Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 24 - \\\"Brave\\\" game

? When Sun Hongyu came out of the ward, Guo Shouyun had just closed the door, when he turned around the corner of the corridor, a small head was sticking out from behind the wall, and the ghost was looking towards this side happily. /. qβ5. Perhaps it was because of Guo Shouyun’s appearance, the little head shrank back, but after a few seconds, it reappeared again. In his two big eyes, there is a bit of timidity and a bit of expectation.

“Look, to say this is the most obedient one has to say that it is my Victor, do whatever you want, and wait wherever you want,” he walked towards the corner of the corridor where his little head came out, Guo Shouyun beside him While walking, he pondered, “If all the women in this world are as obedient as my Victor, then the world would be so clean.”

Going to the corner, Guo Shouyun waved to Victor, who was sitting on the row of chairs and looked at him eagerly. The little girl got the “instruction” and ran over happily, grabbed the corner of his clothes, and followed him step by step. Behind him, he got into the elevator.

“Mr. Guo, where are we going now?” In the green military jeep, the soldier driving turned his head and asked Guo Shouyun who had just got into the car.

“Go back to the Safety Committee,” Guo Shouyun said without looking back, pinching Victor’s delicate little nose with his hand.

“It’s time to finally solve the problem,” Guo Shouyun thought coldly while teasing little Victor while listening to the sound of the motor of the jeep moving.

In the cage of the underground prison of the Security Committee, Leonid, with a bruised forehead and a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, looked like a wounded leopard. He stared at the opposite corner with big bull-like eyes. The gray middle-aged man here. From the looks of it, if it wasn’t for someone pulling it, the gray middle-aged man would have died in his hands long ago.

The gray middle-aged man who was listed by Leonid as the greatest enemy in his life. It is the leader of the “Democratic Russia” organization Chelesky. The thirty-seven core members from various gangs detained in this prison, except for those who originally belonged to the “Democratic Russia” organization, almost all will this time. The blame for the disaster was on Cheleski. Originally, it’s not good for their people to provoke someone, but they want to touch the bad luck of the Guo brothers. This time, it’s okay, the big guy was given a pot by others, and they all went to this prison to die.

Thirty-seven people in total, all this time. Which of these people is not a person who is arrogant outside, but now, this is only a day’s work, and all of them have become pitiful creatures worse than pigs and dogs, locked in this cage and starving. And endure the abuse by the secret police. Take Leonid, who has been beaten six times since last night. There is basically no spot on his body without injury. If it wasn’t for his good physique, I’m afraid he would have seen God long ago.

Of course, compared to the current situation, people like Leonid are more worried about their future. This time, they fell into the hands of the Security Committee. This is a **** of others. Those who entered the secret prison of the Security Committee, Is there any chance to get out alive?

Dozens of people are agonizing over their futures here, in a damp and cold underground prison. There was a sudden “ding ding dong” sound of opening the door, and after the sound of the iron door opening stopped, the footsteps of “bang bang bang” began to come from far and near. It didn’t take a while. Two groups of soldiers with guns appeared in the corridor outside the cage, and the soldiers immediately followed outside the cage. It is the current local head of the Amur State Safety Committee, Shana Riva.

“Everyone, how is it, the environment here is not bad for me?” With her hands on her back, Shanariva stood outside the cage, stretched her legs and kicked two feet on the sturdy iron fence, and said with a smile, “Is there any feeling? What are you not satisfied with? If you have any, please bring it up.”

The eldest brothers who were locked in the two cages did not speak. They hated this woman to death now, but at the same time, they were also afraid to death.

“Why, are you still too embarrassed to say it?” Shana Liva laughed and said mockingly, “Actually, if you don’t say it, Mr. Guo has already thought of it for you. People as energetic as you are, but they are completely Being bored in this small cage will feel very boring compared to it. So, in order to give you some entertainment, Mr. Guo specially arranged some small programs for you today, hehe, let’s play a game together, just pretend It’s to relieve boredom.”

After saying this, Sanariva didn’t wait for everyone in the cage to speak, and waved her hand to the soldiers behind her and said, “Go, bring these delicate gentlemen to the shooting range.”

“Yes! Comrade Shanariva,” a sergeant stood up from the soldiers’ queue and responded.

Soon, the soldiers got busy. They opened the prison door, and in groups of two, they lifted the thirty or so prisoners who were being held inside one by one and walked outside the prison.

