Red Alert 1895

Chapter 57

Chapter 56 – Fight Back

“Master Wang, a great victory! This time it was really a great victory. We wiped out about 1,200 Japanese troops, and we wiped out as many as one brigade of the Japanese Third Regiment.” Hu Wei said excitedly. .

After the statistics of the battle results, this Japanese attack can be said to be a steal, and they lost more than a thousand people. And Wang Guorui’s soldiers lost about 50 soldiers. Compared with the Japanese army, this kind of loss is very light, and it is not at the same level at all. This is because Wang Guorui is on the defensive side, while the Japanese army is on the offensive side. In this kind of trench warfare, the defender is destined to take a lot of advantage. Moreover, the disadvantage of the Japanese army is that they do not have light machine guns or mortars, so this also caused them to suffer a great deal of firepower when the infantry charged. With insufficient firepower, Wang Guorui could only let Wang Guorui suppress him. Of course, this time the Japanese army may also learn a lot of wisdom. After returning, they will definitely step up the development of light machine guns and mortars, and even grenades will return to the battlefield. This time the Japanese army did not have grenades, which is also a place where the Japanese army suffered a lot. If these weapons were available, the losses of the Japanese army could be reduced by at least one-third, while Wang Guorui’s losses would also rise in a straight line. This means that the Japanese army’s tactics were not more advanced than Wang Guorui’s, and Wang Guorui’s tactics were much more advanced than theirs, which caused such a crush.

“Since they are attacking, let’s come here without indecent assault, and we have to fight back. Take out the roster of all the troops, and I will select a group of people to form a death squad to attack. I also want to see if we can It can break through the defense of the Japanese army!” Wang Guorui said.

Soon, the group of about 1,000 death squads were selected, and they were probably all non-commissioned officers under Wang Guorui, and they were all elites. And these soldiers will form a death squad to counterattack the Japanese army, and then see if they can break through the Japanese army’s position, and then make a gap.

“Come on!”

Following the shout of the captain of the Death Squad, the Death Squad of 1,000 people also began to charge. However, these soldiers didn’t shout out, instead they charged silently without expressing much. And the Japanese army obviously discovered these people, and they all knew that Wang Guorui also sent troops to charge.

“Hmph, let the soldiers defend well in the trenches. This time we will learn their tactics, and we will do the same!” Kitashirakawa said.

The current Japanese army has actually dug trenches, and they have also used some methods to stop Wang Guorui’s army. At first glance, it seems that their tactics are almost exactly the same as Wang Guorui’s. By digging trenches and letting the soldiers go down to defend, artillery fire is deployed in the rear of the troops, ready to bombard the charging enemies. Although the Japanese army did not prepare barbed wire fences for a while, they directly obtained materials from Taiwan and collected some wood to build an ancient defense facility – Juma. Although Juma is not as good as the barbed wire fence, it is still good enough to have a good effect, so now Wang Guorui’s soldiers will also face an important test.

“Artillery Wing, bomb me with all your strength!” Kitashirakawa said.

The artillery fire of the Japanese army began to roar, and the soldiers in front of Wang Guorui also began to prepare for battle.

“Boom boom boom boom…”

Although the artillery fire of the Japanese army was powerful, not many soldiers were killed by Wang Guorui’s hands. Many people were able to avoid the artillery fire at critical times. These soldiers seem to be very skilled, very familiar with avoiding artillery fire, and there are not many casualties. This shocked the Japanese army a little, but they all knew that the enemy in front of them was not an ordinary person.

“Rifle fire!” the Japanese soldiers shouted first.

“Shoot!” Wang Guorui’s soldiers also shouted.

“Papa papa…”

When Wang Guorui’s soldiers were less than 200 meters away from the Japanese front-line positions, it was already a blind spot of Japanese artillery fire, and the Japanese and Wang Guorui’s soldiers also started shooting each other with rifles. And Wang Guorui’s soldiers started shooting with rifles, but the effect was not as good as expected.


The soldiers in the Japanese trenches also began to fall to the ground, but the soldiers under Wang Guorui also began to suffer a lot of casualties.

“My lord, it doesn’t seem to work!” Hu Wei said.

As people watching the distant battlefield with binoculars on the mountain behind, Wang Guorui and Hu Wei both saw the combat effect of the soldiers on their side, which was not as good as imagined.

“Husband, the exchange ratio between our soldiers and the Japanese army is about three to one. Every time we kill a Japanese soldier, we have to pay the price of three people. Could it be that our soldiers are not as elite as the Japanese army?” Zheng Hong asked.

