Red Alert 1895

Chapter 64

Chapter 63 – Annihilate The Guards Division (4)

“Master Wang, the artillery has arrived and advanced 300 meters. We can suppress the artillery fire of the Japanese army at any time, and then cover the infantry charge. Are we going to charge?” Hu Wei asked.

Wang Guorui looked at the energy of the soldiers and said, “Take a rest for one night. We are going to have a decisive battle with the Japanese army tomorrow. If we win this decisive battle, we can gain stability for about half a year. In this way, our second batch The army training is complete, then we don’t have to be afraid of the second batch of Japanese troops coming!”

“It’s a pity that we don’t have a navy, otherwise we would really be able to keep the enemy out of the country!” Hu Wei sighed.

And everyone present was silent for a while, because the navy issue has always been a pain in everyone’s heart. The reason why Taiwan is so disadvantaged now is actually because Taiwan does not have a navy. If Taiwan has a strong navy, it can completely prevent the Japanese army from landing at all. If the Japanese army couldn’t even land, how could Taiwan be climbed to the land of Taiwan by the Japanese army, and then Wang Guorui was forced to fight the Japanese army! But what Taiwan lacks is the navy, so the Japanese army was able to land smoothly. If there is a navy, it is absolutely possible to beat them into the sea to feed the **** before the Japanese army lands. The infantry can’t exert their combat effectiveness at all on the transport ship, so with the navy, they can completely defend against the enemy outside the country. And if Taiwan has a navy, it will not be so passive. It can only let the Japanese army take the initiative to send troops to land, and then there is no way to resist.

“Hey, even if I build a ship, I don’t have enough naval officers!” Wang Guorui said with a sigh.

Wang Guorui has not built a so-called dock until now. This is not because he has no money, nor is he unable to build it. But if the dock is built, it will be useless to protect the dock at all. If the Japanese army finds out that they have a dock, they will probably send the Japanese combined fleet to attack their own navy. Taking a step back, even if Wang Guorui produced a warship, there would be no suitable naval officers. Although these Red Police soldiers can clone low-level sailors, they can even be said to be the best low-level sailors in the world. However, the Red Police base cannot produce senior naval officers, for example, he cannot be trained as a captain. If a navy does not have a qualified captain, then its combat effectiveness is less than 10%. Even if Wang Guorui produced warships and some sailors, it would not be able to defeat the combined fleet of Japan. So since he couldn’t beat him, there was no need for Wang Guorui to waste his money.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore, let’s quickly find a way to let the soldiers rest for one night, and then go to attack the Japanese army tomorrow!” Zheng Hong said.

Zheng Hong saw that everyone was a little cold, so she also took the initiative to comfort everyone. After all, this war will be fought with the navy, and it will be fought without the navy. There is a way to fight with a navy, and there is a way to fight without a navy. Anyway, this war must be fought, and they have no other choice.

That night, the Japanese army was also preparing, because they obviously knew that the last battle might be ready to start.

The next day, at 7:30 in the morning, when the sky just dawned, Wang Guorui’s soldiers also began to prepare.

“Fire ready!”

“Boom boom boom boom…”

The artillery shells roared again, and this time the artillery fire was ready to begin.

“The first artillery battalion, the second battalion and the third battalion are in charge of suppression, and the fourth artillery battalion listens to my command and bombs according to my coordinates!” Hu Wei said.

In the Japanese barracks, Noku Kitashirakawa also saw Wang Guorui’s artillery preparations, but he didn’t panic. Now the Japanese army is familiar with this kind of artillery preparation, that is, bombing with cannons. They already have experience in defending against artillery bombing, so they are not afraid of this kind of cannon. The Japanese army hid in the trenches and did not show their faces at all, obviously not in a panic. And Kitashirakawa Gong Nojiu was also looking ahead, obviously wanting to hit Wang Guorui’s army hard when Wang Guorui’s soldiers charged.

“How’s our artillery?” Kitashirakawa asked Nohisa.

“Reporting to the captain, we have gathered the last thirty or so cannons and reorganized them into two artillery brigades. Moreover, this time we have learned the lessons of the past and sent a whole brigade of infantry to protect the artillery. And all the machine guns of our division are also deployed in the artillery, and we will not be afraid whether it is the arrival of the Tanya banshee or the mad dogs of the enemy.” Akashi said.

“Okay, so I can rest assured. As long as there is no problem with the artillery, this battle is not completely hopeless.” Kitashirakawa Nohisa said.


A loud bang came from behind the Japanese army’s position, and a mushroom cloud rolled up again, obviously the explosion was very huge.

“What’s going on?” Kitashirakawa asked angrily.

