Red Alert 1895

Chapter 53

Chapter 52 – The Queen’S Hunt (Medium)

Tanya rolled slowly from the hill to the hill, but no one behind him noticed her. Because the Japanese team patrolling the mountain has been wiped out. However, Tan Ya did not make any sound during the process of destroying the Japanese army team, so the Japanese army did not respond at all. With Tan Ya’s ability, it was very easy to take care of a Japanese army team silently. Tanya went down the mountain and immediately found the first Japanese barracks. With her eyes that are very bright even in the dark, Tanya quickly recognized the number of this unit.

“The second regiment of the Japanese Guards Division? Let’s ‘hunt’ with you today.” Tan Ya whispered.

Tanya was very active and got to the barbed wire fence around the second regiment of the Japanese army, and he also encountered several Japanese patrols, but Tanya also figured out the pattern of the patrols, and quickly avoided these Japanese patrols. patrol. Tan Ya came under the barbed wire fence, and then took out the special agent’s scissors to cut a gap in the Japanese army’s barbed wire fence.

“Papa papa…”

The continuous sound sounded slightly, and the barbed wire fence was quickly cut off. This kind of fence couldn’t be the opponent of Tanya’s scissors made of high-grade alloy materials.

“This era is really good. There is no anti-cutting alarm. If it is decades later, I am afraid that if I cut off the barbed wire, the alarm will be issued immediately in the Japanese army barracks! The technology of this era is really backward, and there is really no technology. Content, it will be a piece of cake for me to deal with you.” Tan Ya thought to herself.

Tanya soon entered the Japanese barracks, and the Japanese soldiers couldn’t find her at all. If it was so easy for the Japanese army to find Tanya, then Tanya would still be a hero of the Red Police, and just go home to help her husband and teach her children. As for the next step, Tanya found a Japanese tent nearby.


The Japanese soldier outside the tent was soon smeared on the neck with a dagger, and then his mouth was covered by Tan Ya, unable to make a sound at all.

Tan Ya quickly walked into the Japanese tent, and then secretly estimated: “A Japanese army team lives in a big tent, and the one who kills one tent at a time is a Japanese army team!”

This Japanese army team is still in the dreamland, and they don’t feel any danger at all. They are still dreaming of conquering Taiwan and expanding the territory for the empire! And Tanya took out the dagger that would not reflect light in the dark, and sneered.

Tan Ya finished dealing with the Japanese soldiers in one tent, and was about to come out and walked to the second tent. Tanya used the same method to deal with the people in the second tent. But when it came to the third tent, there were some accidents.


A Japanese soldier let out an astonishing scream, and this scene also shocked Tanya extremely. Because I had already inserted a dagger into the Japanese soldier’s chest, logically speaking, it should have pierced the heart and died on the spot. However, the Japanese soldier did not die on the spot, but uttered an astonishing scream. This is great, and it immediately shocked many people.

“Papa papa…”

Tan Ya didn’t care about being exposed, and directly killed the last dozen or so people with a pistol, and then quickly left the tent.

“Damn it, I’m so unlucky to meet this kind of mirror image person today! This is the first time I’ve met such a person after fighting for so many years!” Tan Ya cursed.

Tanya quickly figured it out, the person she stabbed with the dagger just now might be the legendary mirror image person. A normal person’s heart is slightly to the left of the chest, but this Japanese soldier may be to the right, so the direction of Tanya’s dagger piercing is just the opposite. It was supposed to be enough to kill with a single knife, but it was not as powerful as imagined, so the Japanese soldier did not die on the spot, but screamed because of the severe pain. This time he would really be exposed. Although Tanya used the pistol to make up the knife in time, the Japanese soldier shouted just now, and the huge gunshots fired by more than a dozen bullets also woke up many Japanese soldiers.

“Enemy Attack!” “Enemy Attack!” “Enemy Attack!”…

Because the Japanese army heard the screams, someone immediately rang the gong for emergency assembly, and they all started to prepare for battle. And Tan Ya was also running around in the tent area of the second regiment of the Japanese army, and then prepared to kill the enemy. At this time, the Japanese army also began to rectify, and then began to prepare for combat. With such a loud scream, everyone would know that someone had sneaked into their camp.

“Crack clap clap!”

With four gunshots, four Japanese soldiers were killed immediately. And because Tanya used a bullet with a caliber of up to 12.7 mm, it was so powerful that it directly cut the four people in half.

“Baga, where is the enemy!” A small group of Japanese soldiers shouted.

The Japanese army team rushed towards Tanya immediately, and when Tanya saw the Japanese army team, instead of dodging, she took out two guns instead.