But Tanya said: “This is normal. The exchange ratio of three to one is actually not bad. Our soldiers are actually much more elite than the Japanese army, but the main reason why the exchange ratio is greater than that of the Japanese army is our soldiers. It was to be exposed to the guns of the Japanese army. The Japanese army fought in the trenches, so what they exposed was only a small piece of the head. Our soldiers were to be exposed to the enemy as a whole, so our soldiers exposed a larger area So this has caused our soldiers to look more elite, but their defenses are better, and we are just doing nothing!”

Wang Guorui also understood the cruelty of trench warfare, which was nothing more than a war of attrition. Although the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties in the trench warfare on their side just now, but this time it was their turn to attack, the Japanese army also used the same method to defend, so that they were able to gain an advantage instead. After these few battles, the Japanese army had actually “learned” a lot from Wang Guorui, such as digging trenches. Originally, the Japanese army would not do this, but they learned this from Wang Guorui. Wang Guorui also had to be helpless, the enemy’s learning was also very fast, and his own tactics had already been learned by the enemy.

“Damn it, learn Lao Tzu’s method, and you won’t give us ‘tuition fees’!” Wang Guorui complained.

“Master Wang, we may not be able to attack! Our artillery fire cannot reach them, so we may suffer heavy losses. Without artillery cover, we cannot effectively let the infantry attack. And neither can heavy machine guns and grenades. Let the soldiers charge at any time. The current situation is different from when we wiped out the first regiment. We eliminated the artillery of the first regiment first, so that we can carry the heavy machine gun Chongfeng. But now the Japanese army has enough artillery fire. We can’t suppress the opponent. Without the right to suppress firepower, we can’t let soldiers charge against the enemy’s artillery!” Hu Wei said.

“Tell the soldiers on the front line to retreat!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui knew that this attack was a bit of a failure, because now Wang Guorui’s artillery fire has not been able to gain an overwhelming advantage. The number of cannons of the Japanese army was about the same as that of Wang Guorui, and Wang Guorui’s artillery could not suppress the opponent. This also prevented Wang Guorui’s soldiers from charging under the cover of artillery fire. If they insisted on charging, they would suffer heavy losses.

When the thousand death squad soldiers withdrew back, these death squads had lost more than 300 people, and only more than 600 people could come back. Seeing this scene, Hu Wei was heartbroken.

“These people are the elite of our army, and each of them can serve as a platoon leader, but they just died like this?” Hu Wei said with some heartache.

But Wang Guorui didn’t feel so sad, because these soldiers were specially selected by him, and these soldiers were actually clones of the Red Police. The clones of the Red Police have limited development potential, and in fact they are used as cannon fodder in more cases. Except for a small number of heroes with high command, everything else is like cannon fodder. Therefore, Wang Guorui didn’t feel much heartache for the loss of those Red Police soldiers with low ordinary and although they saw clearly that they could serve as squad leaders, their lifetime achievements were just like this. There is no future for development.

However, if it is different from natural persons, natural persons can be officers in addition to serving as soldiers. Even if you are retired, you can be a farmer to produce food, you can also be a worker, and at the worst, you can leave your own seeds to future generations and have more people. However, Red Police soldiers can only fight and do things related to war. It is simply impossible to expect them to be able to farm or work as workers. As for reproduction, it is also impossible, because clones have no fertility. So on the whole, the life of a natural person is much more precious, and Wang Guorui is more often willing to sacrifice the Red Police soldiers to protect the natural person. In fact, most of these death squads are Red Police soldiers. It is precisely because they are almost all Red Police soldiers, so they did not cheer themselves up by shouting when they charged.

“Okay, I will take good care of them, they are all our warriors!” Wang Guorui said, leaving a few crocodile tears, but he didn’t plan to spend how much money on the pension in his heart, because where are these Red Police soldiers? What relatives can provide pensions! As for the pensions of those Red Police soldiers, they just flow from the left hand to the right hand, which is actually meaningless at all.

“However, we can also see that the enemy’s artillery fire is very fierce. If there is no special means, then we will not be able to break through the Japanese defense line. The Japanese artillery fire and the Japanese army also used trench warfare, so we want to break through It is very difficult. The only way is to use artillery to cover, but our artillery is not dominant. Therefore, if we want to win this war, we still have to find a way to attack the enemy’s artillery!” Wang Guorui said.

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