Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 893 - compromise with each other

?Reborn Oligarchs 1991 Chapter **Chapter 3 Compromise with each other

Rezovsky and Gusinsky are smart. , qb5. But Guo Shouyun is also not like what he recorded in his diary just now. Through this time struggle with the Hovey Group. He was aware of the difficulties he was facing. no doubt. In order to break the current situation where the three giants are united and anxious. An external contradiction must be introduced. in this. The re-emergence of the Biegu Group. Clearly the best option.

Why is Guo Shouyun of Biegu Group the best choice now? The answer is simple. First. Guo Shouyun and Bie Gu have been fighting for nearly ten years. The characters of these two old friends and old rivals and the way they play cards. He was quite familiar with it. An unfamiliar enemy is far more formidable than a familiar one. If there is a choice. Guo Shouyun naturally hopes that his opponents are two familiar characters. Second. After experiencing an unprecedented financial turmoil. Coupled with the previous blow from the alliance of the three giants. The Biegu Group is basically at the point of exhaustion. what can be confirmed is. Without external support. Don’t say they’re going into politics. It would be good to be able to keep the current position. In this situation. They are advancing into the maelstrom of political struggle in Moscow. Even if these two can set off a storm. The harmful effects of that point are also very limited. the most important is. They are for quite a long time. Can’t put the control from the Guo Group.

all in all. Guo Shouyun is now planning to rebuild the Biegu Group. Get them back into federal politics. In the case of re-disrupting the political situation, on the one hand, it will have a certain impact on the Howe Group. On the one hand build a child. Attract attention from all quarters. Only in this situation. Only Guo Shouyun can protect himself better. At the same time. You can also get more benefits.

the most important is. From the tone of the other two now, it seems that they intend to hand over the public opinion tools they control. A little information is obviously very tempting to Guo Shouyun. Although it was a while ago. The media controlled by Bie Gu has always maintained the same tone as Guo Shouyun. But the problem is with the tool of public opinion. It is always better to control in the hands of others than in your own hands. At least Guo Shouyun does not feel safe in his heart. now. Bie Gu Liang intends to hand over this key tool. In exchange for some federal political power. Just think. How could Guo Shouyun not be moved?

But then again, Guo Shouyun still has some doubts. He doesn’t know what the two of them are thinking. To know. At the beginning, Berevsky and Gusinsky competed for control of Moscow TV 6. This is the first cooperation between the Big Six who have been fighting for a long time. It is against that background. now what. After nearly ten years of operation. They have an unprecedented expansion of media tools in their hands. If you don’t pay enough for the portion. How could they honestly hand over this treasure?

In a short period of time, he thought about these issues clearly, Shouyun put away his heart and sneered, and leaned his two arms on the desk. Holding his chin on the back of his hand, he stared intently at Berezovsky across from him. Everyone knows. in the Biegu group. Berezovki is the real leader. Gusinski is a supporting role at best.

face his gaze. Berezovsky was unmoved. The old man had that consistent smile on his face. Without turning back, he looked up. The old man knew very well that he could not fight against the young man on the opposite side. Not even with Gusinski next to him. But the problem is. There is also a lot of trouble in front of this young man. Although he is powerful. But now I can’t find the energy to deal with myself. the most important is. The Hovey Group is still eyeing one side. If you change the direction of your choice. Then the trouble this young man will face will probably be even more.

“Two old friends.” And Berezovsky looked at each other for a while. Shouyun looked back. Smile lightly. said. “Since you hope to live a leisurely life like Alexander’s. Then. Hehe. Why don’t you sell the property under your name to me? Since you can consider my interests. Then I say no, and I will ask you to pay a good price. . Guarantee you will be satisfied.”

“It would be best if it could be like that.” Gusinski said haha. said. “Actually, we also had such a plan before. It’s just. Haha. I wonder if Shouyun’s funds are so rich now? You must know that the assets under my name are not comparable to your Guo Group. After all, it is not a sum of money. You can get away with a little money.”

“You’re probably underestimating Shouyun’s strength.” Rezovsky smiled. interface said. “Although I don’t know the current specific strength of the Guo Group. But if he really wants to take down that little thing we have at one time. I believe it is not too difficult. However, I don’t want Shouyun really out of this place.

