Red Alert 1895

Chapter 50

Chapter 49 – Advanced Arms

“Reporting to Mr. Wang, according to the news from our front, the Japanese army did not show too much anger at us annihilating their first wing, but continued to advance slowly as if nothing happened, and they were not too angry. And they seem to be What are you trying to explain, the Japanese army in the lead is the First Regiment!” Liu Feng said.

“Didn’t the first regiment be wiped out by us?” Wang Guorui thought.

And Liu Feng immediately said: “According to our investigation and observation, these soldiers of the so-called First Wing are not very familiar with each other, they seem to be transferred from different units!”

Wang Guorui immediately said: “I understand, these guys want to cover up! They are naturally not publicized when they are annihilated one regiment at a time. Once they are publicized, they will probably be punished by the country. So they took the initiative to leave temporarily. Some people were transferred from other places, and then formed this so-called first regiment, which can be regarded as fooling the country! However, it is good for them to keep quiet, at least we can have more time to train soldiers.”

Wang Guorui really agreed with the idea of the Japanese army with both hands and feet, because they were unwilling to take the initiative to expose it, which meant that they wanted to digest it internally. Originally, Wang Guorui was worried that if he wiped out one of their regiments, the Japanese army would quickly send other troops to support them. But now these Japanese officers are afraid of being punished, so they choose to cover up, so that Japan will not know that one of their regiments has been wiped out in a short time, and they all think that they can occupy Taiwan with one division.

However, the Japanese commander Huashan Suiki and Prince Kitashirakawa also wanted to solve Wang Guorui by their own strength, and they didn’t want to disturb the country. So they don’t plan to ask for reinforcements at the moment, and the pressure on Wang Guorui will be reduced a lot.

“Commander, you have to understand that there is an old saying in China that a dog that bites does not bark. Even though the Japanese army is not doing anything right now, this is the most terrifying thing!” Tan Ya took the initiative to remind.

Of course Wang Guorui knew how terrible these Japanese troops were. Although they didn’t ask for reinforcements, they didn’t foolishly send all their troops over to attack. If the Japanese commander foolishly heard that he had been wiped out of a wing, they would directly press all the troops up, and then wanted to fight to the death. This kind of Japanese officer Wang Guorui was not afraid, but what he was most afraid of was that he suffered a dumb loss, but he was still able to swallow the bitter fruit, and did not come to the decisive battle impulsively. These Japanese commanders are obviously very shrewd. They know that they don’t know much about the background of this mysterious armed force in Taiwan, so they all choose to attack slowly and will not continue to be greedy for credit. The previous alliance and the brigade also ended up being greedy for credit, so this time they cannot be greedy for credit. The lion had to do its best to fight the rabbit, so they all marched slowly, taking advantage of this time to inquire about Wang Guorui’s reality.

“It’s hard to deal with! If they dare to rush over directly, then I dare to destroy them directly. When the second batch of Japanese troops arrives, we have already completed the training of the second batch of soldiers, so the Japanese army will completely lose But they are so slow, it is obvious that they really value us, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to have the opportunity to fully develop.” Wang Guorui thought helplessly.

Originally, Wang Guorui thought that if the Japanese Guards Division rushed to kill them, then Wang Guorui could also consider a decisive battle with them. In this way, even if they all die together, it is all earned by themselves. Because even if the soldiers under him died together, it would have to wait several months before the Japanese army wanted to send a second army. But several months later, Wang Guorui’s second and third batches of troops also began to “violently” come out. Therefore, Wang Guorui was not afraid of them coming to a decisive battle, which would be beneficial to Wang Guorui.

But these turtle grandsons are not stupid, they will not take the initiative to fight until they know the reality of Wang Guorui. However, Wang Guorui had to maintain a large-scale army at all times, and the development speed of the state of resource war was completely different from that of ordinary farming. If there are enemies on his own land at any time, then Wang Guorui will not want to farm and develop. So even if the soldiers under him died together, Wang Guorui was happy. After all, this would bring him at least half a year of peaceful development time, and then Wang Guorui would develop quickly. But the Japanese army just didn’t give him this chance, and they acted steadily, as if they were not in a hurry. This seriously slowed down Wang Guorui’s development speed, which made Wang Guorui feel that these devils were not easy.

