Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 863 - precarious

“Moscow is going to change,” said the solemn Grachev, standing across the street from the office of the Minister of Defense, with a dazed sigh, gazing at the sky that had been heavy and gloomy since the early morning. network

Just behind him, the originally not very spacious office was full of people, including the main officials of a series of departments such as the General Staff Headquarters, the 6th Army Department, and the Navy Department, and almost all the top generals of the federal military were present. However, what was different from the past was that the expressions on these people’s faces were as solemn and gloomy as the sky outside the window. Obviously, Grachev was not the only one who was in a bad mood today. All the generals here were not very happy.

The federation is a presidential system. In addition to the Kremlin, the power of the country is exercised by the government nominated by the president and various related power departments, but now, this situation seems to have been silently. Change, to be precise, the Kremlin has lost its grip on state power, the president who subverted the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with one hand, has now been completely overthrown by local forces, and to put it bluntly, he is equivalent to So lost everything.

Guo Shouyun, the oligarch who has been entrenched in the Far East for nearly ten years, is finally standing up and ready to take a step towards Moscow. Although everyone knows that this moment will come sooner or later, the problem is that no one can guess the first. How powerful is the step and how far-reaching the impact is, Grachev even still feels like he is in a dream. The day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, the situation the day before yesterday was still so good and stable. Although the Far East has not officially announced the news that Guo Shouyun is still alive, Moscow has already figured out the situation, and everyone is still planning to choose which one. Let’s attack this giant who always loves to deceive death. How did he cause him some trouble? In such a short period of time, how did this day change all of a sudden?

What happened at the Queshan Villa last night can’t be hidden from anyone. The forty-odd generals who were serving and retired from the federation met at the Queshan Villa. Although they were pretending to be friends, Gracho, the Minister of Defense, had a meeting. The husband, but can deeply appreciate a kind of threat, a kind of power threat from below.

The current situation is that although no one has publicly announced anything, everyone is planning a “revolt”. Let’s talk about the military first. From the Ministry of National Defense, the General Staff Headquarters, and the 6th Navy and Air Force below, the major military regions of the Federation are no longer held hostage by Moscow. Either they openly stand on the side of Lebed, supported by Guo Shouyun, or they have an ambiguous attitude. , violated the orders of the Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff Headquarters. Don’t say anything else, just say that it was the unified meeting of the Ministry of Defense that was supposed to be held this morning. From 8:30 to 9:30, the meeting place was deserted and deserted, except that the Moscow Garrison Military District sent a In addition to the fact that Mingji wanted the staff to attend, no one from the eight major military regions of the Federation was present. At the same time, the main generals from various military regions gathered at the Queshan Villa to open a puppet.

Every time I think of this, Grachev has an urge to kill. If we put it in the former Soviet Union, these guys would have similar assumptions in Grachev’s mind. Strange thing.

In addition to the military, the current political situation in Moscow has also undergone earth-shaking changes. Since the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, one of the Kremlin’s firmest measures to safeguard its own authority is to consistently instigate struggle between the left-wing and right-wing forces, and then, using its own strength as a weight, between the two major forces To maintain a delicate balance, at the same time, extend both hands to manipulate the major oligarchs who have conflicts with each other, so that they are unable to intervene in politics too much. No matter from which point of view, the Kremlin’s decision is extremely correct. It is under the guidance of this decision that in the past ten years, although the political situation in Moscow has been turbulent, the status of the Kremlin has not changed. Steady as a rock, as peaceful as Mount Tai. But now, with the explosion of Guo Shouyun’s Tokyo assassination, the whole situation seems to have been reversed in an instant. Just last night, also at Queshan Villa, the left-wing political party co-leader Zyuganov and Guo Shouyun held a two-hour meeting. Although the content of the meeting between them is obviously unknown, as of this morning. , The alliance of left-wing political parties, which was originally incompatible with fire and water, suddenly announced an understanding with the “alliance of political parties” dominated by right-wing forces. cooperate”.

A rival left-wing opposition and a right-wing opposition suddenly ceased fighting, and announced that they would cooperate on a certain level, so who will the opponents they face in the process of cooperation? There is no doubt that only the ruling Kremlin is in power. For the Kremlin, this may not be good news. The most important thing is that Yeltsin’s public opinion support is very low now, and the optimistic estimate is only 10%. At the same time, coupled with the military’s anti-water, Kerim

If they want to keep their own status and power for a period of time in the future, they want to go to the sky.