“Captain, Comrade Captain!” Leonid shouted as he passed by Shanariva, being held by the shoulders of two soldiers, “I want to see Mr. Guo,

Mr. Guo! What happened yesterday and my ‘Independent Russia Party’ was done by a bastard, Chelesky. I want to see Mr. Guo, I want to explain all this to him, I”


A heavy punch hit Leonid’s belly, interrupting his shouting, and Sanariva said blankly, “Shut up for me, you want to see Mr. Guo? Mr. Guo is what you want to see. Can you see it?”

Shanariva is very good at picking places when hitting people. Her punch hit the spot where the gallbladder was under the opponent’s rib. Leonid only felt that the stars were flashing in front of him, and the bitter water was surging in his stomach, but he couldn’t say it again. It’s half a sentence.

The safety committee’s range is not far from where the underground prison is located, but unlike the range used by the military, the range here is completely indoor, spacious and well-insulated.

When Leonid endured the severe pain in his abdomen and was taken to this indoor shooting range, what he saw in front of him naturally gave him a very bad premonition. He felt that maybe today this The shooting range was where his life ended.

This spacious indoor shooting range has obviously been sorted out. Those gun targets, glass retaining walls, target-receiving steel ropes and the like have been removed, and replaced by iron chains fixed on the west wall. At this moment, 16 people with bruises all over their bodies and bruised scars on their bodies are bound to those chains with their limbs stretched open. At first glance, it looks like they are suffering.

In addition to these poor bastards, in the lobby of the shooting range Nuoda, there are also two rows of soldiers with live ammunition and secret police on the left and right sides of the shooting range. These soldiers in gray-green uniforms and the secret police in blue uniforms The police were mixed together and looked quite deterrent. ,

After escorting more than 30 prisoners to the center of the shooting range and standing still, Shanariva turned and left, and went straight to a compartment in the corner of the shooting range.

“Mr. Guo, everyone has brought them here, can we start?” In the room, Guo Shouyun, Yevgeny and Stankovic were sitting around a small glass tea table chatting and drinking. Shanariva asked after entering. road.

“Let’s get started,” Guo Shouyun said absent-mindedly, while tasting the fragrant red wine with the crystal clear goblet.

With Guo Shouyun’s instructions, Shanariva turned around and walked to the square table in the room where a lot of amplifiers were placed. She turned on the microphone, tapped on the microphone first, tried the sound, and then said: ” Everyone, as I said just now, I brought you here today to invite everyone to play a very exciting game, and the purpose is naturally to relieve everyone’s boredom.”

Through the loudspeaker, Sanariva’s voice echoed back and forth over the range.

“The rules of our game are very simple,” said Sanariva’s voice, “you must have seen that in the transparent glass cabinet in front of you, there are wax **** of various colors, and the number is one hundred and sixty. , Among these wax balls, except for sixteen wax **** with a note with a name written on them, the rest are empty. Now what you have to do is to put the sixteen wax **** with the note inside. It is drawn by lot. Of course, although the probability of ten to one is very high, it still depends on your luck. When drawing the ball, each person is limited to draw one ball per round, and the winner is regarded as ‘safe’, but Sit and wait for the start of the next round, and those who take the time are regarded as ‘dangerous’. In order to improve the fun of the game, our rules stipulate that the ‘dangerous person’ can have the opportunity to pass on the ‘dangerous’, and the way to pass it on is in ten seconds. Time, say a person’s name, so as to transfer his ‘danger’ to this person. Note: the target of ‘dangerous’ to transfer ‘danger’ is limited, his name must be in the person who was arrested last night , and cannot be one of you or one of the sixteen ‘victims’, otherwise, after ten seconds, it will be regarded as a pass on failure. The loser will be eliminated from the competition Do you all understand?”

Shanariva’s voice paused for a moment, and then continued: “Now enter the game with a 20-second countdown, some who quit early, you can ask for it now. After 20 seconds, those who still stay will stand in line as you are now. order, from left to right to touch the ball one at a time.”

“Why do you want us to participate in this **** game?” As soon as Shana Riva’s voice landed, a burly man struggled and shouted, “What **** is not dangerous, me!”


Before the big man’s words were finished, a soldier standing behind him had already picked up the a in his hand, put the muzzle of the gun on the back of the big man’s head, and pulled the trigger suddenly. With a dull sound of gunfire, half of the big man’s skull was lifted and flew up, and the colorful brains and blood stained the ground in an instant.

“It’s a pity that a gentleman has already been eliminated. It seems that the difficulty you are facing has increased. I wish you good luck.” Shana Riva’s voice came again.

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