of these Manchu officials to talk nonsense and do nothing is surprisingly strong, so they have not been able to solve the problem of a leader candidate for several months. Everyone wants to be the leader, that’s why it’s so difficult.

However, soon there was a man in his forties who was not wearing a manchurian official uniform and said: “Everyone has discussed before and chose Mr. Dongweng Liu as the leader of Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War. Mr. Liu has fought against foreign enemies many times and has a profound experience.” Prestige, and the Black Banner Army under him can be used to fighting, which is enough to become the main force of the Anti-Japanese War, so Master Liu became the leader of our Taiwan Anti-Japanese War, which is what everyone expects.”

“That’s right, Master Liu is the leader of Taiwan’s resistance against Japan. Master Wang, why don’t you hurry up and meet the leader?” Sun Yuwan asked.

Seeing Wang Guorui’s current state, Sun Yuwan also figured out some flavors. Wang Guorui probably wanted to compete for the leader’s position, so Sun Yuwan naturally didn’t want to compete for it, and first promoted Liu Yongfu as the leader. As long as Liu Yongfu becomes the leader of Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War, Wang Guorui must submit to them under the so-called “righteousness”. At that time, Wang Guorui’s military achievements will also be exploited layer by layer by those Manchu officials. In this way, all the Taiwanese officials will eat a But if Wang Guorui becomes the leader, then Wang Guorui will really have to monopolize these military exploits. Once Wang Guorui monopolizes these battle achievements, the results will be greatly reduced, where will they have any soup to drink! Therefore, in order to obtain military exploits, they also have to support Liu Yongfu to become the leader, so that they can all share the military exploits in front of Man Qing.

“Liu Yongfu became the leader of Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War? Has it been approved by me?” Wang Guorui snorted coldly.

Wang Guorui’s words are very blunt, that is to say, whoever wants to become the leader of Taiwan’s Anti-Japanese War must obtain Wang Guorui’s consent. If Wang Guorui disagrees, he cannot become a leader. Wang Guorui’s meaning is obvious. This group of people elected Liu Yongfu as the leader, but Wang Guorui disagreed. If Wang Guorui disagreed, then the leader would be useless.

“Crack!” Sun Yuwan slapped the table, and immediately said angrily, “Why do you disagree? This is a decision made by all of us. Why do you disagree? You are a county magistrate. What was decided by all of us together? Do you want a county magistrate to agree?”

Wang Guorui raised his hand, pointed to the troops outside the door, and said, “I rely on them!” (To be continued)

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