Chapter 6: Awakening
[4 Years later] …
So, as I predicted, my years as a baby were very boring. I spent the majority of my first year just lying there and doing nothing. Of course, there were the occasional battles with my mother, the giant lady whom I found out is called Hinata, and my father is named Ezio. I'm not too sure about our last name, though
I found myself tempted to go over the collection of experience and try to create a new skill, but that would be putting the cart before the horse. However, this helped me discover my impatience, so I quickly looked to Aang's memories to find some meditations I could do to help.
The meditations just added to the boredom, but I slowly got used to it. through this meditation, I feel that I have become calmer and find myself at peace with my environment, I mean, I am not a difficult child to raise or anything. I rarely cry, I eat all my food, I don't make noise, and so on.
But this was something different. I felt a sense of tranquillity, and it affected those around me, too. Whenever my father held me, he would gradually go from hyperactive to slightly excited. That was the best I could do with his energy, but it always led to him falling asleep with me in his arms. Same with my mother, she would go from uncontrollable joy to relaxed appreciation near me.
During my second year, my calm and tranquillity atmosphere sort of became permanent. Previously, I had to be meditating to affect others just a bit, but now anyone who comes within a meter is affected.
My parents noticed and took me in for a check because they thought it was the manifestation of my quirk. The doctors couldn't explain it as this was more spiritual than physical but said there was nothing wrong with me, so it should be okay.
Also, the meditation has allowed me to touch on the threshold of [Observation Haki]. It is not much, but it is a start. Close to the end of my second year, I started crawling, which is that exciting, especially since I was pretty sure I could walk if I wanted, but I stopped myself. I was a dragon warrior trying to find inner peace. I couldn't give in to any impulses I had, and walking when my body wasn't ready could cause an injury.
My third years were very tamed. Nothing happened aside from me walking and talking a bit. Yeah, I started walking and talking, not in full sentences but in short words that conveyed my intentions, because talking was annoying, I always get these patronizing "Aww" or "so cute" yea I am cute but still.
Oh, that reminds me I saw my reflection for the first time a while back. I look like a young Shirou Emiya, but I have my father's golden eyes. I don't want to sound narcissistic, but yea, I am a predestined heartbreaker.
I can already imagine the headache I am going to receive from the ladies. *Sign* I reluctantly accept this horrible burden. I spend the majority of my time with my mum as my dad was just too energetic for my own good, even with my now powerful calming aura.
I am now 4 years old, just waiting for my quirk to come. I must admit I'm a bit excited. I can already picture how cool I will look. I just hope the side effect isn't that bad. I also noticed that my parents seemed anxious about something pertaining to me.
Also, I find it weird that despite being 4, I have yet to have any play dates with kids my age, not that I want to. It is just weird. Heck, aside from my occasional visits to the doctor, I have never really met anyone aside from my parents.
It finally happened. I got my quirk. I know I could get struck down by lighting for saying this but… FUCK YOU ROB!
It happened 5 months after turning 4. I was on my way downstairs to spend some time with my mother and then I felt it. Pain, unlike anything I have ever felt. It felt like my whole body was on fire. And when I say whole, I mean whole body from the surface of my skin to my eyeballs to my heart even my blood was not spared.
My entire being was burning but there were no flames to be seen except a little spark on my forehead. Alarmed by my pain-filled screech my mum and dad rush upstairs to find me rolling on the ground with tears streaming out of my eyes kicking and screaming.
They quickly jumped into action and call an ambulance to get me to the hospital as fast as possible. The pain did not stop nor did my screams ever when my voice was hoarse, and my throat parched.
The pain only stopped when we were close to the hospital and the spark on my forehead stopped, allowing me to escape into a dream.
At the hospital, after running a few tests the doctors discovered that the pain was the side effect of my quick. And that was the pain I felt which was somehow like getting set on fire 6 times simultaneously. Yeah, that pain was just the baseline amount of pain that I needed to endure to create a mere spark.
And that it was likely that the pain would increase along with the quantity and quality of the flames I create. So basically, the hotter my flame is or the more flames I produce the more intense the pain.
That was the price.