Red Alert 1895

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 – Uses For Dogs

After Chen Liyan took over the artillery regiment, he immediately started training the artillery. However, Chen Liyan soon found Wang Guorui again, and raised a question that Wang Guorui hadn’t thought of for a while. If this problem is not resolved, then the artillery regiment has not been established!

“Master Wang, this artillery regiment is good, but the problem is that they are inconvenient to move! A 75mm caliber howitzer weighs more than 400 kilograms. It is impossible to use manpower to transport such a heavy artillery. What’s more, if Using manpower not only takes a long time, but also consumes a lot of manpower. At that time, soldiers will not be able to continue to use artillery to attack the enemy. Artillery, in particular, needs to be moved frequently. If it is not moved, it is doomed to be attacked by the enemy. So if we don’t have enough transport capacity, then we’re afraid that the artillery will be a one-off!” Chen Liyan said.

Wang Guorui immediately discovered an important problem, that is, the movement of artillery. The mobility of the artillery is very important, because the enemy will definitely analyze your trajectory during artillery battles, find the coordinates of your artillery, and then counterattack. Therefore, the artillery has to move frequently, and it can even be said that it must move every time the launch is completed. Otherwise, what is waiting is the enemy’s artillery counterattack. Once it is counterattacked by the enemy’s artillery, most of its own artillery will be wiped out. After all, artillery is different from infantry. Infantry can evade or even run away after being shelled. But if the artillery is bombarded by the enemy, the shells on one’s own side will explode, and finally kill everyone at once. Therefore, once the artillery is exposed, the probability of being able to escape is very small. Therefore, the mobility of the artillery is very important. He can make the artillery quickly move away before being exposed.

For the mobility of this artillery, later generations also specially invented something called a self-propelled artillery, which is specifically to speed up the movement process. But at this time, there are no self-propelled artillery, and they all need to be pulled with additional transportation force. But now Wang Guorui is seriously short of transportation capacity, after all, he does not have the ability to transport.

“Taiwan does not produce horses!” Wang Guorui complained.

In this era, horses are the only thing that can be used for transportation. However, southern China has not been a place for producing war horses since ancient times, and some Sichuan horses and Dian horses are not high-quality war horses, even weak horses. As for Taiwan, don’t mention it, there are no horses that can produce and live. However, officials in Taiwan cannot have one horse per person, let alone transport artillery. What’s more, even if all the horses from Taiwan are brought in, it may not be possible to form an artillery regiment. After all, if you want to form an artillery regiment, you can’t do it without hundreds of horses.

“I’ll go back and think about it!” Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui immediately returned to the Hsinchu County Government, ready to think about how to solve this important problem.


Outside the county government office, the dog Wang Guorui got from the Red Police Force is welcoming Wang Guorui back.

“Hey? Isn’t this a good capacity?” Wang Guorui immediately thought.

When Wang Guorui saw this dog, he immediately remembered that this dog is not a kind of thing that can be used for transportation. This dog was cloned from the Red Alert system. Wang Guorui thought they were not very useful, so he didn’t produce many of them. And if it wasn’t for this dog’s ability to distinguish low-level spies, Wang Guorui would have eliminated this so-called unit long ago. This kind of dog is actually very powerless to high-level spies, and only those ordinary little spies can recognize it.

But Wang Guorui only now remembered that this kind of dog was transformed by the Red Alert system through genetic technology. He added a lot of genes from other species. Although it looks like a dog, he has fused with many other species. excellent genes. The bite force of this dog’s mouth is very strong. Although it looks small, its bite force is almost equal to that of a lion. In addition, they have noses that are countless times more sensitive than ordinary dogs, and they can sense the dangers to themselves. According to the research of later generations, if a person has malice towards someone, a special smell will be emitted from him. The vast majority of animals can’t smell this smell, and these dogs of the red alert system can smell this smell, so most ordinary reconnaissance troops and spies can’t hide it from them.

What is even more powerful is their strength and endurance. Their strength and endurance are no less than that of a horse. Although they look weak, they can completely pull things that a horse can pull. If you can have two dogs, it is very easy to pull the cannon. A cannon only weighs more than 400 kilograms. If it is pulled by wheels, it can be pulled with relatively little effort, and a dog can completely pull it.

Two hours later, Wang Guorui came to the artillery regiment, and there were more than a dozen dogs following him.

