Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v3 Chapter 6 - craziest trade

?Recommend a good urban novel to a friend: “Guoshang”, ISBN: 1o36983, author: Uncle is also crazy (Khan, uncle is crazy too)


Taking Georgia’s independence incident on the 9th as a watershed, the entire Soviet Union entered a period of total chaos. At this time, no one except Guo Shouyun could have imagined that this seemingly sudden chaos would last for a full ten years. time.

When people talk about the origin of this riot, they often take the conflict between radical reform ideology and conservative mainstream ideology, national independence and opposition to division as the root cause of the explosion, but no one mentions the deeper level behind it. this cause.

As Yolinin said, this is a big queue of the domestic leadership of the Soviet Union, especially the high-level military, in the face of Georgia’s independence, in the face of swarming riots, whether it is the Moscow Military District, the Siberian Military District , or the Turkestan Military District, the Leningrad Military District, etc., have made their own reflections. The most serious conflict was the Transcaucasian Military Region, which is responsible for garrisoning the three republics of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. After Admiral Melnikov announced the martial law order in the military region, the entire military region split in an instant, and even troops and The confrontation between the troops, the confrontation between the troops and the Georgian demonstrators, the air above the Transcaucasus is full of gunpowder for a while, and armed conflict may occur at any moment.

In the Far East, the entire Far East Military Region is also not peaceful. The two major armies under the military region stand on the opposite side of Tretyak. In Birobidzhan and Magadan, the 45th mechanized army and the second motorized army The martial law troops of the Nineteenth Army entered the urban area as soon as the riot broke out. Under the suppression of tanks, armored vehicles and a large number of soldiers with live ammunition, the unrest in the two cities was extinguished almost without suspense. However, almost immediately after, some mainstream media in the Soviet Union launched a ruthless attack on the 45th Army and the 29th Army, which vigorously suppressed the riots, on the grounds of bloodshed and casualties, and demanded that the Kremlin The first-level commanders of these units took it seriously.

At the same time, some other media, which tend to be more radical, have launched public opinion propaganda from another angle. They have defined the riots in various cities as “savage violent crimes”, and based on this, they support the army riots. decisive repression.

In response to the rapid deterioration of the domestic situation in the Soviet Union, Western countries also responded quickly. On April 10, White House spokesman Herrick announced that the United States was considering recognizing the independence of Georgia, and at the same time expressed concern about the current riots in the Soviet Union. , and reminded the Kremlin that if the Soviet Union cannot stop the unrest quickly and decisively, the US government will reconsider the issue of economic aid to the Soviet Union.

In the face of domestic and international pressure, the Kremlin, which has always been pro-Western and hoped for a huge loan from the United States, has undergone a subtle but decisive change in its attitude. In a series of follow-up actions led by the traditional faction of the military, the Kremlin has an ambiguous attitude and passively resisted a series of “containment and seizure of power” actions taken by the Ministry of Defense against the radical faction, which also directly plunged the Ministry of Defense into a very difficult situation. embarrassing situation.

On April 16, the Ministry of National Defense issued an order announcing the suspension of the posts of 14 Soviet Army-level generals. However, after the order was issued, they were resisted by the relevant troops. refusal to execute the DoD’s suspension order on the grounds of notice.

The local garrison commander blatantly disobeyed the orders of the Ministry of Defense, and this incident immediately caused uproar in the Soviet Union, especially in the army, and everyone knew that the country’s movement towards real unrest was inevitable.

The turmoil in the political situation has directly caused the prominence of various social problems, and all kinds of contradictions have burst out for a while, which has caused more chaos in the public security. Within a month, it has become a paradise for criminals. Not only that, the increasingly rampant criminals have even begun to form gangs. Some large and small criminal gangs with the nature of the underworld are like It sprang up like bamboo shoots after the rain.

In view of the turmoil in the Soviet Union’s domestic situation, especially the rise of extreme xenophobia, the Soviet government was unable to provide necessary security for foreign businessmen and travelers. Before the situation in the Soviet Union was stable, the plan to trade and travel to the Soviet Union was abandoned. In fact, there is no need for this announcement, because since the beginning of April, those who are active at the ports of the Sino-Soviet border trade have begun to retreat. From this period, the import and export trade of the three major trade ports on the Sino-Soviet border has entered the Low tide.

What is inconsistent with this low ebb of trade is that the “Guo’s Import and Export Trading Company” founded by Guo Shouyun in Harbin has truly entered the golden stage of its trade with the Soviet Union during this period of time. In order to obtain sufficient supply, throughout April and May, Sun Hongyu almost stopped all her own business activities and devoted herself to the affairs of the trading company. From Jiangbei to Jiangnan, from the coast to the inland, she ran almost non-stop in order to get the order for the supply.

Since mid-April, container trucks printed with the words “Guo’s Import and Export Trading Company” have been traveling continuously from Heihe via Heilongjiang to Blagoveshchensk, from Yanji via Tumen River to North Korea’s Nanyang, and from Three trade routes from Longjing to Zhongcheng in North Korea via the Tumen River.

“Others are worried about the security situation in Lao Maozi’s side, worrying that their goods or money will be taken away, we don’t need to worry, all we need to worry about is the poor supply of goods and the constraints of import quotas.” Facing the situation in the Soviet Union , Guo Shouyun said to those newly recruited employees in the company.

Indeed, as long as it is the fleet of the Guo’s Trading Company, there is no need to worry about any problems in the Soviet Far East.

The company convoy entering Blagoveshchensk from Heihe, after passing the Soviet border checkpoint, will be answered by the 16th Division. The fully armed, company-organized Soviet soldiers will be responsible for escorting the convoy to the military supply storehouse. , and complete the final process of storage and storage there.

For goods entering North Korea via Yanji and Longjing, there are some cumbersome procedures in the process of luck. All convoys entering the DPRK must immediately complete a job of changing the means of transportation after entering the territory of North Korea. The goods transported by the convoy must be reloaded on the military vehicle arranged by Park Jinen in the shortest possible time, and then within two days Inside, transfer to the Orogen Bay Terminal. In these two days, all the entry and exit procedures for all goods will be completed.

The goods were loaded at the Orogen Bay Terminal and headed north to the sea. After arriving in the waters off the Gulf of Pochet, they completed the delivery with the Soviet military ships waiting there, and then arrived at the Port of Poshet non-stop. In this way, the export goods of Guo’s Trading Company completed a process of re-exporting through North Korea in less than four days, and finally delivered to the 56th Army of the Soviet Far East Military Region.

At present, the factional confrontation within the Soviet Far East Military Region is quite serious, but under the secret management of people with intentions, this kind of struggle between factions has not affected Guo Shouyun’s business at all. His cargo was disembarked in the port of Posiet, and then escorted to Ussuriysk by special personnel of the fifty-sixth episode, where it was loaded into the army train specially allocated by the army, and passed through Khabarovsk, Birobidzhan, The jurisdiction of the two different garrison army groups finally arrived in Blagoveshchensk, thus completing the entire process of taking the goods.

As the financial director of the company’s Harbin branch, Chang Yutong is the only person in the company who understands the entire shipping process except Guo Shouyun and Sun Hongyu. Eyes widened, mouth wide open, and then I was in a trance for a long time. From her point of view, Guo Shouyun is no longer engaged in trade. He is more like providing logistical transportation for front-line troops during the war. At the same time, Chang Yutong can’t understand how those arrogant old Maozi soldiers will get old. Honestly work with him.

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