It’s not a wise choice for you after all. “

“Oh?” Guo Shouyun snorted expressionlessly.

“We are not young characters who just entered the market.” Berezovsky ignored the other party’s dissatisfaction. He continued. “Everyone knows. For any group. Expansion is a process that must be experienced in the development process. But this process must pay attention to a moderation. Pay attention to a degree. To be precise. In a relatively short period of time. Here. If any group expands too quickly, it will often face a crisis situation. Haha. It should be said that this is the result of indigestion. Besides, Shouyun is now a public figure in the Federation. In all aspects The eyes staring at you are innumerable. In this case. If you step out of the pace of expansion, it will inevitably lead to unnecessary trouble. For example, it will become the target of criticism by some people. At least. Caused Some people’s fear. I think. That kind of situation is probably not what Shouyun wants to see, right?”

“Well. That makes some sense.” Gusinski’s double reed sings well. He pretended to nod in agreement.

no doubt. Before these two guys came over. The situation that Guo Shouyun is facing now has been fully considered. They are sure that the Guo Group can’t eat themselves now. At the same time. Even with food. Guo Shouyun didn’t dare to stretch out his hand.

in the process of power struggle. The stronger side may not always win. The weak side may not have any chance to fight back. The key point is whether policymakers can remain calm. There is no keen eye to see the big picture. at this point. Guo Shouyun did not admire Bie Gu. obviously. They are real villains.

“Haha. Two old friends. You are joking.” Facing each other, they sang and performed in harmony. Guo Shouyun smiled. He got up from his desk and chair. Strolling to the front of the two Biegu. First pour them a glass by hand. Only then did he laugh. “How could Guo Shouyun have the ability to eat up your industry? Don’t say that I don’t have the strength yet. Even if I did, I would never do that. Don’t forget. We have been friends for nearly ten years. old friend.

“Of course. This was originally a joke. No one would take it seriously.” Gusinski laughed.

“Haha. There’s no need to declare that.” Berezovsky raised his glass. Clink glasses with Guo Shouyun. laughed. “We can’t know Shouyun’s temperament any more. Come on. Cheers.”

A bowed neck. Drain the wine from the glass down your throat. Guo Shouyun closed his eyes and savored the bitter and fragrant feeling. Then he said in a tone: Don’t lie to the two of you. Now my most hope. It’s not for you to sell your property. What leisure life have you lived abroad. seriously. The situation I am facing now is very troublesome. Counting federal politics. I really can’t find anyone I can trust. And you. But it’s my old friend. therefore. I would prefer you to stay. Do me a favor more or less. “

Berezovsky and Gusinski exchanged glances seemingly casually. at this moment. There was a feeling of excitement in their hearts. Everyone knows. Since Guo Shouyun said so. That means that today’s talks have come to the point. Mr. Guo Da, who has always been stingy. In the end, it was decided to give up some of the power.

“Oh. Shouyun.” He coughed dryly. He suppressed the excitement in his heart. Berezovsky asked suspiciously. “My energy has been on business during this time. I don’t know much about the political situation in the Federation. So what kind of trouble did you encounter? Is it resolved?”

“You old **** who wants to emerge but doesn’t have a hard shell. You know little about the political situation in the Federation?!” Guo Shouyun scolded secretly. But he said it politely. “Yeah. It’s really troublesome.”

“What’s the trouble? Would you mind telling us to listen?” Gusky said calmly. “Haha. Although our two old guys can’t help you much. But we have to make an idea or something. We can still do it.”

“No no no.” Guo Shouyun put his hands on Bie Gu’s arms. Said in a sincere tone. “For me. You two are more than just ideas now. On the contrary. There are so many ways you can help me. At least. In the upcoming presidential election. China. They can help me control the situation on one side.”

“Oh? What do you mean?” Berezovsky’s eyes flashed. he asked suspiciously.

“Haha. I can’t say what you mean.” Guo Shouyun withdrew his hands. Lightly smiled. “I want to know. Would you like to come and help me?”

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