Chapter 28: Interesting acquisitions
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The first summoning was actually quite sad, or rather the story of the absorbed was sad in itself. However, the power I gained was definitely worth it.
Even just the usual physical characteristics were worth it, and I'm not even talking about skills. Resistance to magic is already good, and there is also a golden fleece, which will be a good healing of physical wounds. But the really good skills are three, namely the legendary charisma of Jason, which helps a lot in commanding people, a skill formed from his luck and allows him to get out of mortal danger, in fact real foresight in moments of mortal danger.
Well and most importantly, a celestial phantasm that allows him to summon the legendary Argonauts, which included many famous Greek heroes. So far, I just don't have enough power to summon someone, and the moment is special for summoning, but in potential the skill is very good.
All right, let's summon the next person. The system.
The summoning is done.
The victim's soul is evaluated.
A search is made for a suitable summoner...
The summoner is found.
The summoning was successful.
Akihiko Kayaba from the anime Sword Masters Online is summoned.
Power level: 10
What will you do with him?
Akihiko Kayaba, right? I don't think there's much point in absorbing him. His knowledge and skills are useful, but I just won't be able to implement them competently at the moment. However, if I bring him in and make him work for me. I could start my own company, which is not a bad thing.
I'll need money, and not just from the government. So I'd rather keep him. He won't increase my strength, but he can increase my money, though I'll have to do something about his illness, but I'll figure that out later. We'll leave him in the warehouse for now, I'll summon them all later.
Let's do the next summoning.
The summoning is in progress.
The victim's soul is assessed.
A suitable summoning is sought.
The summoner is found.
The summoning is successful.
Summoned Neo from the film The Matrix.
Power level: 10.
What will you do with him?
Summon/absorb/store him.
Erm, what the fuck? Neo from the matrix? That sounds kind of weird... But okay. Since we don't have a matrix, he's basically an ordinary human being. But he still has good fighting skills, and excellent hacking skills. He'll be very useful to me as a subordinate. After all, I just recently complained that I lacked a Hacker, now I will have one.
Next draft, and this one back to the warehouse.The summoning is in progress.
The victim's soul is assessed.
A search is made for a suitable summoner.
The summoner is found.
Conscription successful.
Summoned Domino from Marvel Comics.
Power level: 9.
What will you do with her?
Summon/Consume/Store her in the warehouse.
Wow, that's not bad. She's certainly going to be a good fighter for my squad. I guess it's time to tell my superiors that I've found my new subordinates. But her strength is going to be a little hard to describe. Incredible luck sounds pretty silly. We could do a demonstration, though, so that's fine.
Calling next.
The summoning is in progress.
The victim's soul is assessed.
A suitable summoning is sought...
The summoner is found.
The summoning was successful.
Summoned Kotomine Kirei from the anime Fate/Beginning.
Power level: 10
What will you do with him?
Summon/Absorb/Store him in storage
Wow, old acquaintances. The Kiritsugu I absorbed once almost killed him, and now I've summoned him as well. Really, this is the one I'm going to absorb though. He had some interesting skills. And a little more knowledge about the magic I already know will be good.
I am also interested in his fighting style, as well as the knowledge of the Tosaka family, which was one of the ancient magical families in the world. Therefore, I immediately decide to absorb him, diving into someone else's memories once again.
In the family of a Japanese priest, a boy was born who was expected to serve the god faithfully from childhood. His father raised him in the tradition of Catholicism and cultivated in his son a love of God.
As he wished, the boy from an early age showed high morals and common sense, and was quite perceptive, from which it was said that he was clever beyond the weather. From childhood he actively participated in the life of the Church and accompanied his father on numerous trips to the Holy Lands. He also trained the Executors at a young age, and at the age of 10 he joined the ranks of the Executors.
But the boy did not love his father, even though he justified his beliefs with his life. The problem was inside him, he couldn't understand what the "meaning" of his father was. And one morning he realised it, after which he thought for a long time why it had taken so long for this supposed truth to reach him.
Realising that he was not in harmony with the world, he began to work hard to correct this, he tries to become pure and excellent. All through his youth, he went out of his way to cure this "defect".
