Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 883 - middle East

? Reborn oligarchs

Political situation in the Russian Federation. /w When smoothing out in a very delicate situation. outside the Commonwealth. However, the political situation in the world has appeared a confusing picture.

Early February. The long-stalled Middle East peace process has taken on a new look.

number four. Lawmakers from the Knesset’s coalition-ruling Third Way Party have proposed a “Golan Motion” to formally review the Israeli military’s withdrawal from the Golangau. Shortly thereafter. The motion was passed with fifty-five votes in favour and thirty-five against. It was successfully passed in the Knesset. thus. The Israeli army started to get order. The withdrawal of troops from the Syrian-owned Golango in batches. The state of war between Syria and Israel that lasted for several years has officially ended.

And not long ago. Israeli Prime Minister Nei Yahu just met Arafat, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization. An interim peace deal was signed at the White House. Namely the famous Wye protocol. and in accordance with the terms of this agreement. Israel will cede about 13 percent of the West Bank. At the same time. Hundreds of Palestinians detained by the Israeli military will be released. in exchange. The Palestine Liberation Organization will take out terrorist groups in Gaza and most of the area west of the Jordan River. But also in this agreement. The Israeli cabinet also attached a lot of harsh political conditions. This includes limiting the unequal content of Palestine’s unilateral declaration of independence.

Despite a series of news from the Middle East. It seems that the world is becoming more and more peaceful. more and more safe. But in practice? This is not the case in reality. Behind the Syria-Israel peace talks and the “Turkey-for-peace” negotiation between Palestine and Israel is a larger war vortex. Sensitive people can smell it. The concessions made by Israel and the United States in the Middle East to Syria and Palestine are simply to give Washington more room for a Middle East spin. Or. It is to provide convenience for the Americans to further intervene in the Middle East in the future.

While Khodorkovsky Vinogrado was busy negotiating with the Kremlin. Guo Shouyun has already begun to look abroad with limited vision.

March 6th. He was invited by the British-Russian businessman Prokolinsky. Attended a “grand dinner” with only three people in attendance. Certainly for the extravagance of this dinner party. Whether it is Guo Shouyun or Ernikova. It can’t be very important. After all, for people like them. Luxury has become a kind of mundane. They are obviously more interested in some of the information revealed by the master.

As Polaninov checked. He was arrested in the UK and had his leg broken by Gusinski in Russia. Finally, Prokolinsky, who wandered in the Middle East for several years. It’s really not a simple little character. The guy is a businessman. And he is also a businessman with great means. in the past few years. He said that in Tehran, he was very rude. in Iran. From spiritual leader Khamenei. to President Khatami. and even a large number of military personnel. For example, Defense Minister Shamkhani, Commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Safawi, almost all has a very good personal relationship with him – but the personal relationship is only what he says. As for whether this friendship is private or “bus” Guo Shouyun is unclear. And he wasn’t too interested. He is really interested. It is another pseudonym of P-Kolinsky – Shalih.

When Guo Shouyun went to North Korea for the third time that year. It was once in the mouth of some Korean People’s Army officers. Heard the name Sally. as a relatively closed country. North Korea has never accepted foreign investment. except for political reasons. Any foreign businessman can’t do anything in North Korea. And Lich with white skin and blue eyes. But it is one of the very special ones.

Guo Shouyun was not interested in this Lihe at first. The reason why he remembered the name. It’s because this guy provided Chao with four ships worth over 10 million. in this one. Including the famous “Jiangnan No. 1” in later generations.

After several years of so-called fight. Prokolinsky’s business is doing very well. In Russia in North Korea. even in China. He has a business presence. And this guy never seems to have any scruples about spending his money. This can be seen in the diamond necklace he gave to Hornikova. For an ordinary businessman. Every now and then, give out tens of millions of dollars worth of antique ornaments as gifts. That is obviously unimaginable.

