Reborn in the Mist

Strength Inspired

If there was one good thing to come of being on the same team as the Hozuki boy it was that the Mizukage’s attention would certainly fall on them. Of course there was the benefit of having one of the Seven Swordsmen as team lead but Juzo couldn’t be bothered half the time with either Zabuza or the Hozuki boy.

No, the true value laid in Mangetsu’s relation to the Fourth Mizukage and if Zabuza had to swallow his well-earned pride to step a closer to the power behind all then so be it.

Mangetsu alone had been recalled from the mission at Yureisen to join the Lord Fourth at the capital, Juzo sent to wreak havoc on Tsurugashima and Zabuza? Well, he had done his part as Genin, was thanked and asked to return home and prepare to resume regular activities.

The moment Juzo read out those orders Zabuza knew the war would end in a matter of days and Mangetsu, the shit stain of a child would be at the Mizukage’s side when it did. He deserved that as much as, no, more than Mangetsu did and so after his pleas to accompany Mangetsu to the capital failed to reach Juzo, Zabuza did the only thing he could think of— stowaway.

The prick Mangetsu had bothered to charter a boat to take him to the Capital which was a fortunate decision for the both of them— for the Hozuki it gave him time to recover chakra, lick what few wounds he’d bore from his battle with a Named Samurai and for Zabuza it gave him the perfect vessel to follow without being noticed on the open sea.

It helped a ton that Juzo was such a poor team lead he couldn’t care to confirm whether his subordinates followed orders or not, so long as they were given and heard. Of course, Zabuza feared the repercussions of his disobedience but not as much as the consequence of not trying for more, for what he deserved.

The trip to the capital was short, he’d perched out in plain sight about the boat where neither Mangetsu who spent most of his time recovering his strength in hammock nor the boatman would notice his presence. They docked in the bright noon of what would be a very good day and only once Mangetsu had lurched out of the boat, paid the boatman and ran to one of the largest warships at port did Zabuza reveal himself.

“Surprised?” Zabuza grinned at the Hozuki boy. There was only one way onto the Mizukage’s warship from the bustling port crawling with ANBU, the Daimyo’s Samurai and many other Kirigakure shinobi working security and it was Mangetsu.

His mission reassignment orders held as much weight as his well-known status as the Fourth Mizukage’s apprentice did and loath to admit it as Zabuza was, there was simply no other way in than with him.

The boy rolled his eyes but his lips held a hint of a smirk, “I knew exactly what you were going to do the moment Juzo-sama gave you your orders, don’t blame me if you get thrown out anyway.”

That took Zabuza by surprise. Mangetsu walked ahead for a moment before he caught up, pushing aside a couple others in line to board the ship with all sorts of cargo. Ahead were a pair of Chuunin inspecting everyone and thing that came through.

Zabuza gulped and stuck close as the Chuunin sent back a crate of alcohol someone was trying to smuggle and then it was their turn. “Name, cargo, mission?”

“Mangetsu Hozuki, one Genin, accompanying Lord Fourth to battle.” The Chuunin actually bothered to look up as he snatched the scroll Mangetsu handed to him, his eyes critically landing on Zabuza as he read through it.

“Your orders say nothing about a Genin, is he your direct subordinate?” He asked, his voice laced with so much doubt Zabuza had difficulty looking ahead and stared at his feet as Mangetsu merely shrugged. “What? Nothing to say? Well, he’ll have to stay behind until you return with the proper paperwork.”

At that Zabuza’s heart sank into a pit of despair that was quickly soaking up rage at the unfairness of it all. Mangetsu glanced back at him, surely reading his thoughts but Zabuza couldn’t speak up a word to the boy, he’d already tried more than he expected him to.

“Paperwork? What you want me to go up there, meet Yagura-sama and for the first thing out of my mouth to be a request for paperwork? Really? He’s with me for a reason, wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t supposed to be.” The Chuunin’s face was plain as stone. Mangetsu shrugged and snatched the scroll from his hands, “Alright then, don’t blame me if you get booted.”

Mangetsu was about to walk past when suddenly the Chuunin sighed, groaned and pressed his furrowed brows straight, “Fine, just…this had better not come back to haunt me.”

Zabuza tried not to grin too much as he and Mangetsu slipped past but that was easy as the Hozuki prodigies next words took out all the fun and relief, “Don’t say I never did anything for you.”

He pursed his lips in silent, grateful response and took in the large ship deck in full. It was busy as was expected, shinobi and sailors running around loading cannons, tossing crates down into storage and arranging the sails.

The view of the capital from the ship was splendid, the sprawling city of opulence barely seemed like it had suffered a year plus of war. Mangetsu led the way towards the Mizukage who stood at a table by the head of the ship, a tall cloaked ANBU stood beside him alongside the infamous Byakyugan Killer as they discussed over a map with a fancifully dressed noble woman that might be the Princess he saw at the Seven Swordsmen tournament, besides her was an armoured Samurai.