“Forget it, the soldiers are coming to cover the water and the earth, we have no good solution! It seems that the Japanese army is not impulsive, we are ready to face the battle. Let the follow-up troops hurry up and train, and try to train the second division. If We have two divisions, so we are much more relaxed.” Wang Guorui said.

“Yeah!” Hu Wei replied.

Wang Guorui soon returned to the base of the Red Police, and was about to see the prisoner Tan Ya had captured.

“Discover the historical celebrity Yamanashi Hanzo, which can be used to sacrifice to obtain advanced arms!”

The Red Alert system quickly gave a hint, saying that historical celebrities could be used to sacrifice special arms, which immediately surprised Wang Guorui.

“In view of the fact that the commander has won the approval of many people in Taiwan through the Anti-Japanese War, the functions of the red police system have been opened again. This time, the manufacture of high-level arms can be opened, but it needs to be sacrificed by or historical celebrities.”

After a systematic explanation, Wang Guorui knew about this so-called sacrificial function. The sacrifice is to take a person who was famous in history, and then use it to sacrifice to the red police system to obtain a right to manufacture advanced arms. However, according to the so-called law of energy conservation, the soul of this so-called high-level unit is actually the soul of the person who was sacrificed. This method is nothing more than washing away the past memories of the sacrificed soul, and then recreating a physical body, instilling special memories, so that it becomes a special unit.

“System, what are the special arms?” Wang Guorui asked.

“The current special arms include spies, Yuri, and the SEALs! This Yamanashi Hanzo can be used for sacrifices. He was originally the Minister of War of the Japanese Army in history, and he was a general officer of the Japanese Army, so he can be used for sacrifices. As for May I ask Commander, which special unit do you want?”

Wang Guorui began to think about this special unit, what did he need? Rather than saying that these advanced arms are advanced arms, it is better to say that they are arms with high intelligence. Those ordinary soldiers are a bunch of dull people who know nothing but fighting. And these high-level arms are transformed by the souls of people who already existed in this world, so that they retain the wisdom and abilities of human beings.

In the original red police system, there was no such thing as spies, because the soldiers of the red police system were all very low IQ and very dull. The spy is obviously not such a person who is competent, but now you can obtain a high-level unit by sacrificing a celebrity in the original history, which is not bad.

Needless to say, the role of spies is that they can pretend to spy on the enemy’s news, or even break into the enemy’s interior to steal information. This future is definitely a very important good thing. And Yuri is also good, Yuri can control other people’s thoughts, and then make him do what you say. And if you can control a person, you can let him act as a traitor for yourself. This is more effective than spies, because this kind of direct control of others does not need to use various means to break into the interior through spies. This kind of direct control can directly gain the trust of one’s own people. However, this Yuri control also has limitations, that is, it can only control one. He is not like a spy who can pretend to be someone else at any time. The scope of use is large and can be reused.

As for the SEALs, this is definitely a good thing for one person. With SEALs can act as a qualified bodyguard. Although it seemed that Tanya was a good bodyguard, Tanya couldn’t sit still, and she had proposed several times to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. So Tanya is too restless to be a qualified bodyguard, and the SEALs are different, they are born to be bodyguards. With the SEALs around, there is almost no need to fear all kinds of assassinations, but the SEALs are not as military staff as Tanya.

“Okay, I’ve already decided to take this Yamanashi half as a sacrifice!” Wang Guorui said.

Soon, the captured Captain Yamanashi Hanzao was escorted to Wang Guorui’s side. Hanzo Yamanashi looked at the Red Alert base and felt it was very novel, because he had never seen such a “sci-fi” place. And Yamanashi Hanzo also guessed that Taiwan’s ability to possess so many weapons should have something to do with this place full of science fiction.

“Are you very interested? Look at it more, you will never see it again in a while!” Wang Guorui said.

“You…” Yamanashi Hanzo was also a little surprised, he didn’t expect that Wang Guorui was not even interested in interrogating him, and he wanted to kill him directly.

“Take it down, and then pull it to sacrifice!” Wang Guorui said.

Soon, two Red Police soldiers took the Yamanashi Hanzo to sacrifice, and then obtained a special high-level unit. After about a few hours, a high-level unit finally came over.

“Yuri-1 met the commander!”

A person somewhat similar to Yamanashi Hanzo came to Wang Guorui and said.

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