“Master Wang, do you think these dogs are the ones who can pull carts?” Chen Liyan asked.

Wang Guorui immediately said: “Yes, even though this dog is thin and small, he is definitely not weak when pulling things up!”

Soon, Wang Guorui put these dogs on the straps that Wang Guorui had just found someone to make, and then tried to pull a cannon. And that Chen Liyan immediately looked at this in shock, a dog actually pulled a cannon, and the speed was not slow. Chen Liyan was shocked, what kind of dogs are these, they are so strong. It is obviously shocking that such a powerful dog should look so small.

“Commander Chen, this dog is much better than a horse. Not only can he pull the cannon, but he can also fight! If you have these dogs and join the artillery regiment, it means that you don’t need too many soldiers to protect you. , as long as you untie the dog’s harness when you encounter a small group of enemies, the dog will kill the enemy! Don’t underestimate these dogs, their fighting power is very powerful. I will immediately Demonstrate it to you!” Wang Guorui said.

Then, Wang Guorui ordered a dog to rush towards a fat pig, obviously trying to kill the fat pig. And this dog rushed towards the fat pig very fast, and this speed was faster than some war horses, which shocked Chen Liyan very much. When the dog came in front of the fat pig, the fat pig tried his best to avoid it, but he was no match for the speed of the dog. The dog jumped in front of the fat pig, and then directly killed the fat pig. And this dog just took one bite, and it directly killed a fat pig. The pig’s neck was bleeding and died soon after.

“It’s amazing! If a person is bitten like this, he won’t live long! With these dogs, you don’t have to be afraid when you encounter a small group of enemies. These dogs can rush to the enemy in a short time, Bite the enemy to death as soon as he opened his mouth. The dog just now was accurate and ruthless, it was really broken in love! My lord, where did these dogs come from?” Chen Liyan said excitedly.

Chen Liyan knew that these dogs were really precious. If you have these dogs, not only can they be used to transport artillery and ammunition, but if you encounter a small group of enemies, if the enemy does not have many automatic weapons, you can use hundreds of dogs to wipe out the enemy. This can completely save a lot of infantry defense forces, and then use these soldiers where they are more needed.

“My lord, in the future, these dogs can be used not only to transport artillery, but also to transport various supplies. If you encounter an enemy, just let go of the belt, and the dog can completely wipe out the enemy by itself. Besides, a dead dog is better than a dead person.” what!”

Chen Liyan said very bluntly that a dead dog is better than a dead person, because in the eyes of human beings, if a dog can replace oneself to die, then many people will definitely be willing. This Chen Liyan is also not polite at all, if dogs can be used to fight on the battlefield, and if they can kill the enemy, they will earn money, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com If the dog dies, it won’t be too heartbreaking. After all, human life is higher and more precious than that of a dog, and the death of a dog is better than the death of a human!

“Hehe, I got these dogs from a Gaoshan tribe.” Wang Guorui said.

The so-called Gaoshan people are the native aborigines of Taiwan. Taiwan is not without aborigines. There are many Gaoshan aborigines, but some have begun to integrate into the Han nationality, while some have maintained their own national characteristics. However, these Gaoshan people were relatively xenophobic in the late Qing Dynasty and were not very keen on contacting the Han people. And Wang Guorui pushed it to the people of the Gaoshan tribe, and ordinary people really couldn’t verify it. In addition, many Han people know that these indigenous peoples have some abilities of their own. For example, when it comes to taming animals, those indigenous peoples are much better than the Han people. Therefore, it is not impossible for Wang Guorui to shirk to the Gaoshan tribe.

“This Gaoshan tribe is the one I established contact with them with great difficulty. They don’t want to be disturbed by outsiders. So every time I have to go there in person, they are willing to provide me with these trained dogs. If someone else Well, I’m afraid they won’t recognize it, or even admit that there is such a special dog. So don’t force them, after all, if they are in a hurry, they won’t even buy my face, it’s really a loss to Madam Another soldier.” Wang Guorui said.

After hearing this, Chen Liyan gave up the idea of sending people to find this tribe. After all, it is very good to be able to get these dogs. If they really push them into a hurry and they don’t give them these dogs, then the loss outweighs the gain. In Chen Liyan’s eyes, these dogs are **** dogs! If it can be obtained for a long time, it is very good for the army.

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