Immediately, a staff officer of the Japanese army said: “Division commander, it’s not good. Just now, the Chinese sent a dozen artillery shells directly behind us and hit our artillery. Now the artillery shells of the artillery have also begun to explode. There is also an infantry brigade responsible for protecting the cannon, which has been wiped out!”

Kitashirakawa Palace Nengjiu almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and almost passed out. If Staff Akashi hadn’t supported him, he might have fainted too. Kitashirakawa Nokyu was really hit by this news, because Kitashirakawa Nokyu was still confident in defending the position, and the biggest reason was the more than 30 cannons. But now Wang Guorui’s artillery actually destroyed their artillery, which means that the last hole card of the Japanese army was also destroyed by Wang Guorui, so the Japanese army no longer had any suppression firepower. In this battle, the defeat of the Japanese army is inevitable, and the only thing the Japanese army can do is to cause as much damage as possible to Wang Guorui.

“Hahahaha, the artillery did a good job! Thanks to Mr. Wang for getting the coordinates of the Japanese artillery, otherwise we really would not be able to destroy their artillery!” Hu Wei said.

Since Wang Guorui has the trump card of the Red Police Base, he will naturally use it. He randomly got a few military dogs to run to investigate in the dark, and soon found the location of the Japanese artillery, so that the Japanese artillery was exposed to Wang Guorui’s eyes. Although the Japanese army knew that Wang Guorui had a military dog unit, they didn’t know that all the military dogs were good at scouting. And in the dark night, it is also very difficult for the Japanese army to find the traces of the military dogs, so their Japanese army cannot prevent Wang Guorui’s reconnaissance force at all.

“Covered by artillery, the whole army attacks!” Hu Wei said.

“Come on!”

Wang Guorui’s army began to charge, and the troops began to rush out of the trenches in batches, and then began to charge forward. However, the speed of the charge is not particularly fast, the speed is only average, but the charge is carried out with the Maxine heavy machine gun, and then the artillery provides cover.

“Suppress them, don’t let the Japanese be able to fight back!” Hu Wei said.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

Shells continued to bombard the Japanese army’s position, and the Japanese army was so suppressed by this powerful wave that they couldn’t even raise their heads.

“Baga, the artillery fire of the Chinese people is too strong. They have already started to charge, why don’t our artillery fire? If we don’t fire the artillery, the Chinese people will rush to us!” A Japanese soldier shouted.

The Japanese team leader immediately said: “Our artillery has been destroyed by the Chinese, and we have no artillery.”

“What? There is no artillery, so let’s do a fart in this battle!” The Japanese army cursed.

Now the Japanese army is also very helpless. When they fought against the Qing army in the past, the Qing army always retreated with one blow. Although the Qing army seemed to have good weapons, their fighting will was too weak. But now the Taiwanese army they encountered not only had good weapons against the sky, but also did not collapse like the Qing army, and they were very courageous to fight back immediately. Even now they are taking the initiative to annihilate them, so the Japanese army has begun to despair. The loss of artillery shattered the determination of the Japanese army to resist.

“Put up the machine gun and suppress them with grenades!” Zhao Xi, the leader of the third regiment, shouted.

“Da da da da…”

The machine guns also began to shoot The Japanese army could not raise their heads at all.

“The artillery fire extends and hits the rear of the Japanese army!”

The artillery fire of the artillery began to extend deep into the Japanese position, and the first trench and the second trench of the Japanese army were immediately covered by artillery fire, and the connection between the first trench and the second trench of the Japanese army was also cut off. The first trench became a lone army, unable to support the rear, and they could not retreat.

“Infantry, grenades, throw grenades into the Japanese trenches!” Zhao Xi said.

“Whoosh whoosh…”

The grenade troops began to throw light grenades out one after another, and they specifically attacked the Japanese trenches. With these grenades, the Japanese army will face the possibility of being bombed by grenades at any time. But the Japanese army is very tragic now. Without grenades and mortars, it is impossible to effectively counterattack Wang Guorui’s army. Under Wang Guorui’s fierce artillery fire, the Japanese army’s resistance was very weak. It’s not that none of them want to raise their heads, but once they raise their heads, they will face Maxine’s machine gun fire and be killed. And even if they were not killed, at most they could fire one shot. And a shot is of no use to such a battlefield.

“Regimental Commander Zhao, many Japanese troops in the first trench have been wiped out, and the infantry can charge!” said a staff officer.

“Okay, infantry charge me and clean up the mess!” Zhao Xi said.

“Come on!” The infantry finally made the final charge, ready to clear the last resistance force in the first trench of the Japanese army.

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