The Mizukage himself had abandoned his official haori though his hat was snuck at the corner of the table. He wore simple short sleeve mesh armour with a head band at the centre, a turquoise sash and the iconic green poncho he so loved. He didn’t have the Bo-staff he was famously known for on him but he carried a large, possibly oversized scroll with him instead.

Zabuza wondered what it could possibly contain as the Mizukage didn’t look as though he was dressed for battle at all. Mangetsu halted some paces away from the table, just enough that they could be seen waiting to be acknowledge and enough for Zabuza to pick up some of the words passed between the higher ups.

“…a single warship will not be enough is what I keep saying, Hanako-hime, shinobi or not Baron Tetsuya has guarded himself completely with over three dozen warships he’s prepared during the many months of Kiri’s inaction. And you want us to troop into a single target en masse to be blown up at sea?”

The Samurai seemed extremely stressed by the situation but it was clear he paid deference to the Princess as he surely had little power. The Byakugan Killer scowled at him and hissed, “I will not tell you another time, watch your words. This is no mere shinobi; this is the Fourth Mizukage.”  

The Samurai was quick to bite back without fear, “And does the Lord Fourth even intend on joining the actual ground battle? Hrn, I thought so.”

“I would save the honour of liberating your liege lord’s lands for you and your Samurai, besides, I am here for other tasks.” The Mizukage said in a bored tone that had Zabuza smirk, it was clear he had no respect for the Samurai or his men. Yagura waved his hand at them all, “I will merely ensure you lot make land fall and take the island with certainty as you have oft failed to do, how many of your men you will sacrifice in the process is wholly dependent on your capabilities. Now then, Princess, if you’d excuse me.”

The Mizukage didn’t move from his spot, instead the Princess bowed forcing the Samurai to swallow deeply and do the same as they left together. Zabuza mirrored Mangetsu as he bowed at the passing Princess whose face was a mix of dread and exhaustion.

The Byakugan Killer and the cloaked ANBU exchanged whispered words with Yagura for a moment. The Mizukage nodded at the ANBU operative and they disappeared from Zabuza’s sights even as he was watching unblinkingly.

At the moment the Lord Fourth finally spared Mangetsu and he a look, Mangetsu stepped forward and Zabuza followed closely as they knelt at the Mizukage’s feet. Yagura smiled at his apprentice and though he’d noticed Zabuza and surely knew he shouldn’t be here he hadn’t batted an eye as Mangetsu spoke

“I am at your service, Yagura-sama.”

Zabuza said nothing, he wasn’t asked for he’d just shown up after all, but he couldn’t help but notice how tense Mangetsu had gotten with the Mizukage’s eyes rested upon them.

“Ah, Mangetsu-kun, you should call me Master from now on, I think I’ll have your time truly now. And Zabuza-kun…” Zabuza immediately understood Mangetsu’s feelings, perhaps more so as he wasn’t meant to be here. He let his head dip further but then felt a hand upon his shoulders, “Rise, both of you, come look at this.”

They rose as one and approached the table where Zabuza felt the Byakugan Killer’s eyes fall heavy on him. He gulped and studied the map alongside Mangetsu.

It was a naval arrangement with literally only one ship set against dozens. There were notes listing the cargo and battle readiness of the one ship that was set on their side. It wasn’t anything amazing nor were there any secret weapons unless one counted the Mizukage as such. The man in question sat and asked, “What do you think?”

As though sharing the same thoughts Mangetsu and Zabuza turned to each other at the question, their faces sharing the same bewildered expression. Mangetsu furrowed his brow and spoke first, “What is…what is the strategy?”

“Full frontal assault.”

Mangetsu gulped and Zabuza chose not to remain silent, he asked, “Will shinobi be deployed pre-emptively? I heard something about a similar strategy, Hoshigaki-dono I believe.”

The Mizukage smiled, “You keep up to date, well done, but no, no such thing. Once we leave port this ship will not stop until it has deposited the army of Samurai within it on Umehebi’s shores.”

Mangetsu bit his lip, his hands clenched beside him, “I heard what you said to the Samurai, Master, will you personally act against the enemy vessels?”

He shook his head, “I have my dignity as Kage, why would I soil myself with the blood of such weaklings when I have you, my apprentice and you…the Demon of the Mist.”

Zabuza felt his knees buckle. He’d long grown to accept the accursed title but to hear it worded with such praise and, and expectation. “I won’t let you down, Yagura-sama!” he exclaimed before he could get a hold of himself.

“At your word, Master!” Mangetsu said, and not to be undermined he questioned with a twinkle in his eye, “But why are we taking the island this way? With a single ship?”

The strongest man in the Land of Water smiled and looked out at sea, “Huh, such a good question, Mangetsu-kun.” He breathed in the salt and exhaled deeply, “You see, sometimes the weak need to be reminded of just how little it takes to cripple them and why they must depend on we the strong. That’s why you’re here, my apprentice, I will teach you how to break the backs of arrogant fools to ensure they don’t rise up again.”

Zabuza felt his heart pound in excitement, this was it, he was here and he was accepted, needed even. The Mizukage was relying on him to do his part and show these rebels just what it meant to be strong.

I will not fail!


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