“Papa papa…”

Twenty shots were fired in a row, and twenty Japanese soldiers were killed. And Tanya hid in a pile of tents, and disappeared in a flash.

“Oh, my Amaterasu!” The Japanese squad leader looked at his men who had lost more than half, and almost fainted.

In less than three seconds just now, twenty people were beaten to death. Isn’t this speed too fast? Moreover, Tanya was hundreds of meters away from them, but at a distance of hundreds of meters, Tanya also hit their men, one shot at a time, this was too heaven-defying. If it wasn’t for Tanya’s limited bullets, each pistol could only be loaded with ten bullets at a time, then I’m afraid this Japanese army team would have to be reimbursed completely. And with Tan Ya’s marksmanship, it can be said that there are no mistakes or omissions at all. And even if they were more than a hundred meters away, she could still kill the Japanese army with a pistol without wasting a single bullet.

“It’s terrible, it’s terrible!” The Japanese squad leader said quickly.

The Japanese squad leader didn’t even have the confidence to hunt down Tanya, because he knew that he was not enough for them to kill. So he chose to dodge, but it was precisely because of this choice that he and his troops also escaped.

But Tan Ya didn’t have the mind to pay attention to the Japanese squad leader, he still wanted to go to other places to kill the enemy, she didn’t have the idea of staying in one place and being besieged by others. It was not easy for Tanya to come out to kill the enemy this time, of course he would not let go of this opportunity. In the past, when training soldiers, they couldn’t really kill many enemies. This time, of course, we have to have a good time, and then hunt devils well.

“Hmph, these Japanese soldiers are really bad. They killed hundreds of people in just a few minutes!” Tan Ya said disdainfully.

Tan Ya is very disdainful of the combat effectiveness of these Japanese troops, these Japanese troops are not worthy of fighting her at all. These Japanese soldiers don’t seem to have much experience in night battles, and they want to find someone in a huge barracks, which is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. If Tanya didn’t take the initiative to make a move, it might really be impossible to find her. Tanya was very experienced in doing this kind of thing, so the Japanese soldiers couldn’t find her whereabouts.

“Papa papa…”

Twenty bullets were shot out quickly, killing more than twenty people at once. Because Tan Ya’s pistol was too powerful, many bullets pierced through those Japanese soldiers, and it was not uncommon for them to kill two people at once. Therefore, the Japanese army suffered heavy losses, with more than 20 losses each time. And Tanya specially attacked the places where the Japanese army was concentrated, which caused heavy losses. Moreover, Tanya’s opening speed was extremely fast, and twenty bullets were shot out in less than two seconds. This speed was almost no different from that of a submachine gun or a machine gun.

“Baga, we must find him!” the captain of the Japanese Third Regiment shouted angrily.


There was a burst of orange-red fireworks in the distance, and the captain of the Japanese third regiment said angrily, “What’s going on?”

“Your Excellency, Captain, six cannons of one of our artillery squadrons were blown up just now,” said a Japanese staff officer.

“What? The artillery of a brigade is gone? What about those artillery? The Japanese army captain said angrily.

And the Japanese army staff officer immediately said: “Because the artillery squadron didn’t have many rifles, after being approached by that person, he shot him to death with a machine gun. UUReading Book And that machine gun, she snatched our machine gun .”

Artillery, as a technical arm, is rarely equipped with ordinary rifles, so once faced with Tanya using a machine gun, they will be beaten to death immediately. A squadron of Japanese artillery was wiped out in this way, and more than a hundred people were wiped out by Tan Ya in this way.

“Baga, he is looking for our weak spots to fight! What kind of heroes are they bullying our artillery?” The Japanese army captain said angrily.

But if Tanya knew, she would definitely spit on him and say, “I’m not a good guy!”

“Okay, our hunt has really begun!” Tanya said, licking her red lips.

“Papa papa…”

“Papa papa…”

“Papa papa…”

Tan Ya kept shooting at places where there were many Japanese soldiers. Every time she fired, more than 20 Japanese soldiers would undoubtedly die. Tanya has a belt of 500 bullets on her body, so she is not afraid of not having enough bullets. Anyway, it weighs only one hundred catties. Tanya not only has no obstacles, but also allows her to have more ammunition to replenish.

“Tell you commanders, I’m not going to play anymore, you play slowly!” Tan Ya shouted.

“Catch me, you can’t let her go!” the Japanese army captain said angrily.

But the Japanese military commander didn’t even know that his decision to send troops to chase after him turned more than a hundred Japanese soldiers who shouldn’t have died into fertilizer in Taiwan’s mountains and forests, and used their flesh and blood to nourish the plants in Taiwan’s land.

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