Reborn in the Mist

A Dance With Sharks: Junko’s Daring Assault

The crack of Junko’s heels as she cat-walked onto the deck sounded her entrance long before some busboy announced her presence at the top of his lungs. Her new subordinates tensed in as much fear of her as the blockade of ships barring their path across the Kaizoku sea.

She breathed the fresh sea air with measured glee, feeling the breeze blow against her face and toss her hair with it wherever it travelled. She glanced around the deck, finding more sailors running about doing their duties and the shinobi under her command glowering at their enemy.

When Kirigakure finally joined the Daimyo’s war Junko was certain it would be another past time that would end as soon as it began and quickly be forgotten even by the people involved. This wasn’t anything too major, yet another civil war sparked from disputes on who ought to be called Daimyo.

Like most aged Kirigakure shinobi, Junko didn’t respect the Water Daimyo any more than she respected her gateman. The man and title served a purpose to the wailing civilians of the Water Country, he existed to tend to their needs and manage their population with tax that would be paid to Kirigakure as appreciation for a multitude of services and protections.

It was a balancing act. Kirigakure, a hidden village, hasn’t the administrative might to run around collecting tax from yeomanry across all twelve island provinces even though it had the highest concentration of military might.

Which is why all Junko expected when the Mizukage called on her was a stack of money for lending her ships to his liberation effort. Instead the young man gave nothing even as he requested, no, ordered her to join the fleets leaving dock for Koorijima.

Junko hadn’t worked as a shinobi since the tail end of the Second Shinobi war, with few instances during the Third as a protection for their supplies across continent. Still, it had been years and now all of a sudden the Mizukage who’d only existed long enough to make a name for himself during the Third war was asking her to come out of her pseudo retirement and break the backs of the Daimyo’s enemies on his behalf.

She would’ve said no instantly if he weren’t so flattering. ‘I understand your responsibility as clan head which is why this will simply be a chance to remind all within and without of the strength that affords you that position. Think of it as an exercise, a showcase.’

Despite her status as a reserve corps shinobi, Junko had only retired because she became clan head. Of all the five major clan heads in Kirigakure she was the youngest and she took much pleasure in flaunting that youth at her supposed rivals any chance she got.

This was as good an opportunity as any, besides, it’s not as if she liked sitting in meetings and organizing clan events. A little excitement now and then was just what she needed to break out of the dull, clan head mould.

She clapped her hands onto her subordinates broad, tall shoulders and leaned forward against him. Flicking her sunglasses down to have a look at the bright blue sea and the dotted line of ships peaking on the horizon, “How’s it looking boys? Any funny moves?”

Her subordinate, the Jounin the Mizukage had transferred command from groaned but didn’t shrug her off despite clearly wanting to. This ship and fourteen others like it were hers to command, not simply because the Mizukage deemed so but also because the majority of them were built and maintained by the Hoshigaki. It was in every way her property.

Kirigakure as a Hidden Village didn’t truly have a need for a navy. In all its existence no one has found or invaded the village and it would continue to be as such despite the recent attacks. It was easier to send in a man than an army.

However, now that Kiri was taking war to its enemies, ships were important not just as supply vessels but for battles atop the sea. The enemy in front of them now, Baron Watanabe and his sponsored war fleet was ready and waiting to unleash a salvo of cannon fire the moment any of Junko’s ships came into range.

Already the Jounin she clung onto had already lost six ships to the aligned terror with only two being downed in return on the enemy’s side. On those six ships were sailors, low caste and Hoshigaki civilians hired to work the oars, cannons and more. The low caste died aplenty but you couldn’t be called Hoshigaki without knowing how to swim with your feet and arms bound.

Still, the lost was unacceptable, this was a mere non-shinobi force after all and it wasn’t as though Kirigakure had a large standing navy to lose ships to cannon fire left and right. The seas had to be taken dead-on and staring out at it, Junko found the Mizukage was right to send her out here.

The orange haired, Funato clan Jounin she took over from spoke, leaning away from her grasps as he did, “The enemy has been reinforced through the night, their ships now outnumber ours two to one. Karashi and I were just discussing a strategy to split their attention and enable a break through their ranks.”

Junko let him escape for now and folded her arms as she looked between the two Funato Jounin that ran this shit show to the bottom of the sea. Although many of the sailors were a combination of low caste and Hoshigaki clan members, the shinobi that were aboard the vessel were mostly of the Funato clan.

The mission the Mizukage had assigned their force was to breakthrough to Koorijima, the Island long seized and occupied by Baron Watanabe. It was an important war goal as Koorijima was one of the larger islands, rich in vegetation, spring clean waters and vital metals for crafting weapon and armour. It was no wonder they’d been reinforced so quickly, the longer Koorijima was under their control the harder it would be to end the war.

“So? What’s your plan or did you not mean to tell me?”

Both men bristled, quickly glancing at one another before her favourite Funato Jounin spoke up, “I had the idea to attack at night and under the cover of our [Hidden in the Mist] jutsu, the enemy would fire indiscriminately into the mist in fear of being outflanked but we would really be unleashing some of our best shinobi into the water and onto their ships to carry out sabotage during the operation. Once three or five of their ships are alight with fire and their panic is widespread we will complete an encirclement and unleash cannon fire into their hulls.”

Junko hummed, biting her lip as she eyed him, “That’s not a bad idea, Funato-san, but what did you say? They outnumber us two-to-one? What happens if that indiscriminate cannon fire finds mark on even half of our ships? How will we complete the encirclement? And what if the shinobi we send over are intercepted, it may be the cover of night and mist but Samurai, especially Named Samurai are no joke.”

His mouth opened to speak but Junko held a hand up and silenced him, “The mission is not simply to break the enemy at sea, it’s to break the enemy at Koorijima. If we limp our way onto shore how do we intend to break the army, forts and thousand-man militia surely waiting for us? Not to mention Baron Watanabe will be quick in reinforcing the location. We would be fighting enemies already at land with no way to fend off the ones coming to reinforce them from sea.”

She shook her head pitifully at the man, “The only thing your plan guarantees is that we lose more ships, more of my sailors and more resources to Kaizoku’s deep blue belly. No, there is a finer way to breakthrough, Funato-san.”

“And how is that?”

“A full frontal attack with every Jounin leading the charge on foot.”

Karashi exclaimed, “On foot? You mean…?”

Junko grinned and nodded, “Yes, we will use our bodies to protect the ships approach, if you want a distraction what better way to distract the enemy by giving them a human-sized, fast moving targets.”

The Funato Jounin looked appalled, “But if the cannon fire…” he gulped at the thought of a cannon ripping through his body at a single unfortunate step but quickly put aside doubts and queries to nod obediently, “As you say, Commander, I will inform our men.”

Junko chuckled, “As you do let them know that Junko-sama will be charging in with them and to stay away from sharks.”

He gave a confused look that quickly turned knowing and seemed to put him at ease. He nodded and left with Karashi, leaving Junko to lick her lips at the looming naval blockade she was about to rend.

Oh, what a showcase it’ll be, Yagura-sama.

That's all for today folks, see you next Friday. Hope you enjoyed the binge.
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