Also at the level of Moscow’s inner circle, the current attitude of the White House has also undergone extremely obvious changes. Chernomyrdin, who has always played the role of a good man in the political arena, suddenly opened a government office to the Kremlin this morning. The spokesperson told the media: After nearly a decade of reforms, the current government of the Russian Federation has to officially admit that shock therapy aimed at expanding the scale of privatization has in fact been proven wrong. After ten years of reforms, shock therapy has made the economy of the entire Russian Federation set back for forty years, heavy industry has been stagnant, light industry has almost gone bankrupt, agricultural operations have become increasingly bleak, currency devaluation, financial environment corruption, poor state tax revenue, fiscal deficit Serious corruption, widespread corruption, and clamoring for separatist forces in the country, it is this so-called national reform that has caused nearly 4 million unnatural deaths in the Russian Federation in less than ten years. It has destroyed the hopes of a whole generation and destroyed the construction achievements of several generations. It is a catastrophe in the history of the Russian Federation. In the face of this catastrophe, who will be responsible for the losses of the Russian Federation? Who will pay for the suffering of the Russian people over the past decade? This question was raised by the Chernomyrdin government without an answer, but it is clear that they do not intend to carry this burden.

Of course. If the anti-water is only at the political level and the military group. Grachev may not have been so lost. Now it’s really creepy to him. Federal mainstream public opinion tool. It was also controlled by Guo Shouyun and the others. With the cooperation of Moscow Mayor Luzhkov. Coupled with Gusinsky and Berezovsky to cater to. The news media in Moscow appeared one-sided in the tone of public opinion. From newspapers to radio, from online media to TV. almost every corner. Criticisms against the Kremlin can be heard.

“Izvestia” this morning added a special edition titled “The Lost Decade”. This is a special issue of documentary commentary signed by civil rights activist Hornikova. It is based on a large number of documentary documents, sharp and spicy words, and irrefutable detailed data. The main line is the timetable of the crazy devaluation of the ruble. It tells in detail the nearly ten years from the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 to the beginning of this year. Problems in the Russian Federation have emerged in all aspects, from politics to economy to society and people’s livelihood. This special issue takes up a full twelve pages. Its content is detailed. It can be called a yearbook of the Russian decade. Most importantly. The special issue also published a breakdown of the annual earnings of government officials. Disclosed in accordance with it. The Bolshevik party was originally regarded as a privileged class. before the collapse of the Soviet Union. As the general secretary, Gorbachev’s statutory annual salary is 17,000 US dollars. The actual annual income is about $30,000. And most after the collapse of the Soviet Union. President Yeh, known as the father of Russian democracy. Its statutory annual salary is $50,000. Actual annual income is over $500,000. Even in a total collapse of the federal economy. The government’s fiscal deficit remains high in years. The father of federal democracy has never lost a single cent of his income. all in all. Compared with the original Bolshevik Party in power. Today’s so-called democratic government may only make some adjustments in the name of accumulating wealth. Those who embezzled money in what was known as “Black Income” during the Bolshevik Party’s reign. It has been transformed into legal income by the present democratic government. But actually. There is no difference at all between these two greeds.

no doubt. This is a special edition called “The Lost Decade”. More than just a factual news report. to a greater extent. This is a battle letter. It was the clarion call that the opposition blew before the final battle against the Kremlin.

as an individual in a federal society. Those ordinary people are not unable to understand the pain they have endured in the past ten years. It’s just that. Because of limited vision. Coupled with the narrow-mindedness of the way of thinking. To a greater extent, they do not feel how their life predicament is related to the Kremlin. therefore. Although they have resentment in their hearts. Although they also want to find an object to vent their anger. But no one leads the way and no one incites the situation. They still do not understand the situation around them. it’s good now. A detailed report gave them all the problems. through this report. It dawned on them. Been coming for so many years. There are so many things going on in Moscow. no. We have to have an argument. “

The government is fueling the fire. The opposition is rampant. The military is maintaining neutrality. In the face of a storm that may come at any time. Can the Kremlin survive alone? If you can’t hold on. What kind of fate will these local democratic radicals face? Grachev doesn’t know. Precisely. He doesn’t want to figure it out now either.

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