Although it can be said that the two parties who attended the banquet at that time were having their own ghosts. But what. On the surface, the atmosphere was quite warm. In this warm banquet atmosphere. Guo Shouyun heard a lot of hidden hints from Prokolinsky. And through the analysis of these hints. He learned. This Prokolinsky is clearly testing something. And this kind of temptation. Also most likely from Tehran


Because it was the first time we all met. Contact with each other is still in the tentative stage. therefore. Guo Shouyun made no statement on these hints. turn around. Instead, he opened up about the political situation in Moscow and the emerging signs of peace in the Middle East. at this time. Prokolinsky also seemed to open up. He shares some of his views on the Middle East and the Kosovo war. expressed one by one. It is through this conversation. Guo Shouyun is about the problems that exist in the Middle East. have a more detailed understanding. And these things. Obviously he will use it in the future.

Whether it is Palestine-Israel peace talks or Syria-Israel peace talks. Is it really what all countries in the Middle East want to see? Or rather. Is it really that everyone in the world wants to see it? obviously. The answer cannot be affirmative. At least. Tehran does not want to see such a situation. Beijing does not want to see it. Ping does not want to. Nor should Moscow hope to see it. for quite some time in the past. With the infiltration of international forces into the Middle East. An Islamic community known as “brothers in the world are one family”. It has long since become torn apart. out of consideration of their own interests. Powers in every way. They all chose a “big tree” that they thought they could rely on. And in this one. Countries like Syria Iran Lebanon. Apparently they don’t have much affection for Americans. What can be said. Their confrontation with Washington was serious. It is the so-called “axis of evil”.

Since 1979. Iran’s Pahlavi dynasty was overthrown by Khomeini. The fundamentalist Islamic Republic of Iran has taken the line of confrontation with Washington. then. To fight against the Khomeini regime in Iraq. Washington has chosen to support the recent seizure of power in Baghdad. And began to implement the dictatorship of Iraqi general Saddam Hussein. And make it sway against the politically volatile Iran. Shortly thereafter. The eight-year war between Iran and Iraq broke out. Iraqi troops are going well on the battlefield. They successively occupied large swathes of Iranian territory. at that time. For Washington. Their goal of subverting the Islamic regime in Iran is clearly within reach.

but. Just when the long-awaited victory was just around the corner. Washington suddenly found that the dictatorship they supported was starting to become disobedient. on many issues. Baghdad suddenly began to fall to its greatest adversary, the Soviets, mired in the war in Afghanistan. Even more unimaginable. Saddam Hussein, who has always believed in dictatorship. Suddenly, overnight, he became a believer in Marxism. Perhaps to justify his future with Marxism. The great warlord even produced two books. For example, “The Road We Build Socialism”. For example, “On Revolutionary Women and Youth” and so on.

This situation changes. Obviously, Washington is deeply disturbed. They realize. His old rivals are stepping up their infiltration of the Middle East. To some extent. They even had the upper hand. And to reverse this unfavorable situation. We must think of a better move as soon as possible. to deal with the tightness from Moscow. It is in this case. It coincides with the Reagan administration in Washington, which has been plagued by the Mascus hostage incident. A secret negotiating team, represented by McFarland, was sent to Iran. Hope to restore relations with Iran. And with the strength of Tehran to resist Moscow’s intervention in the Middle East issue. It’s just that. What Reagan did was inappropriate. Too stingy. The demands of the Iranians have not been complied with. finally. The incident was exposed by then-Iranian Foreign Minister Rafsanjani. This led to a storm in American politics. The so-called “Iranian incident” in later generations is also such a thing.

all in all. in dealing with the Middle East issue. Washington’s policy has been quite a failure. If not for the sudden disintegration of the former Soviet Union. Sooner or later their influence in the Middle East will be wiped out by Moscow. However. If after all is only if. The world is not about assumptions. It only looks at facts.

after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The pattern of the Middle East is completely out of Washington’s control. The Iran-Iraq War ended in 1988. shortly after. The European Union has just taken shape. Begin to think about the spread of power in the Middle East. A large number of oil companies from Europe began to invest heavily in Middle Eastern countries. their political influence. also began to spread in this area.

Such a situation has drawn unease in Washington. To restrain his allies. Washington dominated the first Gulf War. Thus re-infiltrating its influence to some Islamic countries in the Middle East. But they never imagined it was. Just when they see little problems for the Middle East in the short term. An investment from China. Suddenly appeared in the Middle East. Immediately after. That is, the entire Chinese political pattern is broken again.

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