The boy lived in agony, though he didn't even realise it because of his desperate search for what his soul lacked. In pursuing this goal, he saw himself as a sinner that by the judgement of the morality he was guided by, should be punished. The punishment for him was cutting off skin, tearing out chunks of flesh, and dislocating bones. He starved and tortured himself, he wanted to use his body to find what he could not find in his mind. In the end, he decided to subject himself to mental suffering, which was much more painful than the physical.
The young boy tried to turn to religion, hoping to make himself normal, believing that only God could save him. The goal he set for himself was to preach. God was said to be forgiving, therefore He could save someone "who was not born with Him." But it did not work.
He lived by God's laws, followed them, and lived modestly, but it was all to no avail. The lad could find no pleasure greater than the pain of others, and though the Church condemned immorality, his immorality was all he had. He felt no longing from this realisation because he was always looking for something that never existed. There was nothing to lose and nothing to grieve over. The boy was preoccupied with only one thing, the question of the meaning of his own existence
Later he entered the famous Theological College, where he immediately became famous as a diligent student, and exalted above the rest. Even in spite of all this, however, he left there disappointed, having failed to achieve his goal, and returned to the Church. He soon entered the Theological Seminary, and in the same year, he was baptised from a trainee to a full-fledged Executor, who was free to act on his own. While in the seminary, he transferred from one department to another three times, but without success. In the end, he simply joined the same place where his father worked. Confused about his goals, the guy decided to start a family in an attempt to find himself, believing that everyone desires to love and be loved. Eventually, he met Claudia Ortenzia, whom he married, but in the meantime, continued to work carrying judgement for heretics.
Claudia was terminally ill. She had no future as she had only a few years to live. The young Executor didn't know if he had chosen her for that reason alone, or if there were others. He tried to love Claudia and she tried to answer his aspirations by truly loving him and even bore him a daughter, Karen Ortensia. They spent two years together, but even that couldn't change the man. He felt happiness at Claudia's suffering and Karen's despair, realising that the more she tried to save him, the more he wanted to see her grief. Claudia was a saintly virgin to him. Her loyalty and how deeply she understood his anger could not be questioned. But still, she couldn't fill the void inside him. Overwhelmed with despair, the man came to the conclusion that his birth and life had been a mistake, and it would be better for him to disappear. He decided to say goodbye to Claudia, as he felt it was his duty to do so. Entering her room where she was dying, exhausted, he simply told her that he could never love her again
Claudia ended her life in front of his eyes, with the inexhaustible certainty that he loved her after all. Believing that her death would bring him sadness, she was glad to see him weep over her death. But in truth he was saddened by the loss of the chance to kill her himself and savour her death. The Executor left the room in silence, and from that day ceased to pursue the idea of salvation. The daughter he placed in the care of the mother's relatives. Instead of committing suicide, he worked hard in the Church, concentrating on training the Executor.
Soon after, he surprisingly obtained Command Spells, a special magical seal that allowed him to compete in a battle of mages for the prize of any possible wish. After talking to his father about it, he took Kirei with him to Japan to meet Tosaka Tokiomi, a famous magician. The man could not understand why he was chosen, as he had no goals.
At his father's behest, he was temporarily transferred from the Church, to the Mages Association and took up the study of magic under Tokiomi's tutelage. Despite his lack of talent, he was able to learn many areas of magic due to his diligence.
He eventually entered the war, summoning a magical servant, the Assassin. His path in this war was not the rosiest. He killed his teacher, succumbing to his sinful desires, and also lost his father. And later he decided to give the Grail, which fulfils any wishes, to the spirit of the hero, who would definitely not use it for good.
However, he encountered an obstacle in the form of a known assassin of mages. Their fight was not a long one, however they were almost equal. Thanks to the martial arts he had created himself, he was able to resist the mage killer despite his opponent's superior strength.
However, it was as if his death was a foregone conclusion. After losing his heart, he simply died in the middle of the ruined church without any sadness. A life without any purpose had led him to such a death.....
- Ahem, still, Kiritsugu's life was much more enjoyable to watch. And Kirei is... a weird psycho and maniac. I definitely don't want to be in his shoes, his fate is too unenviable," I muttered as I opened my eyes.
I had learnt some pretty good skills from this summoning. At least the ways of killing spirits and corporeal beings will be very useful, and his martial arts are excellent. This style is superior to any I've mastered.
But why... Why do I feel some kind of rotten taste after receiving his memories. It's like being doused in shit...
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